Forensic Science, BS
Admission CTAs
The Bachelor of Science in Forensic Science is a general forensic science degree that covers various fields within forensic science including field and laboratory applications.
Topics include areas such as crime scene investigation, forensic DNA, forensic chemistry, trace evidence, firearms examination, questioned document, fingerprints, arson, and drug analysis.
This degree is intended to provide students with a well-rounded, hands-on forensic science education in order to prepare students for entrance into a graduate-level educational program, and/or entry-level professional careers in public and private forensic laboratories, federal, state, or local government/law enforcement, defense, homeland security and intelligence agencies.

Program Highlights
- This program includes innovative curriculum that offers hands-on training with crime scene techniques and crime laboratory methodologies.
- We have an outdoor forensic excavation research and training facility.
- Courses are taught by professional and distinguished faculty from various forensic agencies and laboratories.
Course Catalog
Review admission and course requirements for this degree:
Career Paths
Forensic Science students pursue a variety of careers, including:
- Crime Scene Investigators
- Forensic DNA Analysts
- Latent Print Examiners
Research Highlights
Educational Objectives
- Demonstrate their application of skills and knowledge that they have acquired through their internship experience in a professional environment.
- Use the primary scientific literature effectively in their own research.
- Demonstrate competency in written forms of scientific communication.
- Apply the principles of writing a standard laboratory report.
- Exhibit proficiency in the operation of analytical instrumentation and the evaluation of experimental data.
- Formulate scientific explanations based on historical observations and experimental evidence, accounting for variability in experimental results.