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Student Co-Authored Publications
Journal articles
1. Alessandra Luchini, David H. Geho, Barney Bishop, Duy Tran, Cassandra Xia, Robert L. Dufour, Clinton D. Jones, Virginia Espina, Alexis Patanarut, Weidong Zhou, Mark M. Ross, Alessandra Tessitore,, Emanuel F. Petricoin III, and Lance A. Liotta. Smart hydrogel particles: biomarker harvesting: one-step affinity purification, size exclusion, and protection against degradation. Nano Lett. 2008 Jan;8(1):350-61.
2. Virginia Espina, Kirsten H. Edmiston, Michael Heiby, Mariaelena Pierobon, Manuela Sciro, Barbara Merritt, Stacey Banks, Jianghong Deng, Amy J. VanMeter, David H. Geho, Lucia Pastore, Joel Sennesh, Emanuel F. Petricoin III, and Lance A. Liotta. A Portrait of Tissue Phosphoprotein Stability in the Real-world Clinical Tissue Procurement Process. Mol Cell Proteomics. 2008 Oct:7(10): 1998-2018.
3. Caterina Longo, Alexis Patanarut, Tony George, Barney Bishop, Weidong Zhou, Mark M Ross, Virginia Espina, Giovanni Pellacani, Emanuel Petricoin, Lance Liotta, Alessandra Luchini. Core-Shell Hydrogel Particles Harvest, Concentrate and Preserve Labile Low Abundance Biomarkers, PLoS1. 2009 Mar:4(3):1-14.
4. Patanarut A, Luchini A, Botterell PJ, Mohan A, Longo C, Vorster P, Petricoin EF, Liotta LA, Bishop B. Synthesis and characterization of hydrogel particles containing Cibacron Blue F3G-A. Colloids Surf A Physicochem Eng Asp. 2010 Jun;362(1-3):8-19.
5. Dixon, E., Schweibenz, T., Hight, A., Kang, B., Dailey, A., Kim, S., Chen, M, Kim, Y., Neale, S., Groth, A., Ike, T., Khan, S., Schweibenz, B., Lieu, D., Stone, D., Orellana, T., and Couch, R.D. Bacteria-Induced Static Batch Fungal Fermentation of the Diterpenoid Cyathin A3, a Small Molecule Inducer of Nerve Growth Factor. J. Ind. Microbiol. and Biotech. August 2010.
6. Temple Douglas, Davide Tamburro, Claudia Fredolini, Benjamin Espina, Benjamin S. Lepene, Leopold Ilag, Virginia Espina, Emanuel F. Petricoin III, Lance A. Liotta, Alessandra Luchini. The use of hydrogel microparticles to sequester and concentrate bacterial antigens in a urine test for Lyme disease. Biomaterials (2010).
7. Manes NP, Dong L, Zhou W, Du X, Reghu N, Kool AC, Choi D, Bailey CL, Petricoin EF 3rd, Liotta LA, Popov SG. Discovery of mouse spleen signaling responses to anthrax using label-free quantitative phosphoproteomics via mass spectrometry. Mol. Cell Proteomics 2011 Mar;10(3):M110.000927.
8. Dixon E, Clubb C, Pittman S, Ammann L, Rasheed Z, Kazmi N, Keshavarzian A, Gillevet P, Rangwala H, Couch RD. Solid-Phase Microextraction and the Human Fecal VOC Metabolome. PLOS1 (2011) Apr: 6(4):e18471.
9. Tamburro D, Fredolini C, Espina V, Douglas TA, Ranganathan A, Ilag L, Zhou W, Russo P, Espina BH, Muto G, Petricoin EF, Liotta LA, Luchini A. Multifunctional Core-Shell Nanoparticles: Discovery of Previously Invisible Biomarkers [Internet]. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2011 Nov.
10. Iyer SC, Wang D, Iyer EPR, Trunnell SA, Meduri R, Shinwari R, Sulkowski MJ, Cox DN. The RhoGEF Trio Functions in Sculpting Class Specific Dendrite Morphogenesis in Drosophila Sensory Neurons. PLoS ONE 2012 Mar;7(3):e33634.
11. Kehn-Hall K, Narayanan A, Lundberg L, Sampey G, Pinkham C, Guendel I, Van Duyne R, Senina S, Schultz KL, Stavale E, Aman MJ, Bailey C, Kashanchi F. Modulation of GSK-3β Activity in Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis Virus Infection. PLoS ONE 2012;7(4):e34761.
12. Austin D, Baer A, Lundberg L, Shafagati N, Schoonmaker A, Narayanan A, Popova T, Panthier JJ, Kashanchi F, Bailey C, Kehn-Hall K. p53 Activation following Rift Valley Fever Virus Infection Contributes to Cell Death and Viral Production. PLoS ONE 2012;7(5):e36327.
13. Chiechi A, Mueller C, Boehm KM, Romano A, Benassi MS, Picci P, Liotta LA, Espina V. Improved Data Normalization Methods for Reverse Phase Protein Microarray Analysis of Complex Biological Samples. BioTechniques 2012 Sep;0(0):1-7.
14. Bhandarkar AR, Banerjee R, Seshaiyer P. On the Stability of Lung Parenchymal Lesions with Applications to Early Pneumothorax Diagnosis. Comput. Math. Methods Med. [Internet]. 2013 May 14
15. Federici G, Gao X, Slawek J, Arodz T, Shitaye A, Wulfkuhle JD, et al. Systems analysis of the NCI-60 cancer cell lines by alignment of protein pathway activation modules with “-OMIC” data fields and therapeutic response signatures. Mol Cancer Res MCR. 2013 Jun;11(6):676–85.
16. Shafagati N, Narayanan N, Baer A, Fite K, Pinkham C, Bailey C, Kashanchi F, Lepene B, Kehn-Hall K. 2013. The Use of NanoTrap Particles as a Sample Enrichment Method to Enhance the Detection of Rift Valley Fever Virus. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases. Jul 4;7(7):e2296.
17. Blair MG, Nguyen NN-Q, Albani SH, L’Etoile MM, Andrawis MM, Owen LM, et al. Developmental changes in structural and functional properties of hippocampal AMPARs parallels the emergence of deliberative spatial navigation in juvenile rats. J Neurosci Off J Soc Neurosci. 2013 Jul 24;33(30):12218–28.
18. Hana Winchester, Alicia Boyd, and Brittany Johnson. “An Exploration of Intersectionality in Software Development and Use.” International Workshop on Gender Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion 2022, co-located with ICSE 2022 (to appear).
Projects Presented at Scientific Conferences
1. Amy J. VanMeter, Isela Gallagher, Valerie S. Calvert, Jianghong Deng, Michele Signore, Julia D. Wulfkuhle, Vineela Ayyagari, Christopher W. Walker, Mariaelena Pierobon, Virginia Espina, Emanuel F. Petricoin III, and Lance A. Liotta. Protein signal pathway mapping: Screening potential drug targets for Multiple Myeloma. The American Association of Cancer Research Conference, San Diego CA, April 2008.
2. Alessandra Tessitore, Mark Ross, Weidong Zhou, Virginia Espina, Nishant Trivedi, Lance A. Liotta, and Emanuel F. Petricoin III. Isolation and Identification of Candidate Peptidomic Biomarker Proteins for Prostate Cancer Detection. HUPO Conference, Bethesda, MD, March 2008.
3. Julia D. Wulfkuhle, Rosa Gallagher, Aybike Birerdinc, Michael Estep, Jianghong Deng, Ami Patel, Barbara Merritt, Lucia Pastore, Anna Baranova, Emanuel F. Petricoin III, Lance A. Liotta and Kirsten Edmiston. Proteomic and Genomic Analysis of DCIS and the Tumor Microenvironment: Implications for Early Programming of the Invasive Phenotype. The American Association of Cancer Research Conference, San Diego CA, April 2008.
4. Silvestri, A. Colombatti, V.S. Calvert, J. Deng, A. Schoonmaker, E. Mammano, C. Belluco, F. De Marchi, D. Nitti, L.A. Liotta, E.F. Petricoin and M. Pierobon. "Pathway Profiling of Laser Capture Microdissected Primary Colorectal Cancer: Development of Prognostic Fingerprint Based on Functional Signal Transduction Biomarker." Joint Metastasis Research Society-AACR Special Conference on Metastasis, August 3-7 2008, Vancouver, Canada.
5. Nathan P. Manes, Li Dong, Weidong Zhou, Nikitha Reghu, Arjan C. Kool, Charles Bailey, Emanuel F. Petricoin III, Lance A. Liotta, Serguei G. Popov. Discovery of Anthrax Biomarkers Using Label-Free Quantitative Phosphoproteomics and LC-LTQ-Orbitrap-MS(/MS). 57th American Society for Mass Spectrometry Conference, June 4, 2009, Philadelphia, PA.
6. Virginia Espina, Claudius Mueller, Alex Reeder, Annalise Schoonmaker, Stacey Banks, Lucia Pastore, Kirsten Edmiston, Emanuel F. Petricoin, III, and Lance A. Liotta. Stabilization Chemistry for Universal Application to Protein, RNA, DNA and Morphology Preservation. 10th Principal Investigators Meeting for the IMAT (Innovative Molecular Analysis Technologies) Program, Oct. 7-9, 2009, Bethesda, MD.
7. Paul D. Cooper, Christine J. Franzel, John F. Cooper. Thermochemical Constraints of the Old Faithful Model for Radiation-Driven Cryovolcanism on Enceladus. The American Astronomical Society Division of Planetary Science (DPS) Conference, Oct 3-8, 2010, Pasadena,CA.
8. Smith VF, Bishop BM, Papanastasiou EA, Jehangir M, Choi H, van Hoek ML. Significance of Stereochemistry in Short Antimicrobial Peptides. Biophysical Journal 2011 Feb;100(3, Supplement 1):495a.
9. Eswar Prasad R. Iyer, Srividya Chandramouli Iyer, Ramakrishna Meduri, Dennis Wang, and Daniel N. Cox. Functional genomic analyses reveal complex transcriptional regulatory networks mediating dendritic architecture. Virginia Academy of Science Annual Meeting, May 2011.
Richmond, VA.
* Abstract Received J. Shelton Horsley Research Award
10. Alex Chen and Jason Kinser. Multi-Domain Data Modeling for Biometrics. Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Annual Workshop, October 11-13, 2011, Washington D.C.
11. Joseph Renaud and Padmanabhan Seshaiyer. Mathematical Modeling of the Fluid-Structure Interactions in Cerebral Saccular Aneurysms by Implicit Finite Difference Methods. Shenandoah Undergraduate Mathematics and Statistics Conference at James Madison University, September 29, 2012.
* Awarded best poster in Applied Mathematics
12. Alexandra Zeller and Padmanabhan Seshaiyer. Mathematical Modeling of the Symbiotic Relationship between Rhizobium Bacteria and Legumes. Shenandoah Undergraduate Mathematics and Statistics Conference at James Madison University, September 29, 2012.
13. Baldelli E., Moran J.C., Masalu N., Hassan S., Rambau P., Jackson K., Ludovini V., Pistola L., Tofanetti F.R., Siggillino A., Petricoin E.F., Pierobon M., Crino’ L. Protein Network Mapping of Retinoblastomas for the Identification of Therapeutic Targets. American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), Chicago, Illinois, June 2014.
14. Eric Wang, William Xu, Suhas Sastry, Songsong Liu, and Kai Zeng. "Hardware Module-based Message Authentication in Intra-Vehicle Networks". ACM/IEEE ICCPS 17, April 2017.
15. Renee Li, Andreas Züfle, Liang Zhao, and Georgios Lamprianidis. Modeling and Prediction of People's Needs (Vision Paper). In Proceedings of the 1st ACM SIGSPATIAL Workshop on Analytics for Local Events and News (LENS'17). ACM, New York, NY, USA, Article 3, 4 pages.
16. Jinhyung D. Park, Erik Seglem, Eric Lin, and Andreas Züfle. Protecting User Privacy: Obfuscating Discriminative Spatio-Temporal Footprints. In Proceedings of the 1st ACM SIGSPATIAL Workshop on Recommendations for Location-based Services and Social Networks(LocalRec'17), ACM, New York, NY, USA, Article 2, 4 pages.
Book chapter
1. VanMeter A, Camerini S, Polci ML, Tessitore A, Trivedi N, Heiby M, Kamal Y, Hansen J, Espina V, Petricoin III E, Liotta LA, Zhou W. Low Molecular Weight Protein Fractionation for Biomarker Discovery. Molecular Profiling, Methods and Protocols. Methods in Molecular Biology, Vol 823. Humana Press, 2012.
1. Temple Douglas, Lance A. Liotta, Claudia Fredolini, Davide Tamburro, Alessandra Luchini. Improved Lyme Disease Diagnostic Testing Using Hydrogel Bait Containing Nanoparticles, Filed Nov 2009.
2. Scott Martin, Peter Chick, Daniel Te, Brandon Parker. Networked Activity Monitoring via Electronic Tools in an Online Group Learning Course and Regrouping Students during the Course Based on the Monitored Activity. Filed September 2016.
Prior Sessions
The Aspiring Scientists dedicate their summer to make advancements in scientific research. At the conclusion of each summer term, ASSIP students present their research during a professional poster symposium attended by Mason’s faculty, staff, students and the local community. Abstracts from the program’s pilot year in 2007 until 2019 are given below. Abstracts from 2019 onward are published through George Mason University’s Journal of Student-Scientists Research, and can be accessed HERE.*
2019 Abstracts
Center for Applied Proteomics and Molecular Medicine, College of Science, George Mason University
1 .Minimal Modules and Interconnective Topology That Cause Robust Perfect Adaptation and Maladaptation in PI3K/AKT Pathway
ABDULAZIZ ALARAINI, Lance A. Liotta, Alessandra Luchini, Rachel Carter
Center for Applied Proteomics and Molecular Medicine, College of Science, George Mason University
2. Developing a Smart and Multifaceted User Interface for a Wearable Noninvasive Knee Joint Monitoring System
JENNIFER CANFIELD, Rachel Naidich, Marissa Howard, Lance A. Liotta
Center for Applied Proteomics and Molecular Medicine, College of Science, George Mason University
3. New Generation of Laser Capture Microdissection Tools for Higher Tissue Retention
HARINI SOMANCHI, Marissa Howard, Amanda Haymond, Alex. R. Hodge, Alessandra Luchini, Lance Liotta
Center for Applied Proteomics and Molecular Medicine, College of Science, George Mason University
4. New Tools for Child Disease Detection: A Diagnostic Diaper for Tuberculosis and Chagas
HARINI SOMANCHI, Sameen Yusuf, Marissa Howard, Lance A. Liotta, Alessandra Luchini
Center for Applied Proteomics and Molecular Medicine, College of Science, George Mason University
5. New Tools for Child Disease Detection: A Diagnostic Diaper for Tuberculosis and Chagas
JENNIFER CANFIELD, CONNIE ZHANG, Rachel Naidich, Marissa Howard, and Lance A. Liotta
Center for Applied Proteomics and Molecular Medicine, College of Science, George Mason University
6. Identification of Antibody-Antigen Interaction Hotspots between Interleukin-1 Receptor Accessory Protein and Two Commercially-Available Antibodies
JOSEPH W. LIU, SHIVAM SINGH, Amanda Haymond, Lance Liotta, and Alessandra Luchini
Center for Applied Proteomics and Molecular Medicine, College of Science, George Mason University
7. Protein Painting using a Cell-Based Model of PD-1 and PD-L1
KEERTANA GUNMAN, SIRI NIKKU, Amanda Haymond, Lance Liotta, Alessandra Luchini
Center for Applied Proteomics and Molecular Medicine, College of Science, George Mason University
8. Identifying Pancreatic Cancer Biomarkers in Long-Term and Short-Term Survivors Using Bait-Loaded Hydrogel Nanoparticles and Mass Spectrometry
MADELINE PAVLOVICH, Ngoc Vuong, Alessandra Luchini, David Perry2, Benjamin Weinberg, Lance Liotta, Weidong Zhou, Emanuel Petricoin
Center for Applied Proteomics and Molecular Medicine, College of Science, George Mason University
9. Provalidate for Tuberculosis: An Automated Mass Spectrometry Biomarker Discovery Pipeline
NEEL MANDAPATI, Sameen Yusuf, Ruben Magni, Hannah Steinberg, Alessandra Luchini, and Lance A Liotta
Center for Applied Proteomics and Molecular Medicine, College of Science, George Mason University
10. Discovering Biomarkers for Predicting Breast Cancer in Women with Suspicious Mammograms
NEHA SHETTY, Ngoc Vuong, Alessandra Luchini, Lance Liotta
Center for Applied Proteomics and Molecular Medicine, College of Science, George Mason University
11. Nanoparticle-Enhanced Mass Spectrometry Detection of Urinary Tick-borne Pathogen Peptides Using Data Independent Acquisition for Sensitive Diagnosis
RAYMOND DEL VECCHIO, Paul Russo, Lance Liotta, Emanuel Petricoin, Alessandra Luchini, Ruben Magni
Center for Applied Proteomics and Molecular Medicine, College of Science, George Mason University
12. Validating a Multiplexed Salivary Drug Testing Kit Using LC/MS Analysis
THOMAS FREIREICH, Marissa Howard, Paul Russo, Alessandra Luchini, Raul F. Guirguis, Lance A. Liotta
Center for Applied Proteomics and Molecular Medicine, College of Science, George Mason University
13. Application of Nanoparticle-enhanced Immunoassay and Mass Spectrometry in Detecting Babesia Peptides in the Urine of Babesiosis Patients
RAGHAD ALMOFEEZ, Paul Russo , Lance Liotta , Robert Molestina , Alessandra Luchini , Ruben Magni
Center for Applied Proteomics and Molecular Medicine, College of Science, George Mason University, American Type Culture Collection.
