ESP Graduate Student Association
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The ESP-GSA is a GMU organization, open to all graduate students in the ESP department as well as any graduate student interested in environmental science and environmental policy. Join today!
Our Goals
- To foster a sense of community
- To increase communication within the ESP department and with other GMU departments
- To advocate for graduate student interests and concerns
- To provide a unified voice for members
- To provide extracurricular activities and have fun!
- To provide special academic events relevant to student interests
- To showcase graduate student achievements
- To foster graduate student and faculty interaction
Contact the ESP GSA
Email questions to the GSA President:
GSA President: Daya Hall-Stratton
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Esther Peters
Social media (to stay up to date on Events):
This is for CURRENT Environmental Science and Policy and Biology graduate students to express their concerns, suggestions, or any thoughts/ideas they may have regarding their graduate experience.
Your comments can remain anonymous and we will not share identifying details with anyone in the department without your express permission.
ESP-GSA Board 2024-25
President: Daya Hall-Stratton
Vice President: Charles Sterling
Secretary: Jordan Sims
Treasurer: Sam Mohney
Student Rep: Lex Berger
Social Chair: Elizabeth Greenheck
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Esther Peters
ESP-GSA Membership and Dues
Member Update Form (required for all new and returning members)
Please submit membership forms electronically to
Dues: $10 per semester; $20 for full year; payable with membership forms.
You can now pay membership dues electronically by Venmo (@espgsa)!
Old school?
We still accept hard copies of forms and payment by cash or check. You may submit forms and dues in person to any member of the ESP-GSA board, mail them to our new address, or place them in our department mailbox.
New Mailing Address
To pay dues by check, please make checks out to “George Mason University” and write “ESP-GSA” in the memo line. You can drop forms and checks off at the ESP main office (during business hours) or mail checks to:
George Mason University
4400 University Drive
Fairfax, VA 22030
Catering for Thesis/Dissertation defenses
Defending soon? It is customary for students defending to provide food and beverages at their thesis defense, and we want to help! Current and active GSA members that are defending their master’s or doctoral thesis are encouraged to inquire about our catering services. These services are provided on a first come basis and we anticipate funding for up to 5 people each semester. Funding is contingent upon approval from the Student Funding Board.
To apply, please complete the catering application form here and email it to and cc the current President and Treasurer. The deadline to apply will vary by applicant, as applications are due at least 2 months prior to the defense date.
Travel Grants
1. What is it?
Up to $250 in financial assistance for ESP-GSA members to attend a conference.
2. Funding reimbursement process
Applicants must apply before travel and will not be reimbursed until after returning from travel. Students who receive funding are responsible for managing the travel reimbursement process and filling out paperwork in a timely manner (with our help if needed) or else funding will not be provided.
3. Who is eligible?
Current ESP-GSA members, who have paid dues for the current semester before the application deadline, who are in good standing with the Association and with the University, and who will attend a conference or workshop in support of their academic progress (e.g. giving a talk, poster, or workshop). Preference will be given to active GSA members who have attended at least one event in the past year.
Please note the following New Deadlines!
- April 30 ( Conferences from July 1-Dec 29)
- October 30 (Conferences from Dec 30-June 30)
To apply, please see the "How can I apply?" section.
New applicants will be given priority over repeat applicants. Applicants presenting research are given priority.
4. How can I apply?
- Fill in the Travel Grant Application Form, the Travel Costs Spreadsheet, and submit required supporting documentation AND
- Email your entire and complete application to the current Treasurer and cc to with the subject line "Travel Grant Application" to ensure that your application is promptly processed.
Consider applying so the ESP-GSA can help fund your conference travel!
*Note that additional funding for GMU students is available through the Graduate Student Travel Fund.
Professional membership awards
Current and active GSA members are encouraged to apply for a professional membership award. Applications will be reviewed in October and April each year. This award will provide funding for one year of membership or a maximum of $40. Preference will be given to students that are interested in applying to a grant through the professional membership organization and/or intending to register for more than one year at a discounted rate. Applications will be reviewed by the board, and applicants will be notified of their status within a week of the deadline. Download the application form here.
Spring Semester: January 30
Fall Semester: September 20
To apply, please complete the form and email it to and cc the current President and Treasurer.