14. Honey Proteomics: Environmental Biomonitor of the Ecosystem Health and Potential Diagnostic Biomarkers for Honeybee Disease
ROCIO S. CORNERO, Paul Russo, Marissa Howard, Ngoc Vuong, Will Rhodes, Alessandra Luchini, Lance A. Liotta
Center for Applied Proteomics and Molecular Medicine, College of Science, George Mason University
15. Extracellular Vesicles derived from Cancer demonstrate Autophagosome Properties
DAIVIK SIDDHI1, Marissa Howard1, James Erickson2, Heather Brascome3, Amanda Haymond1, Virginia Espina1, Fatah Kashanchi2, & Lance Liotta1
Center for Applied Proteomics and Molecular Medicine1, and Laboratory of Molecular Virology2, George Mason University, and American Type Tissue Culture Collection3, USA
Center for Neural Informatics, Structure, & Elasticity, Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study, George Mason University
16. Developing a Mobile Interface for NeuroMorpho.Org
MATTHEW KURAPATTI, Bengt Ljungquist, Giorgio Ascoli, Praveen Menon, Navy Merianda
Center for Neural Informatics, Structure, & Elasticity, Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study, George Mason University
17. Exploratory Data Analysis of Autobiographical Memory Trends
HANNAH ANDERSON and Giorgio Ascoli
Department of Bioengineering & Center for Neural Informatics, Volgenau School of Engineering, George Mason University
Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies, Atmospheric, Oceanic, and Earth Sciences, College of Science, George Mason University
18. Identifying Sites for Evaluating Kuroshio Current Strength Using Oceanographic and Paleoceanographic Data
ISABELLA M. DRESSEL, ANUSHA DASGUPTA, Rocio P. Caballero-Gill, Natalie J. Burls
Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies, Atmospheric, Oceanic, and Earth Sciences, College of Science, George Mason University
19. Identifying the Timing of Sudden Shifts in Meridional Overturning Circulation and Coupled Climate Model Equilibration
WILLIAM WANG and Natalie Burls
Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies, College of Science, George Mason University
20. The Effect of a Pacific Meridional Overturning Circulation on Decadal Variability in the North Pacific Ocean
PARTH VAKIL, ISHA VOHRA, Jonathan Martin, Natalie J. Burls
Department of Atmospheric, Oceanic and Earth Sciences, College of Science, George Mason University
21. An Analysis of CMIP6 Climate Model Performance in Simulating Climatological Conditions Compared to CMIP5
CATHERINE LIANG, ALEXANDER HALL, Abdullah al Fahad, Natalie J. Burls
Department of Atmospheric, Oceanic, & Earth Sciences, College of Science, George Mason University
Department of Bioengineering, Volgeneau School of Engineering, George Mason University
22. Determining Neuronal Cell Line Protocol for C60 Treatment
ARYAN PANDYA, NAINA KOHLI, and Nathalia Peixoto
Department of Bioengineering, Volgeneau School of Engineering, George Mason University
23. Measuring Metabolic Activity of Whole Blood Cells Under Hypoxia and Normoxia Using Insoluble and Soluble Formazan Dyes
MEGAN LAWSON, Julia Leonard, Caroline Hoemann
Department of Bioengineering, Volgeneau School of Engineering, George Mason University
24. Reliability of Color-Based Pulse Detection Heart Rate Variability Analysis Software
KAREN SONG and Vasiliki Ikonomidou
Department of Bioengineering, Volgeneau School of Engineering, George Mason University
25. Determination of the Firefly Luciferase mRNA Concentration and Encapsulation Efficiency in Nanoparticles Using RiboGreen Assay
SREENIDHI SANKARARAMAN, W. W. Shanaka I. Rodrigo, Manuel J. Carrasco, Michael D. Buschmann
Department of Bioengineering, Volgeneau School of Engineering, George Mason University
26. Machine Learning Based Facial Recognition
TAAREN SINGH, Vasiliki Ikonomidou
Department of Bioengineering, Volgeneau School of Engineering, George Mason University
27. A Gait Analysis Device to Classify Normal vs. Abnormal Gaits in Flat Feet Patients
TEAGHAN DORAN, Winifred Allotey, Vasiliki Ikonomidou
Department of Bioengineering, Volgeneau School of Engineering, George Mason University
28. NMR Measurement of pKa of Nitrogen Groups
ANDIE MATTEN, Suman Alishetty, Mikell Paige, Michael Buschmann
Department of Bioengineering, Volgeneau School of Engineering, George Mason University
29. Firefly Luciferase-Based Commercial Reagent Screening of Messenger RNA Nanocomplex Transfection Efficiency in-vitro
HOODA S. SAID, W. W. Shanaka I. Rodrigo, Manuel J. Carrasco, Michael D. Buschmann
Department of Bioengineering, Volgeneau School of Engineering, George Mason University
30. Osteocyte Canicular Network Changes In a Rabbit Microdrill Cartilage Repair Model
CHETANA SUVARNA (1), ANNETTE PRAH (1), Caroline Hoemann (1,2)
Department of Bioengineering, Volgenau School of Engineering, George Mason University (1), (2) Ecole Polytechnique Montreal, Institute of Biomedical Engineering, Quebec, Canada
31. High-speed Ultrasound Measures of Whole Defect Articular Cartilage Regeneration in a Rabbit Model Effect of Coregistration of Multiple Imaging Modalities
DIVJOT BEDI (1), Colleen Mathieu (2), Jaichint Hanjra (1), Shahryar Chaudhry (1), Quentin O’Kelly (1), Parag Chitnis (1), Caroline Hoemann (1,2)
Department of Bioengineering, Volgenau School of Engineering, Virginia, USA (2) Ecole Polytechnique Montreal, Institute of Biomedical Engineering, Quebec, Canada
32. Tonic-Clonic and Clonic Seizure Detection through Non-Contact Affordable Means
ROHAN VODDHI, NORVIN WEST JR., Vasiliki Ikonomidou
Department of Bioengineering, Volgenau School of Engineering, George Mason University
33. Finding Multiple Sclerosis Lesions Using Deep Learning
ETHAN OCASIO, Vasiliki N Ikonomidou
Department of Bioengineering, Volgenau School of Engineering, George Mason University
34. Physiochemical Characterization of Firefly Luciferase mRNA Nanoparticles Using Dynamic Light Scattering
KAPIL KRISHNA, Manuel J. Carrasco, W. W. Shanaka I. Rodrigo, Michael D. Buschmann
Department of Bioengineering, Volgenau School of Engineering, George Mason University
Department of Biology, Microbiome Analysis Center,
College of Science, George Mason University
35. The Effect of Varying Diets on the Gut Microbiome of Cirrhosis Patients in the United States, Mexico and Turkey
MAYA MARATHE, NIKITA REDDY, Masoumeh Sikaroodi, Patrick M. Gillevet, Jasmohan S. Bajaj
Department of Biology, Microbiome Analysis Center, College of Science, George Mason University
Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, College of Science, George Mason University
36. Binding Characteristics of Leukotriene A4 Hydrolase and ARM1
KARLIN MOORE, Zach Beaulac, Kyung Hyeon Lee, Mikell Paige
Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, College of Science, George Mason University
37. Synthesis of peptide mimic, Ala-pNA
NADEEN ALADHAM, Sanae Moummi, Greg Petrunico, Mikell Paige
Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, College of Science, George Mason University
38. Differentiating Cis/Trans Isomers of Fatty Acid Signals By NMR Spectroscopy for Structural Elucidation of Potential Diffusible Signaling Factors
CHARLES CHALKLEY,(1) Monique van Hoek,(2) Mikell Paige (1)
Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, College of Science, George Mason University (1) 2: School of Systems Biology, College of Science, George Mason University
39. Synthesis of ARM-1 Analogues for the Anti-Inflammatory activity in LTA4H
Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, College of Science, George Mason University
40. A Method for the Isolation of CAMPs using Membrane Encapsulated Particles
CLARE HEANEY, Barney Bishop
Department of Biochemistry, College of Science, George Mason University
41. A Reliable Human VOC Extraction and Detection Method Utilizing SPME and Gas Chromatography
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, College of Science George Mason University
42. Methods for Detecting Human Volatile Organic Compounds
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, College of Science, George Mason University
43. Synthesis of 4MDM Analogs for the Modulation of LTA4H
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, College of Science, George Mason University
44. Method Development for Collecting Human Volatile Organic Compounds
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, College of Science, George Mason University
45. Verification of Plasmid Transformation Through Gel Visualization
VIVIAN CAO-DAO, Robin Couch, Sean Cronin
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, College of Science, George Mason University
Department of Computer Science, Volgenau School of Engineering, George Mason University
46. Crowd Microservices Hackathon: Utilizing Crowdsourcing for Microtask Programming on a Large-Scale
AARUSHI DUBEY, Thomas LaToza, Emad Aghayi
Department of Computer Science, Volgenau School of Engineering, George Mason University
47. Facilitating 3D Model Construction and Minimizing Parameter Definition in Programming-Based Computer Aided Design Software through the Application of Program Synthesis by Example
Department of Computer Science, Volgenau School of Engineering, George Mason University
48. StackOverflow for Programming Strategies
SNEHA IYER, Maryam Arab, Thomas Latoza
Department of Computer Science, Volgenau School of Engineering, George Mason University
Department of Environmental Science and Policy, College of Science, George Mason University
49. Identifying the Determinants of Recycling Rates in the US: A Multi-level Analysis
Department of Environmental Science and Policy, College of Science, George Mason University
50. Abundance of Crab Species and Parasites in the Potomac River
RIDHIMA BHATIA, Darby Pochtar, Amy Fowler
Department of Environmental Science and Policy, Potomac Environmental Research and Education Center, College of Science, George Mason University
51. Rainfall Influences on Microbial Community Dynamics in an Urban Watershed
DHANUSH S. BANKA, Thomas Hutchinson, Steven Chan, Benoit van Aken, Jennifer Salerno
Department of Environmental Science and Policy, Potomac Environmental Research and Education Center, College of Science, George Mason University
52. Determining Whether Aquatic Plumed Worms Act as a Compatible Host for Parasites Found in Native Sea Snails
CHRISTINA PELLICCIO, Alex Mott, Amy Fowler, April Blakeslee
Department of Environmental Science and Policy, Potomac Environmental Research and Education Center, College of Science, George Mason University
Department of Information Sciences and Technology, Volgenau School of Engineering, George Mason University
53. Bloom Filter Monitor System for Detecting Man-in-the-Middle Attacks in IoT-Fog Networks
MICHELLE LIU, Pouyan Ahmadi, Khondkar Islam
Department of Information Sciences and Technology, Volgenau School of Engineering, George Mason University
54. E2EAck: A Novel End-to-End Acknowledgement Approach to Detect Collaborative Black Hole Attacks in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
SOHOM PAUL, Pouyan Ahmadi, Khondkar Islam
Department of Information Sciences and Technology, Volgenau School of Engineering, George Mason University
55. A Robust Comparison of the KDDCup99 and NSL-KDD Intrusion Detection Datasets by Utilizing Principle Component Analysis and Evaluating the Performance of Various Machine Learning Algorithms
SUCHET SAPRE, Pouyan Ahmadi, and Khondkar Islam
Department of Information Sciences and Technology, Volgenau School of Engineering, George Mason University
56. Real-Estate Price Prediction Using Time Series Forecasting Methods
ARNAV WADEHRA, Setareh Rafatirad
Department of Information Sciences and Technology, Volgenau School of Engineering, George Mason University
Department of Mathematical Sciences, College of Science, George Mason University
57. Finding an Optimal Removal Function for a Composting System through Mathematical Modelling
JAYEESH CHENNUPATI, Padmanabhan Seshaiyer
Department of Mathematical Sciences, College of Science, George Mason University
58. Resource Optimization: Minimizing the Cost of Solar Panel Installation
JEREMY SUH and Padmanabhan Seshaiyer
Department of Mathematical Sciences, College of Science, George Mason University
59. Rehabilitation Technology and Relapse-Detecting Software for Recovering Opioid Addiction Patients
DIEGO VALENCIA, Kendall Johnson, Padmanabhan Seshaiyer
Department of Mathematical Sciences, College of Science, George Mason University
60. Mathematical Modeling, Analysis, Simulation of the Opioid Crisis with Prescription and Social Drug Addiction Models
KIRTHI KUMAR, Padmanabhan Seshaiyer
Department of Mathematical Sciences, College of Science, George Mason Universit Department of Physics and Astronomy, College of Science, George Mason University
61. Searching for exoplanets using the transit and radial velocity method
KENNEDY JETER, Bryson Cale, and Peter Plavchan
Department of Physics and Astronomy, College of Science, George Mason University
62. Confirming the Existence of K2 Candidate Exoplanets Using the Transit Method
ANOUSHKA CHINTADA, SHERRIE FENG, Peter Plavchan, and Justin Wittrock
Department of Physics and Astronomy, College of Science, George Mason University
63. Comparing three periodogram algorithms: Lomb-Scargle, Box-fitting Least Square, and Plavchan
SRIHAN KOTNANA, Patrick Newman, and Peter Plavchan
Department of Physics and Astronomy, College of Science, George Mason University
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Volgenau School of Engineering, George Mason University
64. Implementation of Lightweight Encryption Algorithms on Crazyflie 2.0 Nano Quadcopter
DAVID RUDO, Brandon Fogg, THOMAS LU, MATTHEW CHANG, Yaqi He, Shrinath Iyer, Kai Zeng
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Volgenau School of Engineering, George Mason University
65. Portable Electrocardiogram to Monitor Heart Rhythm and Detect Irregularities: Designing a Wearable Device
CHRISTIAN YUPANQUI and Nathalia Peixoto
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Volgenau School of Engineering, George Mason University
66. CAPTURE: An End-to-End Mobile Implementation for a Computationally Optimized Deep Learning Framework
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Volgenau School of Engineering, George Mason University
67. Design and Fabrication of a PocketQube Satellite Chassis Utilizing a Backplane System
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Volgenau School of Engineering, George Mason University
Forensic Science Department, College of Science, George Mason University
68. The Detection of Clandestine Graves Using Thermal Images Taken by Drones
ANIKA KOLOLGI, Mary Ellen O’Toole, Anthony Falsetti, and Steve Burmeister
Forensic Science Program, College of Science, George Mason University
Interdepartmental Program in Neuroscience, Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study, George Mason University
69. Maturation of Excitatory Synapses in the Juvenile Rodent Hippocampus Supports Spatial Navigation Ability in the Barnes Maze
ANJALI SARDANA, Nazanin Valibeigi, Diyi Chen, Richard H. Ogoe, Stanley J. Yoon, Carmen Kimball, Daniel G. McHail, Theodore C. Dumas
Interdepartmental program in Neuroscience, Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study, George Mason University
70. Evaluating Differences in Synaptic Density in GluN2 Chimeric Mice Pyramidal Hippocampal Neurons
S. K. PACK, R. E. Keith, S. Singh, M. J. Keith, R. Binoy, T. C. Dumas
Interdepartmental Program in Neuroscience, Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study, George Mason University
71. Use of Tardigrades in studying the role of metabolism in memory storage
JUNPEI TARASHI, Daniel Tran, Theodore Dumas
Interdepartmental Program in Neuroscience, Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study, College of Science, George Mason University
72. Reconstructions of Digitally Uploaded Neurons
Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study, George Mason University
73. Localizing Genetically Encoded Voltage Indicators to the Neuronal Soma
AKSHATA SASTRY, Lucas Kinsey, Brandon Leon, Theodore Dumas
Marion duPont Scott Equine Medical Center, Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine, Virginia Tech
74. Variation in Media Composition for the Expansion of Equine Mesenchymal Stem Cell Cultures
RENEE DALY and Jennifer G. Barrett
Marion duPont Scott Equine Medical Center, Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine, Virginia Tech
75. Cryopreservation of Equine Platelet-rich Plasma
BRIGHTNEY J. VARGHESE and Jennifer G. Barrett
Marion duPont Scott Equine Medical Center, Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine, Virginia Tech
76. Needle Optimization Study for Equine BMSC Injections
ROZLAN BASHA, Kayla Turner, Jennifer Barrett
Marion duPont Scott Equine Medical Center, Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine, Virginia Tech
Office of Sustainability, Hydroponics and Urban Agriculture, George Mason University
77. Evaluating the Yield of Helianthus Annuus When Treated with Sodium Hypochlorite and Other Factors ZACHRE ANDREWS, ESHA FATEH, ELIZABETH SHAVER, FRANCESCA LEE, ASHANTI HERNANDEZ, Mariela Rivera, and Donielle Nolan
Office of Sustainability, Hydroponics and Urban Agriculture, George Mason University
School of Systems Biology, College of Science, George Mason University
78. Modeling BRCA1 Mutant Fitness with Computational Mutagenesis and Machine Learning
School of Systems Biology, College of Science, George Mason University
79. Differentiating Between Antimicrobial Peptide and Non-Antimicrobial Peptide Sequences Based on Sequences’ Amino Acid Distributions
School of Systems Biology, College of Science, George Mason University
80. Protect or potentiate: The role of common medications in response to radiotherapy
SYDNEY ANDES, Justin Davis, Daniel Pinto, Fatah Kaschanchi, Claudius Mueller, Virginia Espina
School of Systems Biology, College of Science, George Mason University
81. Docking of Proteins from F. tularensis subsp. tularensis strain SCHU S4
ISHA GUPTA, Shin-Chao Lin, Monique Van Hoek
School of Systems Biology, College of Science, George Mason University
82. A Predictive Model of the Aggregation Propensity of Alzheimer’s Disease Amyloid-Beta (1-42) Variants based on Computational Mutagenesis and Machine Learning
NUHA MOHAMMED, Iosif Vaisman
School of Systems Biology, Department of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, School of Systems Biology, College of Science, George Mason University
83. Diagnosing Geriatric Depression from Multiple Variables using a Random Forest Classifier
School of Systems Biology, Department of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, School of Systems Biology, College of Science, George Mason University
84. JBPP: Utilizing Plotting to Compare Phosphorylation Site Prediction Programs
ERIC Li and Iosif Vaisman
School of Systems Biology, Department of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, School of Systems Biology, College of Science, George Mason University
85. Targeting HTLV-1 Infected Cells with Lentiviral Vectors
CYRUS ANDALIBI, Brian Hetrick, and Yuntao Wu
School of Systems Biology, Department of Molecular and Microbiology, National Center for Biodefense & Infectious Diseases, College of Science, George Mason University
86. Protease inhibitors and their influence on the structural function of HIV - 1 Protease Ligand Binding Site
School of Systems Biology, Laboratory for Structural Bioinformatics,
Department of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, College of Science, George Mason University
87. Using Machine-Learning and Mathematics-Based Models to Predict Protein Stability for Single-Site Mutations
YASH ARORA and Iosif Vaisman
School of Systems Biology, Laboratory for Structural Bioinformatics, Department of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, College of Science, George Mason University
88. ImmuneML: Machine Learning Based Stability Change Prediction of the IL-33/ST2/IL-1RAcP Signaling Protein using Computational Mutagenesis
ANKIT GUPTA and Iosif Vaisman
School of Systems Biology, Laboratory for Structural Bioinformatics, Department of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, College of Science, George Mason University
89. Generation of 3D Neurospheres for Modeling HIV-1 Infection and Stem Cell EV Analysis
GABRIELLE HELLER, Heather Branscome, James Erickson, Daniel O. Pinto, Gifty Mensah, Maria Cowen, Tom Lattanze, Yuri Kim, Farah Kashanchi
School of Systems Biology, Laboratory of Molecular Virology, College of Science, George Mason University
90. Characterization of Extracellular Vesicles (EVs) from HUT102 and ATL-16 Cells
SAHAN RAGHAVAN, Tom Lattanze, James Erickson, Daniel O. Pinto, Maria Cowen, Gifty Mensah, and Fatah Kashanchi
School of Systems Biology, Laboratory of Molecular Virology, College of Science, George Mason University
School of Systems Biology, College of Science, George Mason University (cont.)
91. Extracellular Vesicles from HTLV-1 Infected Cells Induce Secretion of Proinflammatory Cytokines in Recipient Blood Brain Barrier Cells
JAMIE NELSON, Daniel Pinto, James Erickson, Heather Branscome, Fatah Kashanchi
School of Systems Biology, Molecular Virology Lab, College of Science, George Mason University
92. Calcineurin and p53 Inhibitors Decrease Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis Virus Replication in Vero Cells
TAKODA CHRIS, Victoria Callahan, Brian Carey, W. Zhou, L. Liotta and K. Kehn-Hall
School of Systems Biology, National Center for Biodefense and Infectious Diseases, George Mason University, 2Center for Applied Proteomics and Molecular Medicine, School of Systems Biology, College of Science, George Mason University, 2Center for Applied Proteomics and Molecular Medicine, School of Systems Biology, George Mason University
Virginia Serious Games Institute, College of Visual and Performing Arts, George Mason University
93. Personalized Recursive Online Facilitated Intelligent Teaching (PROF(it)): An Artificial Intelligent Teacher with Dynamic Content Distribution, Adaptive Teaching Methodology, and Classroom Management
Virginia Serious Games Institute, College of Visual and Performing Arts, George Mason University
Aspiring Inventors Club, George Mason University
94. MicroCounter: A Novel Method for Calculating the Concentration of Microplastics in any Given Water Sample Using a Proprietary Neural Network
George Mason University Aspiring Inventors
95. An Application to Acclimate Study Abroad Students to a College Environment
AKSHATH BURRA, ALEXANDER HALL, Sameen Yusuf, Marissa Howard, and Lance A. Liotta
George Mason University Aspiring Inventors
96. Unbox: A Non-Invasive Mental Health Monitor and Support Network for Adolescents
George Mason University Aspiring Inventors
97. “Gotcha Back”: Integrated Force Sensing Resistors to Detect Risk of Long-Term Spinal Injury in Backpack Users
NICKLAS RIGO, BHAVJEET SANGHERA, ETHANK OCASIO, Sameen Yusuf, Marissa Howard, and Lance A. Liotta
George Mason University Aspiring Inventors
2018 Abstracts
Center for Applied Proteomics and Molecular Medicine College of Science, George Mason University
1. Minimal Modules and Interconnective Topology That Cause Robust Perfect Adaptation in Protein Signaling Networks, Abdulaziz Alaraini, Dr. Elisa Baldelli, Dr. Robyn Araujo, Dr. Lance A. Liotta, Dr. Alessandra Luchini
2. Optimization of Nanotrap® particle-based Immunoassay for the detection of multiple Borrelia urinary antigens in patients infected with Lyme disease, Katherine Meade, Lance Liotta, Alessandra Luchini, and Ruben Magni
3. Optimization of Protein Painting: Investigation of Digestion Time and Urea Concentration, Varun Kota, Amanda Haymond Still, Douglass Dey, Pranavi Nara, Lance Liotta, Alessandra Luchini
4. ProtoBlast: A Cross-platform Software for Mass Spectrometry Analysis of BLAST and Proteome Discoverer Data, Nuha Mohammed, Sameen Yusuf, Marissa Howard, Ruben Magni, Lance Liotta, and Alessandra Luchini
5. Urigami: An Novel Urine Fluid Collection System for Point of Care Diagnostics, Abigail Andrade, Sameen Yusuf, Sara Sharif, Marissa Howard, Alessanda Luchini, Lance A. Liotta
Center for Secure Information Systems Volgeneau School of Engineering, George Mason University
6. Fingerprint Presentation Attacks Realized With Non-Cooperative Methods, Emmanuela Marasco, Stefany Cando, Larry Tang, Luca Ghiani, Elham Tabassi, Gianluca Marcialis, Meaghan Wheeler, Aparna Parlapalli
7. Mitigation of Cyber Attacks Through Service Configuration, Samuel Philip*, Kaan Turkmen*, Massimiliano Albanese
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
8. Analyzing Human Scent, Tyler Couch, Dr. Allyson Dailey, Dr. Robin Couch
9. Cadaver Detection and the Elucidation of Human-Specific VOCs, Ilana Levy, Dr. Allyson Dailey, and Dr. Robin Couch
10. Functionalized Hydrogel Microparticles and Reversible Addition-fragmentation Chain Transfer (RAFT) Precipitation Polymerization, Colin Del Duke, Anthony Michael, Marynet Po, and Barney Bishop
11. Interactions between LTA4H and PGP, Jadon Moon, Kwaku Acquah, Sunho Oh, Reva Joshi, Dr. Mikell Paige
12. Mechanism Studies on Activation of the Leukotriene A4 Hydrolase Enzyme, Nadia Ali, Kyung Hyeon Lee, Gregory Petruncio, Mikell Paige
13. Producing TEV Protease to Cleave the Affinity Tag on Alphavirus NSP2 Protein, Hannah Yoo, Kyung Hyeon Lee, Dayadevi Jirage, Iswarduth Soojhawon, Schroeder M. Noble and Mikell Paige.
14. Site-directed Mutagenesis of a Condensation-incompetent Ketosynthase Domain to Restore the Carbon-carbon Bond Formation Function, Danbi Rhee, Dr. Young-Ok You
15. Site-directed Mutagenesis of Catalytic Residue of DfnKS4 for the Investigation of the Sequence-Function Relationship, Vibha Gurunathan, Dr. Young Ok-You
16. Site-directed Mutagenesis of Wild-type DfnA Fusion Proteins to DfnA G537V/G538A to Observe Effects on Protein Functions and Inter-domain Interactions, Debbie W. Dong, Young-Ok You
17. Synthesis of Derivatives of [1,2,4]triazolo[4,3-a]quinolones, Nitasha Abbas, Hufsa Khan, Mikell Paige
18. Targeting the ESKAPE pathogens: Inhibition of Acinetobacter baumannii and Klebsiella pneumoniae 1-Deoxy-D-Xylulose 5-Phosphate Reductoisomerase, Mosufa Zainab*, Haley Ball*, Misgina Girma*, Dr. Cynthia Dowd**, Dr. Shroeder Noble***, Dr. Robin Couch*
19. Ultranano-SPE Lipidomics’ of primary and metastatic adenocarcinomas to guide cancer staging and prognosis, Shawin Vitsupakorn, Zach J. Beaulac, and Dr. Robin Couch
Department of Atmospheric, Oceanic, and Earth Sciences
20. Analyzing the Dependence of El Niño on Pacific Warm Water Volume and Wind Stress in an Earth System Model, Serena Xia, Jared Nirenberg, Natalie Burls, Keri Kodoma
21. Evaluating Subseasonal Forecast Skill of Key Flood Forecasting Variables, Samuel Thomas, Ehsan Erfani, Natalie Burls, Kathy Pegion
Department of Computer Science, Volegeneau School of Engineering
22. A User-Interactive Machine Learning Model for Identifying Structural Relationships of Code Features, Kartik Chugh1, Ankit Gupta1, Andrea Solis1, Thomas D. LaToza
23. Teaching and Learning Explicit Programming Strategies, Andrew J. Ko, Thomas D. LaToza, Stephen Hull, Ellen Ko, Jane Quichocho, William Kwok, Harshitha Akkaraju, Rishin Pandit
24. Theories of Programming: Discovering Contextual Factors for Efficient Software Development, Priyanka Mehta, Thomas LaToza, Abdulaziz Alaboudi
Department of Mathematical Sciences
25. A Mathematical Model for the Role of Acetylsalicylic Acid in Cancer-induced Angiogenesis, Vishal Kobla, Dr. Padmanabhan Seshaiyer
26. Implementing Deep Learning into Virotherapy Models for Cancer Treatment, Joshua P. Smith, Padmanabhan Seshaiyer
27. Mathematical Modelling and Simulation of Cancer in the Immune System, Pranav Unni, Padmanabhan Seshaiyer
Department of Physics and Astronomy
28. The Effects of Ultrasound on Metabolism, Anhthu Cung, Quonte Watkins, John Cressman
29. Towards Making Radio-frequency Atomic Magnetometers Compact, Economical and Robust, Matthew Chitre, Daniel Rodriguez, and Karen Sauer
Department of Psychology
30. Differential Aspects of Calcium Conductance and Intracellular Signaling by Chimeric NMDARs in Spatial Memory and Learning in Spaced Training , Vijay Iyer and Theodore Dumas
31. Expression of NMDAR GluN2 chimeric subunits permits the separation of influences of calcium conductance dynamics and intracellular signaling on learning and memory in a spaced training version of the Morris water maze, Anna E. Hennessey, Theodore C. Dumas
32. Applying Convolutional Neural Networks to Visual Recognition Technology, Eli
Kirtley and Dr. Xiang Chen
33. AVeNEU: A Robust Neural Network for Speech Recognition against Ambient Vehicle Noise, Medha Gupta, Dennis Tian, and Xiang Chen
34. Spectrum Sensing on a Software-defined Radio Platform for Cognitive Radio Networks, Mark N. Chitre, Brian L. Mark
Microbiome Analysis Center
35. Berberine as a Potential Approach Towards Preventing Colon Cancer, Aumena Choudhry*, Michael Einhorn*, Maxwell Lee*, Meghana Malaya*, Akashdeep Randhawa*, Timur Oljuski** Pat Gillevet and Masoumeh Sikaroodi
*=primary authors **=secondary authors
36. Diagnosing Hepatic Encephalopathy Utilizing Gut Microbiota Composition, Aumena Choudhry*, Michael Einhorn*, Maxwell Lee*, Meghana Malaya*, Akashdeep Randhawa*, Timur Oljuski**, Masoumeh Sikaroodi and Pat Gillevet
*=primary author **=secondary author
37. Statistical Analysis of Exercise in the Gut Microbiota for the Further Evaluation of Cirrhosis, Akashdeep Randhawa, Maxwell Lee, Aumena Choudhry, Michael Einhorn, Meghana Malyala, Masoumeh Sikaroodi, Jasmohan Bajaj, Patrick M. Gillevet
National Center for Biodefense and Infectious Diseases
38. Characterization of a Capsid Phospho-Deficient Strain of Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis Virus, Sarah Finstuen-Magro, Brian Carey, Ivan Akhrymuk, Kylene Kehn-Hall
39. Development of an A3R5.7 SIV Indicator Cell Line, Hongyi Zhang and Yuntao Wu
40. Development of Vero Cell Line Expressing the Large T Antigen., Eric Chen and Yuntao Wu
41. Evaluating Components of Multicellular Neurovascular Unit as a Blood-brain Barrier Model System for Alphavirus Research, Tishani Patel, Stephanie Kortchak, Kenny Risner, Aarthi Narayanan
School of Systems Biology
42. Comprehensive Analysis of Pandoravirus Protein Sequences using N-gram Analysis and Machine Learning Models, Chris Jose, Saagar Sheth, and Iosif Vaisman
43. Identification of SNPs Relating to Autism Spectrum Disorders Using Whole Genome Genotyping Data, Martha T. Gizaw and Iosif Vaisman
44. Modeling Fitness of Unregulated RAS Mutants Using Computational Mutagenesis and Machine Learning, Majid Masso, Arnav Bansal, Akhil Gajjala, Preethi Prem, and Iosif Vaisman
45. Novel Effects of Ebola VP40 on Host Cells’ Autophagy Pathway, Alisha Jain, James Erickson, Robert A. Barclay, Michelle L. Pleet, Catherine DeMarino, Maria Cowen, Daniel Pinto, Gifty Mensah, Thy Vo, Fatah Kashanchi
46. Understanding Multi-Drug Resistance Mechanisms in HIV-1 by Analyzing Mutational Patterns in the Viral Proteomes, Samiksha Kale, Mishka Philizaire, and Iosif I. Vaisman
Virginia Serious Games Institute
47. Securing System and Method for Securing ΩLM Learning Experienes , Scott M. Martin, Rachel Naidich, Matthew Trang, Hahnbee Lee, William Chen
VT Marion duPont Scott Equine Medical Center
48. Development of Xenogeneic-Free Media for the Culture of Equine Mesenchymal Stem Cells, Anneliese B. Goetz, Jennifer G. Barrett
49. Spheroid Culture of Canine Adipose Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells for Osteoarthritis, Mannat Chawla, Jennifer G. Barrett
Bioengineering Department
50. Analysis of Heart Rate Variability through Facial Analysis Software in MATLAB, Manu Veeraraghavan, Sara Khan, Dr.Vasiliki Ikonomidou
51. Creating Impermeable Glass Coating in PDMS Using Sol-gel Chemistry, Anthony
M. Kang, Daud H. Khan, and Nitin Agrawal
52. Detection and Analysis of Heart Rate from a Prerecorded Video, Chaitrali Patil, Dr.
Vasiliki Ikonomidou
53. Development and optimization of matching layer deposition for a wearable
ultrasound transducer, Kerry McConnaughay, Joseph Majdi, Biswarup Mukherjee,
Parag Chitnis, Siddhartha Sikdar
54. Development of a High Throughput Biomaterial Assay to Characterize Neutrophil
Migration, Rebecca T. Beuschel (1), Divjot Bedi (1), Caroline Hoemann (1)
(1) George Mason University, Department of Bioengineering, VA, USA
55. Evaluation of a Skin Stretch Device for Haptic Feedback in Prosthetic Limbs, Mela
Coffey, Biswarup Mukherjee, Ananya Dhawan, Shriniwas Patwardhan, Siddhartha
56. Expanding the Knowledge Base of Neurons in the Rodent
Hippocampus, Zainab Aldarraji*, Arusha Arif*, Giorgio A. Ascoli
57. How Does the Addition of Noise Affect Different Aspects of Heart Rate
Variability? Himavarsha Yerraguntla, Archana Swaminathan, Dr. Vasiliki
58. Measurement of Linearity of the Vibrotactile Feedback Device, Abdul Noor,
Biswarup Mukherjee, Shriniwas Patwardhan, Ananya Dhawan, Siddhartha Sikdar
59. Real-Time Proportional Control with Classification of a Target Using Ultrasound,
Alexandra Soccio-Mallon, Ananya Dhawan, Biswarup Mukherjee, Siddhartha Sikdar
60. The Effect of Nicotine on Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in MCF-7 Breast Cancer
Cells, Ishan Kalburge and Nitin Agrawal
61. The Effect of the Absence of Visual Feedback on Users’ Performance Using
Ultrasound Imaging-Based Control System, Esther Dagne, Shriniwas Patwardhan,
Biswarup Mukherjee, Ananya Dhawan, Siddartha Sikdar
62. The Effect of Using Early Motion Completion Reference Image Frames on
Classification Accuracy of Able-bodied and Amputees, Drake K Foreman, Ananya S
Dhawan, Biswarup Mukherjee, Siddhartha Sikdar
63. The Effects of a Stress Inducing Stimulus on Brain Waves, Ankita Somalwar,
Taaren Singh, Dr. Vasiliki Ikonomidou
64. The Photoacoustic Signatures of Carbon Nanotubes and Metallic Nanotube, Tanvi
Bhat, Giovanni Giammanco, Patrick Vora, Parag Chitnis
65. The Significance of Digital Morphology in Understanding Brain Function, Robert R.
Christoff*, Samira Naeem*, Giorgio A. Ascoli
66. Ultrasound Imaging using Matlab to Reconstruct Whole and Defect Rabbits Knees,
Shahryar Chaudhry, Colleen Mathieu, Parag Chitnis, Caroline Hoemann
67. Ultrasound-Based Prothesis Allows Intuitive Task Completion, De'Andre Darby,
Ananya S. Dhawan, Biswarup Mukherjee , Shriniwas Patwardhan, Siddhartha Sikdar
68. Using Non-invasive, High Resolution Ultrasound Imaging to Visualize Neural
Activity, Emma M Glass, Shani E. Ross, Parag V. Chitnis
Inventors’ Club
69. Drug and Water Quality Testing Device to Help Prevent Date Rape Events and the
Consumption of Contaminated Water, Anoushka Deshmukh, Chaitrali Patil,
Himavarsha Yerraguntla, Archana Swaminathan, Manu Veeraraghavan, Daniel
Huynh, Anna Hennessey, Sophie Fazel, Marissa Howard, Dr. Lance Liotta
70. “Drive & Vibe”: Vibration-based GPS system geared towards hearing-impaired
drivers, William Chen, Shawin Vitsupakorn, Martha Gizaw, Samuel Philip, Marissa
Howard, Sofie Fazel, and Dr. Lance Liotta
71. Design of a Thermo-Rehabilitative Ankle Compression Sleeve (TRACSleeve), Mela
Coffey, Kerry McConnaughay, Abdul Noor, Ishan Kalburge, Drake Foreman, Esther
Dagne, Sofie Fazel, Marissa Howard, Lance Liotta
72. Medispense: Pill Dispensation Through Automation, Kartik Chugh, Medha Gupta,
Priyanka Mehta, Rishin Pandit, Serena Xia, Sofie Fazel, Marissa Howard, and Lance
73. PD^3 Smart BASe: A Multi-Platform, High Performance Diagnosis for Parkinson’s
Disease Using Tremor Quantification and Deep Learning, Nitasha Abbas*, Arnav
Bansal*, Divjot Bedi*, Aumena Choudhry*, Chris Jose*, Varun Kota*, Nuha
Mohammed*, Akashdeep Randhawa*, Mosufa Zainab*, Sofie Fazel**, Marissa
Howard**, Lance Liotta**, *primary author **secondary author
74. Portable EEG Device and Data Analysis Application for the Diagnosis and
Monitoring of Cognitive Diseases, Taaren Singh, Vijay Iyer, Tanvi Bhat, Sara
Khan, Mark Chitre, Ankita Somalwar, Sofia Fazel, Marissa Howard, and Lance
75. StrokeSave: A Novel High-Performance Multi-Platform Mobile Application for
Cerebrovascular Stroke Diagnosis using Deep Learning, Ankit Gupta, Chris Jose,
David Rudo, Kaan Turkmen, Sofie Fazel, Marissa Howard, and Lance Liotta
2017 Abstracts
1. Digital Reconstruction of Neuromorphology, Daniel Colombani-Garay, Jonathan Reed, Emily Metz, Fatima Siddiqui, Miranda Ayhan, Farishta Boura, Dr. Giorgio A. Ascoli
2. Morphological and Sub-Structural Analysis of Genetically Altered Dendritic Arborization (da) Neurons from the Drosophila Larva, Akhil Goel, Anna Lulushi, Adarsh Mallepally, Margaret Kirtley, Amanda Hsu, Alisha Compton, Oanh Dao, Leah Kiely, Jacinta das, Giorgio Ascoli, Sumit Nanda
3. A Lab-on-a-Chip Model to Investigate Hypoxia Induced Effects on Cerebral Aneurysms, Arul Balla, Daud Khan, Steven Roberts, Juan Cebral, Nitin Agrawal
4. Filter Centrifugation: An Efficient Alternative for Purifying and Concentrating Nanoparticles, Nilay Neelaveni, Steven Roberts, Neil Parikh, Nitin Agrawal
5. Quantitative Image Markers for Measuring Muscle Fatigue, Andrew Ryan, Matthew Bird, Clayton A Baker, Parag Chitnis, Siddhartha Sikdar
6. Single Element Ultrasound Transducer Imaging in the Diagnosis of Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt Function, Alexander Abdollahzadeh, April Joy C. Aralar, Siddhartha Sikdar, Ph.D.
7. Analyzing Arterial Models in Patients with Carotid Artery Stenosis, Akshaya Ganesh, Amir A. Khan, Brajesh Lal, Siddhartha Sikdar
8. Efficacy of Mental Imagery for Technical Dance Corrections, Delina Sheth, Julia Cipriani, Chrysantha Davis, Cydney Dennis, Michelle Dickerson, Sophie Massa, Wilsaan Joiner
9. New Concepts for Nanoparticle-Enhanced Rapid Diagnostic Tests for Improving Early Disease Detection, Kyle Gatesman, Marissa Howard, Ruben Magni, Alessandra Luchini, Lance Liotta
10. Identification of Oncogenic Protein-Protein Interaction Hotspots in the Hippo Signaling Pathway and BRCA-1 via Novel Protein Painting Techniques, Vaishnavi Nara, Amanda N. Haymond, Angela Dailing, Ruben Magni, Lance A. Liotta, Alessandra Luchini
11. Programmed Death Ligand 1 Expression is a Potential Prognostic Predictor in Helicobacter Pylori-Negative Advanced Gastric Cancer Patients, Sheny Ahmad, Kaitlin Wade, Virginia Espina, Lance A. Liotta, Satoshi Nishizuka
12. Evaluation of Antibody Specificity on Drug-Stimulated Cancer Cell Lysate Using Strip Western Blotting, Kaitlin Wade, Sheny Ahmad, Akari Konta, Yuka Koizumi, Emmanual Petricoin, Lance Liotta, Satoshi Nishizuka
13. Toxic Compound Juglone Adds to Fatality of Metabolic Laminitis, Alexa Williams, Justin B. Davis, Sally Rucker, Robin Couch, Mikell Paige, Virginia Espina
14. Analysis of the Effects of NVP-BGJ398, a Selective Pan-FGFR Inhibitor, on Endometrial Cancer Using Laser Capture Microdissection and Reverse Phase Protein Arrays, Lauren Osborne, Reed Zhang, Maurizio Scaltriti, Elisa De Stanchina, Emanuel Petricoin, Julia Wulfkuhle, Rosa I. Gallagher
15. A Moving-Weighted Approach to Detecting Stealthy Botnets With Noisy Periodic Behavior, Shreyan Jaiswal, Sridhar Venkatesan, Massimiliano Albanese
16. Moving Target Defenses and Internet Security, Samuel Philip, Warren Connell, Massimiliano Albanese
17. The Effects of Reaction Conditions on Magnetic Particle Synthesis, Meila Tuck
18. Examining the Potential Role of Leukotriene A4 Hydrolase Activators in Treating Emphysema, Nadia Ali, Kyung Hyeon Lee, Logan Jansen, Gregory Petruncio, Mikell Paige
19. Divergent Synthesis of Aminopeptidase Activators of the Leukotriene A4 Hydrolase, Logan Jansen, Greg Petruncio, Nadia Ali, Kyung Hyeon Lee, Mikell Paige
20. Serum Metabolomics: Developing a Robust Metabolite Extraction Protocol, Rachel Kanefsky, Amy Carfagno, Dr. Robin Couch
21. Sustaining Life: The Role of Fetal Bovine Serum's Biomolecule Composition in Cell Growth Media, Kshamata Neupane, Rebecca Woodhouse, Rachel Kanefsky, Amy Carfagno, Fatima Zaidi, Dr. Robin Couch
22. Towards Minimizing Cell Culture Variation by Characterizing Fetal Bovine Serum Composition, Rebecca Woodhouse, Kshamata Neupane, Rachel Kanefsky, Amy Carfagno, Dr. Robin Couch
23. Investigation of Acyl Carrier Proteins of Difficidin by biosynthase to Test the Substrate Specificity of KS0, Dana Sembera, Sean E. Padden, Young-Ok You
24. How Will the South Atlantic Anticyclone Respond to Global Warming? – Evaluating Climate Model Projections, Ryan Chon, Zach Strasberg, Abdullah al-Fahad, Natalie J. Burls
25. Assessing the Contribution of Easterly Wind Bursts to Failed El Niño Development within a Multi-Century Climate Simulation, Michael Stepniczka, Keri Kodama, Natalie Burls
26. Developing the New Generation of Real Time Flood Forecasting Visualization Platforms, Saisamhitha Dasari, Selina S. Sumi, Arslaan Khalid, Celso M. Ferreira
27. Establishing a Real-Time IoT-based Hydrological Monitoring System for the George Mason Watershed, Rachel Li, Arvind Govinday, Saisamhitha Dasari, Celso M. Ferreira
28. Towards Sustainable Storm Water Systems: How Much Water Flows Over the Campus Watershed?, Arvind Govinday, Dan Bentley, Celso M. Ferreira
29. Integrating Physically-Based Hurricane Storm Surge Models with Decision Support Tools, Rachel Li, Juan Garzon, Celso M. Ferreira
30. Efficient Programming: The Analysis of Programming Strategies and How They Impact Developer Efficiency, Simra Ali, Ramya Bhaskara, Thomas D. LaToza Ph.D
31. Bsmart: Analyzing Website Use of Javascript APIs, Jeffrey M. Currence, Jonathan Bell Ph D., Thomas D. LaToza Ph. D
32. SeeCodeRun: An Online Javascript Environment with the Developer In Mind, Rounak Das, Varun Kulkarni, David Samudio, Thomas D. LaToza, Ph.D.
33. Reducing Efforts to Conduct Programming Studies by Creating a Platform to Efficiently Gather Developer Analytics, Dolica Gopisetty, Minh-Duc D. Vu, Thomas D. LaToza, Ph.D
34. Active Documentation, Robert Kim, Sahar Mehrpour, Thomas LaToza, Ph.D
35. Interacting with Patterns: Synthesizing a Tool to Develop Analytic and Predictive HTML Patterns for Developer Optimization, Kimberly Perez Cruz, Saarthak Maheshwari, Thomas D. LaToza Ph. D
36. Modelling and Mining the Dissemination of Petitions in Space and Time, Renee Li, Andreas Zufle
37. Using Real-Time Bayesian Analysis to Model Metro Traffic Flow, Eric Lin, David Park, Andreas Züfle
38. Protecting User Privacy: Obfuscating Discriminative Spatio-Temporal Footprints, David Park, Erik Seglem, Eric Lin, Andreas Züfle
39. Traffic Volume Prediction Model Based on Sparse GPS Samples, Jack Snowdon, Andreas Zufle
40. Detecting Metro Congestions: A Traffic Monitoring System for the Washington DC Metro Network, Katie Zhang, Andreas Züfle
41. Introducing Methods for Management of Big Data within the Intelligence Community, Justin Phi-Nhat Bui, Feras Batarseh
42. Applying Artificial Intelligence Methods for Application Development at the Federal Government, Abhinav Kumar, Dr. Feras Batarseh
43. An Evaluation of Prominent Network Protocols in a Mobile Ad Hoc Environment, Trevor Maco, Subhankar Ghosh, Khondkar Islam, Pouyan Ahmadi
44. Photoacoustics with Metallic Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes: A New Technique for Bioimaging, Rachel Ruffin, Erin Fierro, Jaydeep Joshi, Sean Oliver, Patrick Vora
45. Photoluminescence Spectroscopy of WSe2/NbSe2/hBN van der Waals Heterostructure, Rohan Selvan, Sean Oliver, Jaydeep Joshi, Patrick Vora
46. Supercontinuum Based Spectroscopy for the Characterization of Nanomaterials, Vallabi Vallaban, Jaydeep Joshi, Sean Oliver, Patrick Vora
47. Effects of Voltage on Fluorescence of Quantum Dots in Whole-Cell Patch Clamped PC12 Cells, Mara Casebeer, Monica La Russa Gertz, John R. Cressman
48. Investigating Multistability in the Chua Circuit, Cindy Chang, Chris R. Carlson, John R. Cressman
49. Investigating an Abnormal Spike Phenomena Resulting from Successive Applications of the Two Dimensional Baker's Map, Rasvik Kudum, John R. Cressman
50. Cryptobiotic Tardigrades Show Whether Metabolic Activity is Necessary for Memory Retention, Ann Mathew, Pritty Dwivedy, Joe Defranco, Sarah Zhao, Seye Raymond, Ramia Rahman, Theodore Dumas
51. Performance Evaluation of Encryption Algorithms on Resource Constrained IoT Devices: A Case of Crazyflie 2.0 Nano Quadcopter, Katelin Chan, Shreya Menon, Jonathan Wiley, Kai Zeng
52. Exploration of Unsupervised Machine Learning Applications and Performance Optimization, David Wang, Dr. Xiang Chen
53. Analysis of the Cirrhotic Gut Microbiome Composition in Turkish and American Cohorts, Leila Mabudian, Matthew Hood, Masoumeh Sikaroodi, Jasmohan Bajaj, Ramazan Idilman, Patrick M. Gillevet
54. Inhibition of Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis Virus Through Short Interfering RNAs, Caitlyn Bernard, Tyler Lark, Aslaa Ahmed, Aarthi Narayanan
55. 1E7-03 Inhibits Replication of Venezuelan Equine Encephalitic Virus in a PP1 Dependent Manner, Damian Cavanagh, Brian Carey, Kylene Kehn-Hall (PI)
56. Targeting Simian Immunodeficiency Virus (SIV) Reservoirs Using a Rev- Dependent Lentiviral Particle Carrying HSV1-Tk (Thymidine Kinase) Genes, Satoshi Sato, YunTao Wu.
57. The Role of Autophagy in Exosomal Biogenesis from cART Treated HIV Infected Cells, Devin Adler, Elma Arabhaghiagha, Sean Gimber, Thy Vo, James Erickson, Maria Cowen, Catherine DeMarino, Michelle L. Pleet, Fatah Kashanchi, PhD
58. Convolutional Neural Network Based Models for Recurrence Free Survival and Colon Wall Penetration in Colorectal Cancers, Katherine Barbano Iosif Vaisman
59. Building a Network of Correlated Mutations of HIV-1 Using Computational Methods, Samhita Pendyal, Maggie Bujor, Iosif Vaisman
60. LB-PeM: a Novel, Early-Stage Computational Diagnostic Tool for Lyme Disease, Ish Sethi, Shruti Chennamaraja, Haoxuan Yu, Nina Talwar, Alessandra Luchini, Ruben Magni, Lance Liotta, Iosif Vaisman
61. A Novel Bioinformatics Pipeline (LB PeM) for the Univocal Identification of Borrelia Peptides in the Urine of Lyme Patients, Nina Talwar, Haoxuan Yu, Shruti Chennamaraja, Ish Sethi, Alessandra Luchini, Ruben Magni, Lance Liotta, Iosif Vaisman
62. Graph Theory Analysis of Protein-Protein Interfaces, Juhi Gudavalli, Iosif Vaisman
63. Exploration of Beta-Lactamase Binding Sites, Hannah Ivester, Iosif Vaisman
64. A Novel Machine Learning Approach to Predicting Brain Cancer Survival Time using Hot Encoding, Vikrant Mahajan, Palash Shah
65. The Analysis of the Major Histocompatibility Complex Class II Protein Sequence on Disease Susceptibility, Preethi Prem, Iosif Vaisman
66. The Effect of Synonymous Mutations on Protein Secondary Structure, Stephen Shaffran, Iosif Vaisman
67. Strangers at the Gate: Rare Amino Acid Substitutions at the Steric Gate Position in the Prokaryotic Y-family Polymerases, Will Taft, Iosif Vaisman
68. The Buzz on Bees: Characterization of α7-like Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors in Honeybees, Helen Horan, Shreya Vinjamoori, Ellen Bak, Justin King, Nadine Kabbani
69. A Joint Artificial Cognitive Declarative Memory Omega Learning Map and Episodic Recall Promoter Methodology to Dynamically Store and Retrieve Aggregate Student Learning Data Derived from Deep Neural Language Networks (DNLN), Rachel Naidich, Matthew Trang, Prescott Martin, Emad Mohamed, Scott Martin
70. Variation in Response to Intra-Articular Lipopolysaccharide in Horses, Alexa M. Tucker, Sophie H. Bogers, Jennifer G. Barrett
71. The Effects of Tenogenic Growth Factors on Mesenchymal Stem Cell Differentiation In A 3D In Vitro Model of Tenogenesis, Abdulkareem Zenhom, Ibtesam Rajpar, Jennifer G. Barrett
72. Brain Tech: A Passive Cognitive Decline Monitoring System, Justin Bui, Helen Horan, Trevor Maco, Andrew Ryan, Shreya Vinjamuri, David Wang, Marissa Howard, Alessandra Luchini, Lance A. Liotta
73. RecipEat: An Application to Derive Appropriate Diets By Means of Physical Exertion Via Caloric-Monitoring Technology, Kimberly Perez, Saarthak Maheshwari, Varun Kulkarni, Arul Balla, Simra Ali, Ramya Bhaskara, Rounak Das, Vallabi Vallaban, Arvind Govinday, Rohan Selvan, Sam Dasari, Nilay Neelaveni, Rachel Ruffin, Katelin Chan, Rachel Li, Robert Kim, Marissa Howard, Alessandra Luchini, Lance A. Liotta
74. SmartBrace: The Technology You KNEEd, Rachel Naidich, Kshamata Neupane, Ish Sethi, Matthew Trang, Rebecca Woodhouse, Nadia Ali, Satoshi Sato, Alexa Williams, Marrisa Howard, Alessandra Luchini, Lance A. Liotta
2016 Abstracts
1. Enhanced Synthesis and Purification of PEGylated Liposomes for Targeted Drug Delivery, Neil Parikh, Steven Roberts, and Nitin Agrawal
2. Voltage Sensitivity of the RH795 Probe in Model Unilamellar Vesicles, Nishita Ardhapurkar, Nashaat Rasheed, Parag Chitnis
3. Ultrasonic Frequency Signal Measurements with a Michelson Interferometer-Based Setup, Michael Tao, Deepu George, Parag Chitnis
4. Ultrasound Image Analysis on Embedded Processor Platforms, Rupali A. Dhumne, Huzefa S. Rangwala, Siddhartha Sikdar
5. Improving the Ability to Detect Lesions in Subtraction Images, Mariam Guirguis, Vikas Kotari, and Dr. Vasiliki Ikonomidou
6. Remote Detection of Heart Rate Variability Changes Induced by Cognitive Training, Radhika Agrawal, Celina Paudel, Siddarth Shankar, Chris Rios, Dr. Balvinder Kaur, Dr. Vasiliki Ikonomidou
7. Quantifying Dancers' Movements through Motion Capture, Delina Sheth, Nahom Tedla, Dr. Qi Wei, and Dr. Wilsaan Joiner
8. Development of a Nanotrap-Based ELISA for the Detection of Lyme Disease in Urine, Teresa Kaza, Alessandra Luchini, Lance Liotta, Ruben Magni
9. Application of an Optimized Protocol for Protein Painting to the Programmed Cell Death Protein 1 / Programmed Death Ligand 1 Complex, Pranavi Nara, Angela Dailing, Luisa Paris, Ruben Magni, Alessandra Luchini
10. Detecting Electrical Properties of Hydrogel Nanoparticles to Develop Sensors for Rapid Diagnostics, Marissa Howard, Ruben Magni, Alessandra Luchini, Emanuel Petricoin, and Lance Liotta
11. Condition Optimization for Protein Capture Operations Involving Magnetic Nanoparticles, Alison Gerhard, John Devine, Ben Lepene, Ketul Shah, Alexis Patanarut
12. Exfiltration Toolkit for P2P Botnets, Dhvanil Nanshah, Sridhar Venkatesan, Massimiliano Albanese
13. Moving Target Defense against Command Injection Attacks, Meghna Sil, Dr. Massimiliano Albanese
14. Moving Target Defense against Path Traversal Attack, Joseph Chen, Sridhar Venkatesan, Massimiliano Albanese
15. Integrating IDS and Virtual Honeypots, Quiana Dang, Massimiliano Albanese
16. Sensor Integrity and Data Harvesting in UAV-Monitored Sensor Networks, Marco G. Christiani, and Dr. Massimiliano Albanese
17. The Role of Equatorial Atlantic Warm Water Volume Changes within Inter-annual Variability in Eastern Equatorial Atlantic Sea Surface Temperatures, Kyle J. Turner, Varun Saraswathula, Natalie J. Burls
18. Using Satellite Radiation Data to Identify Model Bias in Equatorial Sea Surface Temperatures, Matthew P. Gross, Zach Strasberg, Chris Selman, Keri Kodama, Natalie J. Burls
19. Traditional Eastern Medicines and Cationic Antimicrobial Peptides, Nilay Neelaveni, Jaclyn D’Onofrio, Yaling Zhu, Megan Devine, and Barney Bishop
20. Targeted Analysis of Glycolysis, Pentose Phosphate Pathway, and Tricarboxylic Acid Metabolites, Grant J. Mantooth, Tyrone Dowdy, Haley Ball, Allyson Dailey, Dr. Robin Couch.
21. Crohn's Disease and T. suis, Rachel Kanefsky, Allyson Dailey, Dr. Joe Urban, and Dr. Robin Couch
22. Cross-linking ACP and KS: a Chemical Biology Tool for Probing the Dynamic Interaction of the Two Domains, Kyle Gatesman, Sean Padden, Reham Al-Dhelaan, Dr. Young-Ok You
23. To Green or not to Green: Low Impact Developments to fight Urban Flooding on the George Mason Campus, Brian Ross and Dr. Celso Ferreira
24. Analyzing and Presenting Real-Time Sensor Data for Minimized Flash Flood Response Time, Christine Zhao, Jeremy Johns, Jerry Huang, Celso Ferreira
25. Quantification and Analysis of Coastal Flood Attenuation by the Chesapeake Bay Wetlands, Emma Glass, Celso Ferreira
26. And the Winner Is? Predicting Elections using Social Media, Lawrence Wang, Andrew Crooks, and Arie Croitoru
27. Topic Context Graphs: A Language Knowledge-Driven Model for Contextualizing the Extraction and Analysis of Twitter Discourse, Varun A. Talwar, Arie Croitoru, Andrew Crooks
28. Across the Sea: A Novel Agent-Based Model for the Migratory Patterns of the European Refugee Crisis, Elizabeth Hu, Andrew Crooks, Arie Croitoru
29. SeeCodeRun: Execution Visualizations for JavaScript, Hamza Mir, Ruyan Zhang, David Gonzales, and Thomas LaToza
30. Active Documentation, Rahul Kindi, Thomas LaToza
31. An Online Platform for Conducting Experimental Studies in Software Engineering, Akanksha Alok, and Dr. Thomas Latoza
32. Improving Server-Side Efficiency of a Crowdsourced Microtask Programming Platform, Chris Niu, Nate Pillai, Sherry Xie, Dr. Thomas LaToza
33. Development of an Image-Based Indoor Navigational System, Kyoung Min Kim and Sven Fuhrmann
34. An Augmented Reality Interface for Pictorial Assembly Instructions, Michael Rodriguez, Sven Fuhrmann
35. Applications of Augmented Reality Target Recognition in Tourism, Steven Li, Michael Rodriguez, Adam Kim, Sven Fuhrmann
36. Examining the Connection between Thermodynamic Entropy and Information Entropy in Electroconvecting Liquid Crystal, Jiajing Guan, and John R. Cressman
37. Examining the Construction and Measurements of the Simplified Chua Circuit, Cindy Chang, and John R. Cressman
38. Exploring the Transition between Multi-Stable States, Alexander H. Gertz, Dr. John R. Cressman
39. Do Copper and Zinc Levels Influence Circadian Rhythms in Transgenic APP/E4 Mice?, Stephen Shaffran, Katelyn Boggs, Stefanie Howell, Jane Flinn
40. The Effects of File Allocation Size and Media on the Persistence of Digital Artifacts, Geibriel Seth Buenafe, Josh Mosier, Connor Anderson, Anurag Srivastava, and Dr. Jim Jones
41. Data Artifact Persistence in IoT Devices, Joshua Mosier, Connor Anderson, Geibriel Seth Buenafe, Anurag Srivastava, Dr. Jim Jones
42. The Decay and Recovery of Digital Artifacts in Recording Devices, Connor Anderson, Geibriel Seth Buenafe, Josh Mosier, Anurag Srivastava, Dr. Jim Jones
43. Hardware Module Based Message Authentication in Intra-Vehicle Networks, Suhas Sastry*, Eric Wang*, William Xu*, and Kai Zeng
44. Boredom-Based e-Learning System using EEG, Isha Ghodgaonkar, Nathalia Peixoto
45. Dopamine Detection with Miniaturized Chitosan-Catechol Modified Gold Electrodes, Kevin Luu, Ben Dowe, Nathalia Peixoto
46. Protocol for Plating Spinal Cord Cells from Fetal Mice onto Micro Electrode Arrays and Petri Dishes, Zachary Baker, Monica Gertz, Michael Maquera, Nathalia Peixoto
47. Resulting Microbiota Changes in Cirrhotic Patients with Hepatic Encephalopathy from Fecal Microbiome Transplant, Raffi Keradman, Eric Liu, Jasmohan Bajaj, Masoumeh Sikaroodi & Patrick M. Gillevet
48. Metabolome and Gut Microbiota Shifts with the Progression of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, Eric Liu, Raffi Keradman, Puneet Puri, Arun Sanyal, Masoumeh Sikaroodi, and Patrick M. Gillevet
49. Detection of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in Red-Spotted Newts of Northern Virginia, Rebecca Hawkins, Hannah Kim, Deborah Shaffer, Masoumeh Sikaroodi, and Patrick M. Gillevet
59. Hippocampome Project: Morphological Identification of Neuron Types in the Hippocampus, Alisha B. Compton, Keivan Moradi, Giorgio A. Ascoli
60. Digital Reconstruction of Neurons, Fatima Siddiqui, Emily R. Metz, Giorgio A. Ascoli
61. Quantification of Zika Virus Multiplication in Human Cells, Luke Horning, Forrest Keck, Tyler Lark, Aarthi Narayanan
62. Effect of HTLV, HIV, Rift Valley Fever Virus (RVFV), Ebola and Zika Viruses on Level of Exosomes in Macrophages and T-cells, Marcel Ferreiro, Catherine Demarino, Angela Schwab, Robert Barclay, Yao Akpamagbo, and Fatah Kashanchi. Laboratory of Molecular Virology
63. The Effect of Kinase Inhibitors on TAR RNA Transcription in Exosome Treated HIV1-Infected Monocytes, Colby Newson, Pranav Baderdinni, Alex Barclay, Angela Schwab, Dr. Fatah Kashanchi
64. The Effect of Sugar Washes at Differing Concentrations on Nanotrap Particles Containing Exosomes, Maria Cowen, Catherine DeMarino, Fatah Kashanchi
65. Transcriptomic Analysis of Rift Valley Fever Virus Infected Cells, Nicole Bracci, Chelsea Pinkham, Cynthia L. de la Fuente, Brett Beitzel, Aura Garrison, Connie Schmaljohn, Gustavo Palacios, Aarthi Narayanan, Catherine E. Campbell, and Kylene Kehn-Hall
66. Identifying Bacteria in Gym Facilities, Theresa H. Hoang, Stephanie M. Barksdale, Monique L. van Hoek
67. Effects of Pro-inflammatory Cytokine Inhibition on Exosome Bacterial Uptake, Molly Doak, Adam Fleming, Heather Hobbs, Dr. Ramin Hakami
68. Classification and Prediction of Antimicrobial Peptides Using N-gram Representation and Machine Learning, Katherine C. Du, Anthony M. Kang, Sujay Ratna, and Iosif Vaisman
69. Machine Learning Models of Metastatic Tumors Based on Gene Expression Data, Jessica J. Wang and Iosif Vaisman
70. Machine Learning Modeling of Fibromyalgia Clinical Manifestations using Gene Expression Data, David Cohn, Nikhil Rao, Iosif Vaisman
71. Graph Theory Analysis of Protein-Protein Interfaces, Juhi Gudavalli, Iosif Vaisman
72. Structural Patterns in Cytoplasmic and Membrane Proteins, Adam Lin, Dr. Iosif Vaisman
73. Synonymous Codons’ Influence on Solvent Accessibility and Conformation of Amino Acid Residues in Protein Structures, Matthew Barbano, Iosif Vaisman
74. Classification of Proteins based on N-gram Analysis and Machine Learning, Maya Khanna, Iosif Vaisman
75. The System and Method for Providing Dynamic Group Learning via Computerized Student Group Assignments Conducted Based on Student Performance Attributes and Student-Viable-Related Criteria for Enhanced Learning Outcomes, Peter Chick, Daniel Te, Brandon Williams, Scott Martin
76. High Throughput Three-Dimensional Culture of Equine Mesenchymal Stem Cells, Srijan Bhasin, Sophie H. Bogers, Jennifer G. Barrett
2015 Abstracts
1. Textural Analysis Diagnosis of Osteoporosis, Suhani Pant, Dr. Vasiliki N. Ikonomidou
2. Synthesis and Characterization of DXR-Encapsulated Liposomes, Priya Gupta, Steven Roberts, Nitin Agrawal
3. HIFU Thermal Therapy, Nick Blasey, Dr. Parag Chitnis
4. Tracking Differential Pulse Transit Time as a Stress Indicator, Megha Luthra*, Sophia Moses*, Balvinder Kaur, Vasiliki Ikonomidou, PhD
5. Fast Movement Tracking Using Stereo Cameras, Nancy Trang, Qi Xing, Qi Wei
6. Finding Location of Maximum Flexion in Forearm Muscles Using 3D Ultrasound Volumes, Cecile Truong, Nima Akhlaghi, Siddhartha Sikdar
7. Multispectral Analysis of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Lesions in Post-Mortem MRI Scans, Christine Giuliano, Francesca Bagnato, MD, PhD, Vasiliki Ikonomidou, PhD
8. Ultrasonic Stimulation of Neurons, Vienna L. Mott, Dr. Parag Chitnis
9. Extraocular Muscle Deformation Assessed by Ultrasound During Eye Movement in Healthy Subjects, Farhan Ibrahim, Qi Xing, Dr. Qi Wei, Dr. Siddhartha Sikdar
10. Nonlinear Registration for Subtraction Imaging to Measure Lesion Changes in Multiple Sclerosis, Dana Wang, Vasiliki Ikonomidou
11. Examination of Eye Muscle Mechanics Using Ultrasound, Yifan Li, Qi Xing, Qi Wei
12. K-Ras Mutations Effects on the Protein Composition of Cellular Compartments in Lung Adenocarcinomas, Anjna Nair*, Margaret Anderson*, Valerie Calvert, Weidong Zhou, J. Conor Moran, Emanuel Petricoin, Mariaelena Pierobon, Elisa Baldelli
13. Development of a Nanoparticle Based Lateral Flow Assay for Lyme Detection, Amanda Kwieraga, Alessandra Luchini, Emanuel Petricoin, Lance Liotta, and Ruben Magni
14. Novel Chemical Baits Incorporated in Hydrogel Nanoparticles Capture Glycans with High Affinity, Madhura Managoli, Lance Liotta, Alessandra Luchini, Ruben Magni, Luisa Paris
15. Development of a Skin Patch Capable of Detecting Skin Cancers through Protein Capture, Protection, and Analysis, Shiv Saini, Alexander Nixon, Kelsey Mitchell, Alessandra Luchini, Lance Liotta, Ruben Magni
16. Developing Downstream Protocols to Harvest Thyroid Exosomes for Proteomic Analysis and Characterization, Bhavana Channavajjala*, Brett A. Goerl*, Weidong Zhou, Lance A. Liotta, Virginia Espina, Rosa I. Gallagher
17. Optimization of the Detection of Tuberculosis Biomarkers with Hydrogel Nanoparticles, Thaovy Van, Alessandra Luchini, Lance Liotta, Emmanuel Petricoin, and Ruben Magni
18. VOC Metabolomics: A Non-Invasive Analysis of Gastrointestinal Health Using hspme and GC-MS, Vaishnavi Madhavan, Michele Gagnon, and Dr. Robin Couch
19. Synthetic Transformations of the Crotonaldehyde-derived Acylal, Greg Petruncio, Mikell Paige
20. The Effect of Varying Anionic Lipid Concentrations on the Harvest of camps, Brittany Huffman, Megan Devine, Shay Scott, and Barney Bishop
21. Assessing the Colonic Lipid Content of Human Fecal Samples using Targeted Lipidomics, Kelechi I. Nwanevu, Michele Gagnon, Dr. Robin Couch
22. Development of Novel Small Molecule LTA4H Enzyme Activators for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Suzie Bae, Mikell Paige
23. Fecal Metabolomics: Identification of an Internal Standard for use in Non-volatile Analysis, Kaitlyn Diaz, Allyson Dailey, and Dr. Robin Couch
24. Smart Sensors Networks and Web-Based GIS: Providing Real Time Flood Information, Numan Khan, Paulo Costa, Celso Ferreira, Seth Lawler
25. Using Image Processing Techniques to Create Beading Tutorials, Ananya Suri, Yotam Gingold
26. Identity Map, Guilherme Schaidhauer de Castro, Hussain Zamzami, Mingrui Han, Yotam Gingold, Arriene Johnson
27. Security Protocol and Novel Architecture for Future Cars using Ethernet, Burke, M.*, Sastry, S. K.*, Wang, E.*, Xu, W.*, & Zeng, K
28. Intra-Vehicle Security Node for Fast Message Authentication in Controller Area Networks, Burke, M.*, Sastry, S. K.*, Wang, E.*, Xu, W.*, & Zeng, K
29. Stimulation of Neurons through Optogenetics, Emmelyn Luu, Alex Kaiser, Nathalia Peixoto
30. Using Human Centered Design to Prototype a Carrying System for Bivad User, Sharon Jose*, Emmelyn Luu*, Helen Wiegand*, Jade Garrett, Sarah Choi, Nathalia Peixoto
31. Effect of Amyloid Beta on Helix Aspersa Neuronal Electrical Activity Measured In Vitro By Microelectrode Arrays, Helen Wiegand, Nathalia Peixoto
32. Evaluation of Cross Correlation and Transfer Entropy to Estimate the Functional Connectivity in Neuronal Networks, Sharon Jose, Nathalia Peixoto
33. The Role of Vaccination Exemption in California Pertussis Outbreaks: A Geographic Information System Analysis, Naomi Gruber, Paul L. Delamater
34. Analysis and Visualization of Carbon Dioxide Equilibrium at George Mason University, Alec Zhang, Michael Rodriguez, Michael Piccione, Steven Li, Sven Fuhrmann
35. Mediapulse: A System Prototype for News Media Aggregation and Analytics, Kevin H. Geng*, Varun A. Talwar*, Arie Croitoru, Andrew Crooks, A. Trevor Thrall
36. Simulating Impact of Building Renovation on Shading and Skylines in GIS-Based Modeling Software, Michael Rodriguez, Alec Zhang, Michael Piccione, Steven Li, Sven Fuhrmann
37. A Geographic Information System (GIS) Analysis of Exemptions from Required Vaccinations and Pertussis Cases in Los Angeles County, California, Subul Malik, Paul L. Delamater
38. Analyzing Correlations Between Mason Shuttle Demands and Mason Parking Occupancy Using ESRI CityEngine, Zhihang (Steven) Li, Michael Rodriguez, Alec Zhang, Mike Piccione, Sven Fuhrmann
39. A novel computational agent based model for the spread and containment of Ebola Virus Disease, Rohan Suri, Andrew T. Crooks, Arie Croitoru
40. Enhancing Drinking Water Quality Through Stability and Computational Analysis to Optimize Nanofilters, Akhil Waghmare and Padmanabhan Seshaiyer
41. Mathematical Modeling of Membrane Potential Dynamics under Neural Exposure to Amyloid Beta, Haarika Chalasani and Padmanabhan Seshaiyer
42. Investigating the Relationship Between Entropy and Structure in the Chua Attractor, David Baratt, Ross Dempsey, Dr. John Cressman
43. Computing with Chaos: FORCE Learning with Chua Circuits, Ross Dempsey, David Baratt, and John R. Cressman
44. Investigating the Axonal Vibrations, Youssef Faragalla, Zrinka Gregurić Ferenček, John R. Cressman
45. Comparison of the Human Gut Microbiome Based on Varying Diet and Geography, May Kyaw*, Eric Liu*, Paul Marcelli*, Cara Frankenfeld, Masoumeh Sikaroodi, Patrick M. Gillevet
46. Population genetics analysis of Notophthalmus viridescens viridescens in Virginia, Meredith Palmore*, Niki Tsutsumi*, Javid Rahseparian*, Deborah Shaffer, Masoumeh Sikaroodi, Patrick M. Gillevet.
47. Investigating the Relationship Between Dendritic Morphology and glun3b Carboxy Terminus, Grace Lee, Jessica Azcarate, Theodore Dumas
48. Timing and Dosing Effects of Exosome Exposure on the Growth Rate of Naïve Monocytes, Emily M. Schneider, Adam Fleming, Heather E. Hobbs, and Ramin M. Hakami*
49. Nanoparticle Interaction with Tetraspanin Surface Protein CD-63 revealed as a biomarker and binding mechanism to Exosomes, Stacey Boyd, Solmaz Eskandarinezhad, Daniel Alvarez-Castegnaro, Christopher Johnson, Alex Barclay, Kinza Noor, Yao Akpamagbo, Fatah Kashanchi
50. Mitochondrial Dynamics in Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis Virus Infections, Pavitra Ravishankar, Moushimi Amaya, Taryn Brooks-Faulconer, Aarthi Naraynan
51. Mechanism of Nanoparticles Binding to Exosomes, Christopher A. Johnson, Stacey Boyd, Daniel Alvarez-Castegnaro, Solmaz Eskandari Nezhad, Alex Barclay, Kinza Noor, Yao Akpamagbo, Dr. Fatah Kashanchi
52. The Effect of U937 Exosomes on the Growth of Jurkat Cells, Erika Pashai, Adam Fleming, Heather E. Hobbs, and Ramin M. Hakami*
53. Identification of Drugs with the Potential to be Repurposed for the Treatment of Melioidosis, Anna Wasserman, Isaac Jung, Monique L. Van Hoek, Myung-Chul Chung
54. Curcumin Inhibits Apoptotic Effects of Rift Valley Fever Virus on 293 T cells and Vero cells, Daniel Alvarez-Castegnaro, Allison Heath, Fatah Kashanchi
55. Screening of Antimicrobial and Antibiofilm Agents from Lopac Library against Burkholderia thailandensis, Isaac Jung, Anna Wasserman, Monique van Hoek, Myung-Chul Chung
56. Conserved Tetraspanin CD63 Exosomal Protein Interaction Mechanism with NT080 and NT082 Nanoparticles, Solmaz Eskandarinezhad, Stacey Boyd, Daniel Alvarez-Casteg, Christopher Johnson, Alex Barclay, Sergey Iordanskiy, Kinza Noor, Yao Akpamagbo, Dr. Fatah Kashanchi
57. Antimicrobial Peptide Classification using N-Grams and Machine Learning, Anant Tewari, Dr. Iosif Vaisman
58. Identification and Prediction of Intrinsically Disordered Regions in Proteins Using n-Grams, Ashwin Srinivasan, Dr. Iosif Vaisman
59. Codon and Anticodon Frequencies in Gene Sequences of Interacting Amino Acid Residues, Dilip Thiagarajan, Dr. Iosif Vaisman
60. Identifying Traces of Ebola-Like Paleoviruses in Extant Genomes using Structural Modeling, Emily Cheng, Iosif Vaisman
61. Computational Identification of Genetic Biomarkers for Neurodegenerative Diseases via Machine Learning, Lalit Varada, Isoif Vaisman
62. Modeling Prognosis for Colon Cancer Patients using Molecular Information, Maya Khanna, Iosif Vaisman
63. Modeling Variant Gal4 Transcriptional Activation: A Structure-based Approach, Nitin Rao, Purnima Pyarasani, and Majid Masso
64. Differentiating Adipocytes from Mesenchymal Stem Cells, Sheena M. Fletcher, Maria Keaton, and Aybike Birerdinc
65. Investigating Mesenchymal Stem Cell Homing Towards Inflammatory Stimuli, Ali, L., Popielarczyk, T.L., Barrett, J.G.
66. Characterization of Equine Umbilical Cord-Derived Stem Cells, Vaidehi Patel, Jade E. Ladow, Jennifer G. Barrett
2007 to 2014 Abstracts
1. Kate Acker, Idris Hooper, Cynthia De La Fuente, Cathaleen Madsen, Taryn Brooks-Faulconer, and Kylene Kehn-Hall. Investigating FDA-Approved Therapeutics for Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis Virus.
2. Austin Alderete, Alexis Patanarut, Anurag Patnaik. Affinity Bait Hydrogel Functionalized Paper Substrates: Better Biomarker Collection
3. Frishta Abdul Ali, Sarah Pierson, and Yuntao Wu. HIV viral DNA content of sub-cellular fractions during infection.
4. Naveen Ambati, Masoumeh Sikaroodi, and Patrick M. Gillevet. A Systems Biology Approach to Metabiomic Analysis of the Microbiome, Metabolome, and Immunome in Alcoholic Liver Disease.
5. Soyeon An, Chelsea Pinkham, Katherine Fite, and Kylene Kehn-Hall. The Role of Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription 3 (STAT3) in Rift Valley Fever Virus Infection.
6. Saad K. Awan, Sapna Rao, Vasiliki N. Ikonomidou. Detection of changes in bone density of females through cortical bone texture analysis on clinical brain MRI.
7. Stephanie Baker Alibakhshi, Rohini Mehta, Aybike Birerdinc, Ancha Baranova. Assessing Immune Response through Cytokines and Their Effectiveness in Determining Obesity-Related Liver Diseases When Compared to the Use of Traditional ALT/AST Values.
8. Rohan Banerjee, Felix Mihai, Inja Youn, Padmanabhan Seshaiyer. Computational Modeling of the Effect of Battens on the Aerodynamic Performance of Flexible-Wing Micro Air Vehicles.
9. Brian Boehm, Jay Devanathan, Nima Akhlaghi, Katherine McDonald, Hozaifah Zafar, Huzefa Rangwala and Siddhartha Sikdar. Integrating Ultrasound Technology into Upper-Limb Prosthetic Controls.
10. Emma Boyd, Surya Gourneni, Emily Wood, Francesca Bagnato, and Vasiliki Ikonomidou. Identification of Cortical Lesions in Multiple Sclerosis through 7 Tesla Imaging: a post mortem study.
11. Anirudha Chandrabhatla, Vasiliki Ikonomidou, and Vikas Kotari. The Automated Detection of Virchow-Robin Spaces in Magnetic Resonance Images.
12. Srikanth Chelluri, Ashley Culver, Hinduja Nallamala, and Theodore Dumas. Necessity for Metabolism in Memory Maintenance in Tardigrades.
13. Grace Chuang, Kate Hao, Shinar Jain, Iosif I. Vaisman, and Majid Masso. Structure-Based Predictors of Resistance to the HIV-1 Integrase Inhibitor Elvitegravir.
14. Grace Chuang, Kate Hao, Shinar Jain, and Iosif I. Vaisman. N-Gram-Based Classification of Influenza-A Gene Sequences.
15. Gabriella Clemente, Chris Rudnicky, Nadira Robinson-Burton, Jimmy Presto, David Lucente, Natalia Lattanzio, Puneet Mahal, Robert Gardner, Giorgio Ascoli, Theodore Dumas.. Mapping activated brain regions during the transition from attentive to automatic performance.
16. Marcus Daum, Zrinka Gregurić Ferenček, and John Robert Cressman. Power Fluctuation in Liquid Crystal.
17. Kunal Debroy, Masoumeh Sikaroodi, Patrick M. Gillevet. An Approach to Identifying Biomarkers for the Onset of Alcoholic Liver Disease through Predictive Metagenome Modeling.
18. Emily Gale, Daniel McHail, Daniel McDermott, Gretchen Knaack, Joseph Pancrazio, Theodore Dumas. Reduced Brain Inflammatory Response Supports the Bio-compatibility of Silicon Carbide: A Viable Material for Implanted Medical Devices.
19. Vidya Ganesh, Daniel W. Youngstrom, Jennifer G. Barrett. Optimization of Tendon Tissue Engineering Composites for Integrating Mesenchymal Stem Cells on Collagen-I Hydrogels and Decellularized Tendon Scaffolds.
20. Akhil Gangu, Masoumeh Sikaroodi, and Patrick M. Gillevet. Identifying Biomarkers for Early Stages of Alcoholic Liver Disease Through Metabolic and Taxonomic Analysis.
21. Owen Gray, Robert Young, and Iosif Vaisman. A Computational Geometry Approach to Improving Stability in Endo-1-beta-4-xylanase.
22. Christina Joseph, Iosif Vaisman. Identifying gene expression profiles as possible biomarker of Huntington’s and other neurodegenerative diseases using machine learning.
23. AnNa Kim, Sarah Albani, Marina Andrawis, Rio Jeane Abella, John Fulghum, Naghmeh Vafamand and Theodore Dumas. Analysis of environmental conditions that impact investigations of anxiety in developing rats.
24. Nathan Kodama, Jacob Nordman, Aman Ullah, Saleet Jafri, Nadine Kabbani. Calcium signaling and the development of a biologically inspired α7 mediated calcium model in the growth cone.
25. Kent Komine, Dr. Nelson Cortes, and Dr. Siddhartha Sikdar. Measurement of Muscle Volume using Freehand 3D Ultrasound Imaging.
26. Tom Lattanze, Mana Tamami, and Barney Bishop. Conjugation of a water-soluble poly(HPMA-co-PDSA) with the glutathione tripeptide using UV-Vis Spectroscopy.
27. Christina M. Lee, Jeannie C. Evans, Emily T. Stoneham, Nicole Liehr, Sabina Samipour, Dan McHail, Ted C. Dumas.
28. Kibaek Lee, Monique van Hoek, and Myung-Chul Chung. Effect of LL-37 Binding Proteins on Antimicrobial and Biofilm Formation Activities.
29. Megha Luthra, Sophia Moses, Nhien Tran, Balvinder Kaur, Vasiliki Ikonomidou. The New Electrocardiogram: Detecting Stress Related Heart Rate Changes
1. Kate Acker, Idris Hooper, Cynthia De La Fuente, Cathaleen Madsen, Taryn Brooks-Faulconer, and Kylene Kehn-Hall. Investigating FDA-Approved Therapeutics for Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis Virus.
2. Austin Alderete, Alexis Patanarut, Anurag Patnaik. Affinity Bait Hydrogel Functionalized Paper Substrates: Better Biomarker Collection
3. Frishta Abdul Ali, Sarah Pierson, and Yuntao Wu. HIV viral DNA content of sub-cellular fractions during infection.
4. Naveen Ambati, Masoumeh Sikaroodi, and Patrick M. Gillevet. A Systems Biology Approach to Metabiomic Analysis of the Microbiome, Metabolome, and Immunome in Alcoholic Liver Disease.
5. Soyeon An, Chelsea Pinkham, Katherine Fite, and Kylene Kehn-Hall. The Role of Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription 3 (STAT3) in Rift Valley Fever Virus Infection.
6. Saad K. Awan, Sapna Rao, Vasiliki N. Ikonomidou. Detection of changes in bone density of females through cortical bone texture analysis on clinical brain MRI.
7. Stephanie Baker Alibakhshi, Rohini Mehta, Aybike Birerdinc, Ancha Baranova. Assessing Immune Response through Cytokines and Their Effectiveness in Determining Obesity-Related Liver Diseases When Compared to the Use of Traditional ALT/AST Values.
8. Rohan Banerjee, Felix Mihai, Inja Youn, Padmanabhan Seshaiyer. Computational Modeling of the Effect of Battens on the Aerodynamic Performance of Flexible-Wing Micro Air Vehicles.
9. Brian Boehm, Jay Devanathan, Nima Akhlaghi, Katherine McDonald, Hozaifah Zafar, Huzefa Rangwala and Siddhartha Sikdar. Integrating Ultrasound Technology into Upper-Limb Prosthetic Controls.
10. Emma Boyd, Surya Gourneni, Emily Wood, Francesca Bagnato, and Vasiliki Ikonomidou. Identification of Cortical Lesions in Multiple Sclerosis through 7 Tesla Imaging: a post mortem study.
11. Anirudha Chandrabhatla, Vasiliki Ikonomidou, and Vikas Kotari. The Automated Detection of Virchow-Robin Spaces in Magnetic Resonance Images.
12. Srikanth Chelluri, Ashley Culver, Hinduja Nallamala, and Theodore Dumas. Necessity for Metabolism in Memory Maintenance in Tardigrades.
13. Grace Chuang, Kate Hao, Shinar Jain, Iosif I. Vaisman, and Majid Masso. Structure-Based Predictors of Resistance to the HIV-1 Integrase Inhibitor Elvitegravir.
14. Grace Chuang, Kate Hao, Shinar Jain, and Iosif I. Vaisman. N-Gram-Based Classification of Influenza-A Gene Sequences.
15. Gabriella Clemente, Chris Rudnicky, Nadira Robinson-Burton, Jimmy Presto, David Lucente, Natalia Lattanzio, Puneet Mahal, Robert Gardner, Giorgio Ascoli, Theodore Dumas.. Mapping activated brain regions during the transition from attentive to automatic performance.
16. Marcus Daum, Zrinka Gregurić Ferenček, and John Robert Cressman. Power Fluctuation in Liquid Crystal.
17. Kunal Debroy, Masoumeh Sikaroodi, Patrick M. Gillevet. An Approach to Identifying Biomarkers for the Onset of Alcoholic Liver Disease through Predictive Metagenome Modeling.
18. Emily Gale, Daniel McHail, Daniel McDermott, Gretchen Knaack, Joseph Pancrazio, Theodore Dumas. Reduced Brain Inflammatory Response Supports the Bio-compatibility of Silicon Carbide: A Viable Material for Implanted Medical Devices.
19. Vidya Ganesh, Daniel W. Youngstrom, Jennifer G. Barrett. Optimization of Tendon Tissue Engineering Composites for Integrating Mesenchymal Stem Cells on Collagen-I Hydrogels and Decellularized Tendon Scaffolds.
20. Akhil Gangu, Masoumeh Sikaroodi, and Patrick M. Gillevet. Identifying Biomarkers for Early Stages of Alcoholic Liver Disease Through Metabolic and Taxonomic Analysis.
21. Owen Gray, Robert Young, and Iosif Vaisman. A Computational Geometry Approach to Improving Stability in Endo-1-beta-4-xylanase.
22. Christina Joseph, Iosif Vaisman. Identifying gene expression profiles as possible biomarker of Huntington’s and other neurodegenerative diseases using machine learning.
23. AnNa Kim, Sarah Albani, Marina Andrawis, Rio Jeane Abella, John Fulghum, Naghmeh Vafamand and Theodore Dumas. Analysis of environmental conditions that impact investigations of anxiety in developing rats.
24. Nathan Kodama, Jacob Nordman, Aman Ullah, Saleet Jafri, Nadine Kabbani. Calcium signaling and the development of a biologically inspired α7 mediated calcium model in the growth cone.
25. Kent Komine, Dr. Nelson Cortes, and Dr. Siddhartha Sikdar. Measurement of Muscle Volume using Freehand 3D Ultrasound Imaging.
26. Tom Lattanze, Mana Tamami, and Barney Bishop. Conjugation of a water-soluble poly(HPMA-co-PDSA) with the glutathione tripeptide using UV-Vis Spectroscopy.
27. Christina M. Lee, Jeannie C. Evans, Emily T. Stoneham, Nicole Liehr, Sabina Samipour, Dan McHail, Ted C. Dumas.
28. Kibaek Lee, Monique van Hoek, and Myung-Chul Chung. Effect of LL-37 Binding Proteins on Antimicrobial and Biofilm Formation Activities.
29. Megha Luthra, Sophia Moses, Nhien Tran, Balvinder Kaur, Vasiliki Ikonomidou. The New Electrocardiogram: Detecting Stress Related Heart Rate Changes from Common Color Videos
1. R. Banerjee, P. Seshaiyer. Multiphysics Modeling of Fluid-Structure Interaction with Applications to Micro Air Vehicles.
2. Dhruv Bansal, Zara Khan, Justin Zamory, Viet Tran, Siddharta Balu, Carolina Salvador Morales. Investigating the Pulmonary Toxicity of Functionalized Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes.
3. Carolina Barriga, Michael Uttaro, and Theodore C. Dumas. Removal of Area CA3 From Hippocampal Slices Produces a Homeostatic Increase in the Strength of Schaffer Collateral Synapses.
4. Hunter Batchelder, Myung Chung, Monique Van Hoek. Applications of Core-shell Hydrogel Nanoparticles.
5. A. R. Bhandarkar, N. Peixoto, P. Seshaiyer. Parameter Estimation in Stochastic Neural Networks with Aβ: Towards Patient-Specific Alzheimer’s Diagnosis.
6. Oriana Bughi, Tiffany Ha, Anika Armstrong, Megan Devine, Barney Bishop. Poly-N-Isopropylacrylamide/Acrylic Acid Hydrogels.
7. Zachary Chapman, Tess Mulrean, , Weidong Zhou, Lance A. Liotta, Virginia Espina, and Rosa I. Gallagher. Protein Profiling of the Thyroid Colloid through Mass Spectrometry and Reverse Phase Microarrays: A Preliminary Study.
8. Alexa Corso*, Himika Rahman*, Asish Gulati, Chris Rudnicky, Robert Gardner, Giorgio Ascoli, Theodore Dumas. Malleability and Underlying Neural Activation Patterns of the Transition from Attentive to Automatic Navigation.
9. Jay Devanathan, Andrew Shin, and Siddhartha Sikdar. Decoding Finger Movements using Ultrasound Imaging of Muscle Activity.
10. Patrick Dinh, Rob Cressman. Neuron Excitability and the Ionic Environment.
11. Pierce Eggan, Sarah Clark, and Nadine Kabbani. Cellular Mechanisms of Clozapine Action in Cortical Neurons.
12. Katherine Fite, Nazly Shafagati, and Kylene Kehn-Hall. The Role of Nanoparticles in Viral Research.
13. Suhas Gondi, Srividya Chandramouli Iyer, Ramakrishna Meduri, Shruthi Sivakumar, Eric C. Lai and Daniel N. Cox. Investigating miRNA Mediated Regulation of Class Specific Dendrite Morphogenesis.
14. Sanchita Gupta, Rebecca Forkner, Masoumeh Sikaroodi, and Patrick Gillevet. Correlation of Anti-Herbivore Flavanoid Production and Rhizobium Colonization of Plant Roots.
15. Nick Haliday, Jason M. Kinser. A Two-Dimensional Physical Model for Actin Microfilaments in Lung Cells.
16. Brian Hetrick*, Elizabeth Jaworski*, Robert Currer, Ravi Das, Rachel Van Duyne, Irene Guendel, Gavin Sampey,Jessica Roman, Moushimi Amaya, Aarthi Narayanan, and Fatah Kashanchi.Transcriptional Activation by The HTLV-1 Oncogenic Protein, Tax.
17. Alexandra Johnson, Idris Hooper, Cathaleen King Madsen, and Kylene Kehn-Hall. The Use of Acriflavine as a Therapeutic for Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis.
18. Scott Jordan and Amarda Shehu. Refinement of Coarse-grained Near-native Protein Conformations UsingAMBER FF99SB Force Field.
19. Danial Khan, Gita Sudama, Jenefir Isbistir and James D. Willett. Age Associated Variations in the Purine, Tryptophan and Tyrosine Pathways from Age Separated C. elegans Cohorts and a Potential Technique to Obtain Senescent Caneorhabditis Elegans.
20. Ji Hun Kim*, Prabhu Tewari*, KanakaDurga Addepalli, and Iosif Vaisman. Structure-Based Assessment of Functional Impact in Cancer Mutations.
21. Sang Yun Kim, Padmanabhan Seshaiyer. Mathematical Modeling and Analysis of Bio-Heat Transfer in Biological Tissue.
22. Chandler King, Alessandra Luchini, Lance Liotta, Virginia Espina, and Claudia Fredolini. Hydrogel Nanoparticles and Mass Spectrometry to Explore Low Abundance Proteins in Conditioned Medium from Breast DCIS Tissue Culture.
23. Jacob Kinser. Swarm Intelligence in Online Database Navigation.
24. Nayan Lamba*, Megan Yetman*, Erin Sanders, Theodore Dumas. RNA and Protein Expression in Transgenic Mice with Chimeric NMDARs.
25. C. M. Lee, E. T. Stoneham, S. Samipour, D. McHail, N. Liehr, T. C. Dumas. The use of Anti-Stress Gene Therapy to Minimize the Lasting Impact of Chronic Developmental Stress on Adult Cognition.
26. Lauren Marfurt and Jennifer G. Barrett. The Effect of White Blood Cell Concentration on Platelet Rich Plasma in Horses.
27. Daniel Matson, Devin Porter, Barney Bishop. The Effect of Molecular Crowding on the Potency of Cationic Antimicrobial Peptide Isomers.
28. Tavish McDonald*, Hong Myung Lim*, and Iosif Vaisman. The Computational Directed Evolution Approach to Increase Stability and Activity of Insulin.
29. Manjot Nagyal, Virginia Espina, Masoumeh Sikaroodi, and Patrick Gillevet. Characterization of the Gut Mucosal Microbiome using Laser Capture Microdissection (LCM).
30. Arpan Neupane, Rohini Mehta, Ancha Baranova, Arian Afendy, Zachary Goodman, Zobair Younossi. NLRPs in Visceral Adipose Tissue of Morbidly Obese Patients with Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD).
31. Schyler Pa, Christopher Kenedy, John R. Cressman. Seizing the Effect of Extracellular Potassium on Abnormal Neural Oscillations.
1. Sarah Albani and Theodore C. Dumas. Pharmacological Ignition of Hippocampal Function in Juvenile Rats.
2. Will A. Andes, Andrew Kim, William Mcalpine, and Shobita Satyapal. The Study of Outflows in Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies and their Connection To Merger Evolution.
3. Ben Barrett, Shawn Naqvi, Bryan Millis, Virginia Espina, Taissia G. Popova and Serguei Popov. Analysis of Signaling Pathways in Autophagy Induced by Bacillus Anthracis in Human Small Airway Epithelial Cells.
4. Sara Bellakbira, Allyson Dailey, and Robin Couch. Bacterial Voc Metabolomics: Can an Electronic Nose Sniff out Biothreat Agents?
5. Amna Bibi, Lauren Sittler, Zobair M. Younossi, Ancha Baranova, and Michael Estep. Insulin Pathway Component Expression and Treatment Response in Hepatitis-C.
6. Shalini Boddu, Srividya Chandramouli Iyer, Eswar Prasad R. Iyer, Luis Sullivan, and Daniel N. Cox. Investigating Cut Transcriptional Regulation of Putative Downstream Effectors in Mediating Class Specific Drosophila Dendrite Morphogenesis.
7. Emily A. Brown, Lance A. Liotta, Emanuel F. Petricoin, and Weidong Zhou. Analysis of Km23-1(DYNRB1) Interacting Proteins By Mass Spectrometry.
8. Kevin Q. Cao, Gita Sudama, and James D. Willett. Monitoring Cellular and Phenotypic Alterations in Lead Treated Caenorhabditis Elegans Through Analysis of Flourescent Pigmentation, Development and Locomotion.
9. Kyung Min Chae, Sheila Kaushik, Saswata Kumar Sahoo, Hannah Choi, Melanie Juba, Devin Porter, and Barney Bishop. Antimicrobial Performance of ATRA Peptide Variants Against E. Coli.
10. Alex Chen and Jason Kinser. Multi-Domain Data Modeling with Non-Linear Dimensionality Reduction.
11. Tiffany Tien-Li Chen, Jessica Chertow, Charles Bailey aMyung-Chul Chung. Bacillus Anthracis Inha Protease Regulates Bacterial Adhesion to Caco-2 Epithelial Cells.
12. Alexa Corso, Akshay Deverakonda, Himika Rahman, Man Hua Zhu, Robert Gardner, Mai-Phuong Hoang, and Theodore Dumas. Modifiability and Neural Correlates of the Transition from Attentive to Automatic Navigation.
13. Alexander Cox, Davide Tamburro, Claudia Fredolini, Emanuel Petricoin, Lance Liotta, and Alessandra Luchini. Magnetizing Hydrogel Nano-Particles: Towards The Automatization of a Tuberculosis Antigen Test.
14. Sohail Farhangi And Dimitri Klimov. Computational Methods of Modeling and Analyzing Alzheimer's Disease.
15. Daphne Fong, Emanual Petricoin, Virginia Espina, Lance Liotta, and Antonella Chiechi. Investigation of Bone Metastasis on the Proteomic Level through Analysis of Protein Expression Signaling.
16. Adrienne Gillevet, Esther C. Peters, Virginia Espina, Patrick Gillevet, Masoumeh Sikaroodi, and Songhee Kang. Investigating the Microbial Community Associated with Rapid Tissue Loss in Acropora Cervicornis using Laser Capture Microdissection.
17. Trish Ike, Karl Navarro, and Robin Couch. Fecal VOC Metabolomics: Understanding the Pathophysiology of Alcohol Liver Disease.
18. Sheila Kaushik, Kyung Min Chae, Melanie Juba, Hannah Choi, Devin Porter, and Barney Bishop. The Performance of the Antimicrobial Peptide ATRA-1A Against E. Coli and B. Cereus.
19. Chandler F.F. King, Santosh Goud, Alex Cox, Davide Tamburro, Alessandra Luchini, Lance Liotta, Emanuel Petricoin, and Claudia Fredolini. New Technological Approach Based on Engineered Hydrogel Nanoparticles and LTQ-Orbitrap Mass Spectrometry for the Identification of Early Diagnostic Serum Biomarkers for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC).
20. Anisha Kolla, Justin Davis, Dr. Brandy White, and Robin Couch. Antimicrobial Properties of Cranberry Extract Against the Biothreat Agent Francisella Tularensis.
21. Snigdha Kumar, Sarah Clark, and Nadine Kabbani. Colocalization of Gprin1 and Nicotinic Receptors in the Developing and Adult Brain.
22. Vansh Kumar and Jason M. Kinser. Finding and Resolving Conflicts in Neural Networks for Machine Learning.
23. Sundeep Kutumbaka, Yousef Fazel, and Iosif Vaisman. Evolutionary Implications of Sequence Structure Compatibility in Groups of Homologous Proteins.
24. Ananya Mishra, Sarah Clark, Kate Bertrand, and Nadine Kabbani. Antipsychotic Modulation of Nicotinic Receptors Expressed in Neuronal and Immune Cells.
25. Samarth Mohan, Paul Panasiuk, Shaileen Ejtemai, Tiffany Ha, and Barney Bishop. Using Amino Ethyl Indol to Determine the Free Carboxylic Acid Content in Hydrogel Particles.
26. Waleed Osman, Srividya Chandramouli Iyer, and Daniel N. Cox. Class-Specific Dendritic Morphology is Alternately Affected by Induced Hyper-Excitability and Suppression of Neuronal Activity in Drosophila Sensory Neurons.
27. Milan Patel, Bess Gerhart, Ravi Das, Aarthi Narayanan, and Fatah Kashanchi. HIV-1 Extracellular Interactions Using Exosomes.
28. Nhut Pho, Richard Wan, Lamya Alomair, and Ancha Baranova. Bioinformatics of RNA Editing in Dendritic Cells.
29. Chelsea Pinkham, Geraldine San Jose, Lindsay Hill, Cynthia Dowd and Kylene Kehn-Hall. The Inhibition of 1-Deoxy-D-Xylulose 5-Phosphate Reductoisomerase
1. Lauren I. Andres, Rosa I. Gallagher, Kirsten Edmiston, Lance A. Liotta, and Virginia Espina. Exploring the Role of Autophagy Proteins in Ductal Carcinoma In Situ (Dcis) Through Immunohistochemistry.
2. Gabriella Baldo, Rebecca Easley, Alan Baer, Lee Dean, and Kylene Kehn-Hall. The Optimization of Rift Valley Fever Virus Quantitative Reverse Transcriptase PCR for the Identification of Viral Inhibitors.
3. Kevin M. Boehm, Emanuel F. Petricoin III, Lance A. Liotta, Virginia Espina, and Antonella Chiechi. Identification of Stable Housekeeping Proteins for the Calculation of Normalization Factors for Reverse Phase Protein Microarrays.
4. Samuel Bubernak, Michela Capello, Claudia Fredolini, Francesco Novelli, Lance A. Liotta, and Emanuel F. Petricoin III, and Weidong Zhou. Post-Translational Modifications to α-Enolase in Samples from Pancreatic Adenocarcenoma using Mass Spectrometry.
5. Kyung Jun Chae, Rosa I. Gallagher, Jianghong Deng, Kirsten Edmiston, Lance A. Liotta, and Virginia Espina. The Role of Autophagy Proteins in Ductal Carcinoma In Situ: A Promising Key to Prevent Invasive Breast Cancer.
6. Alex Chen and Jason M. Kinser. Multi-Domain Data Modeling for Biometrics.
7. Kenny Cruz, Scott N. Dean, Dr. Barney Bishop, and Monique L. van Hoek. Antimicrobial Activity of Peptides Against S. Aureus & P.Aeruginosa.
8. Lee Dean, Rebecca Easley, Alan Baer, Aarthi Narayanan, Gabriella Baldo, and Kylene Kehn-Hall. Molecular Interactions of Heat Shock Protein 70 with the Virulent Non-Structural Protein (NSs) of Rift Valley Fever Virus.
9. David Derby, Jessica Chertow, and Myung Chul-Chun. Bacillus Anthracis Protease Immune Inhibitor A (InhA) Regulates Spore Internalization in Lung Epithelial Cells.
10. Mithun Dhinakaran, Jacob Nordman, and Nadine Kabbani. Morphometric Analysis of Nicotine Functions on Neural Cells in Culture.
11. Temple Douglas, Lance A. Liotta, Emanuel F. Petricoin, III, and Alessandra Luchini. Development of an Elisa Directed Against Outer Surface Protein A, a Borrelial Antigen, to create a New Lyme Disease Diagnostic Test.
12. Yousef Fazel, Sundeep Kutumbaka, Arjun Srinivasan, and Iosif Vaisman. Evolutionary Implications of Sequence Structure Compatibility in Groups of Homologous Proteins.
13. Christine Franzel and Paul Cooper. Testing the “Old Faithful” Model for Chemically-Driven Cryovolcanism at Enceladus.
14. Cameron Gahres, April Hyon, Patrick Gillevet, and Robert Jonas. Effect of Crassostrea virginica on the Abundance of Bacteria Present in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed.
15. Ashley Groth, Allyson Dailey, and Robin Couch. Bacterial VOC Fingerprinting; Using an Electronic Nose to Sniff out Biothreat Agents.
16. Alison Hight, Emma Dixon, and Robin Couch. VOC Metabolomics and Age Related Wet Macular Degeneration.
17. Seiyoung Jang and Andrea Weeks. Origin and Evolution of Endemic Malagasy Commiphora Species.
18. Myra Jehangir, Kameshwari Sharma, Summiyah H Rana, Hannah Choi, Nishant Garg, Sameer Singh, and Barney Bishop. The Effectiveness of Synthetic, Short Antimicrobial Peptides Against Escherichia coli.
19. Matt Johnson, Nhu Nguyen, Maggie Blair, and Ted Dumas. Ampakine Boosts Performance in the Morris Water Maze for Juvenile and Young Adult Rats.
20. Madhu Karamsetty, Eswar P.R. Iyer, and Daniel N. Cox. Characterization of Downstream Effectors Mediating cut Transcriptional Regulation of Class-Specific Dendrite Morphogenesis.
21. Jun Hong (Johnny) Kim and Andrea Weeks. An Investigation of Various Spacer Regions of the Chloroplast Genome to Increase the Efficacy of Phylogenetic Analyses of Malagasy Commiphora Species.
22. Ananya Mishra, Jacob Nordman, and Nadine Kabbani. Nicotinic Modulation of White Blood Cells by the Alpha 4 Subunit of the Nicotinic Receptor.
23. Sarah Neale, Alison Hight, Emma Dixon, and Robin Couch. Small Molecule Inducers of Nerve Growth Factor for the Chemoprevention of Alzheimer’s Disease.
24. Jeremy Owen, Rob Cressman, and Ernest Barreto. Phase Plane Analysis of a Neuron Model with Dynamic Ion Concentrations.
25. Kunal Patel, Mattia Cremona, Virginia Espina, Lance Liotta, and Alex Reeder. The Effects of UV Cutting Laser Versus IR Ablation of Cells on the Signaling of Phosphorylated Proteins.
26. Milan Patel, Irene Guendal, and Fatah Kashanchi. BIO and Other Effective Methods Against HAND.
27. Sara Pittman, Emma Dixon, and Robin Couch. Fecal VOC Metabolomics and Alcohol Liver Disease.
28. Rithvik Prasannappa, Eswar P.R. Iyer, and Daniel N. Cox. Investigating Wingless-Mediated Signaling in Class Specific Dendrite Morphogenesis.
29. Adarsh Ranganathan, Davide Tamburro, Alessandra Luchini, Emanuel F Petricoin III, Lance A Liotta, and Claudia Fredolini. Application and Characterization of Hydrogel Nanoparticles for Biomarker Harvesting: Functionalization with Dye Affinity Baits and Influence of Cross-Linker Concentration.
1. Farah Albani, Rosa I. Gallagher, Virginia Espina, Lance A. Liotta. Assessment of Collagen IV in the Basement Membrane of Ductal Carcinomain situ: An attempt to Understand DCIS Progression to Invasive Breast Cancer.
2. Sarah Albani, Masoumeh Sikaroodi, Patrick M. Gillevet. The Use of Quantitative Length Heterogeneity Polymerase Chain Reaction to Differentiate Between Active and Inactive Cells in Bacterial Communities.
3. Gabriella Baldo, Tony Pierson, Monique L. van Hoek. Outer Membrane Vesicle Production Comparison Between Wild Type Francisella novicida(U112) and Selected Transposon Mutants.
4. Kyung Min Chae, Emilios Andrew Papanastasiou, Mahmoud D. Eljack, and Dr. Barney Bishop. Generation and Structural Studies of Short Antimicrobial Peptides.
5. Dahan Choi, Nathan P. Manes, Li Dong, Weidong Zhou, Charles Bailey, Emanuel F. Petricoin III, Lance A. Liotta, Serguei G. Popov. Discovery of Biomarkers of pXO1+ B. anthracis in Mouse Spleen Samples Using Comparative Phosphoproteomics and Mass Spectrometry.
6. David Derby, Jessica Chertow, Serguei Popov and Myung-Chul Chung. Effect of Divalent Ions on Stability of Bacillus anthracis InhA Metalloprotease.
7. Temple Douglas, Claudia Fredolini, Davide Tamburro, Lance Liotta, Emanuel Petricoin III, Alessandra Luchini. Acid Black 48 Functionalized Hydrogel Nanoparticles for Biomarker Harvesting.
8. Clinton Enos, Wu, Y., Yu, D., Spear, M.R. Construction of a nef-Producing Plasmid.
9. Ashley Groth, Brian Kang, Dr. Robin Couch. Treating Alzheimer’s Disease with Small Molecule Inducers of Nerve Growth Factor.
10. Trish Ike, Brian Kang, and Dr. Robin Couch. Optimizing the Production of Cyathin A3 for the Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease.
11. Sarah Khan, Brian Kang, and Dr. Robin Couch. Changing the Paradigm of Treating Alzheimer’s Disease.
12. Yura Kim, Ami Patel, Amy VanMeter, Dr. Robin Couch. Using an ARPE-19 Cell Line to Model Wet Age-Related Macular Degeneration in Search for Phosphoprotein Biomarkers.
13. Anirudh Mohan, Alexis Patanarut, Dr. Barney Bishop. Utilizing Phenolphthalein to Quantify Hydrophobicity of NIPAm-based Hydrogel Nanoparticles.
14. Samarth Mohan, Tiffany Ha, Alexis Patanarut and Barney Bishop. Hydrogel Particle Loading with Reactive Red 120.
15. Anahita Mostaghim, Daniel Veltri, Amr Majul, Barney Bishop, Monique vanHoek, and Amarda Shehu. A Data-driven Discovery of Activity-related Properties in Helical Antimicrobial Peptides.
16. Sarah Neale, Jessica Chertow, Serguei G. Popov, Myung-Chul Chung. Regulation of Hemolytic Anthrolysin O by Extracellular Proteases of Bacillus anthracis.
17. Annalise Schoonmaker, Claudius Mueller, Emanuel F. Petricoin III, Lance A. Liotta, Virginia Espina, and Alex Reeder. Effectiveness of Fixatives on Breast Tumor.
18. Rhitwika Sensharma, Alexis Patanarut, Tiffany Ha, Barney Bishop. Enhancing Hydrogel Nanoparticle Binding with Reactive Dyes.
19. Amanuel Shitaye, Troy Anderson, Emanuel F. Petricoin III, and Julia Wulfkuhle. Utilizing Immunofluorescence To Study Connexin 43 Distribution Within Left Ventricle Myocytes of Healthy and Failing Hearts.
20. Matthew Sutton, Masoumeh Sikaroodi, Patrick M. Gillevet. Differentiating Between Active and Inactive Cells in Fungal Microbial Communities Through the Use of Quantitative Fingerprinting.
21. Kiran Toor, Amy VanMeter, Emanuel F. Petricoin III, Lance A. Liotta, Virginia Espina , and Alessandra Romano. Phosphoproteomic Analysis of Cell Signaling Events Induced by Treatment of Multiple Myeloma Cells.
22. Nishant Trivedi, Weidong Zhou, Lance Liotta, Emanuel Petricoin. Study of the Stability of Serum Phosphoproteins by Mass Spectrometry.
1. Kanica Allagh and Victor Morozov. Protein Crystals as Scavengers of Peptide Biomarkers.
2. Mishal Akbar, Sara Photiadis, Serguei Popov, Charles Bailey, and Aarthi Narayanan. Analysis of Mice Sera to Evaluate Quality of Serum Samples Before Use in Biomarker Analysis.
3. Siddhant Bhatia, June Liu, and Thomas B. Huff. The Occurrence of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals in the Shenandoah River in the Vicinity of an Agricultural Wastewater Treatment Plant Using Solid-Phase Extraction and Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry.
4. Ishan Bardhan, June Liu, and Thomas B. Huff. The Occurrence of Triazine Herbicides and Their Transformation Products in the North Fork of the Shenandoah River Using Solid - Phase Extraction and Liquid Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry.
5. Katherine Cardiff and Victor Morozov. Putative Collection of Non-Volatile Markers in Exhaled Nano-Aerosol with Water-Soluble Nano-Filters.
6. Tony George, Claudia Fredolini, Francesco Meani, Barney Bishop, Weidong Zhou, Alexis Patanarut, Alessandra Luchini, Emanuel Petricoin, Lance Liotta, and Caterina Longo. Hydrogel Nanoparticles Application for Cancer Biomarker Discovery.
7. Stella M. Kim, June Liu, and Thomas B. Huff. The Occurrence of a Potent Estrogen in the Vicinity of an Urban Wastewater Treatment Plant Using Solid-Phase Extraction, and Enzymatic Immunoassay.
8. Yura Kim, Tatiana De Souza, and Robin Couch. Fungal Natural Products for the Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease.
9. Deeksha Kola, Abul Hussam, and Timothy Born. Effectiveness of Composite Iron Matrix in Removing Viruses from Water.
10. Arjan C. Kool, Nikitha Reghu, Nathan P. Manes, Suhua Han, Weidong Zhou, Charles Bailey, Emanuel F. Petricoin III, Lance A. Liotta, and Monique L. van Hoek. Francisella Infection of Human Liver Cells Investigated Using Qualitative Phosphoproteomics and Mass Spectrometry.
11. Michael Lehner, June Liu, and Thomas B. Huff. The Occurrence of a Potent Estrogen in the Shenandoah River in the Vicinity of an Agricultural Wastewater Treatment Plant Using Solid-Phase Extraction, and Enzymatic Immunoassay.
12. Christopher Lopez, Taissia G. Popova, and Serguei G. Popov. Addition of Bovine Serum Albumin Enhances Toxicity of B. anthacis Soluble Factors.
13. Katie Melvin, Neeraja Podugu, John Kopecky, Gita Sumatra, and James Willett. Age Fractionation Using Freezing Temperatures of Caenorhabditia elegans.
14. Anirudh Mohan, Alexis Patanarut, Palma Botterell, and Barney Bishop. Synthesis and Characterization of Biomarker-Harvesting Hydrogel Nanoparticles.
15. Krupa Patel, SuHua Han, Dr. Monique van Hoek, and Dr. Barney Bishop. The Effect of Antimicrobial Peptides on Francisella novicida.
16. Nikitha Reghu, Arjan C. Kool, Nathan P. Manes, Li Dong, Weidong Zhou, Charles Bailey, Emanuel F. Petricoin III, Lance A. Liotta, and Serguei G. Popov. Discovery of Anthrax Phosphoprotein Using Mass Spectrometry.
17. Annalise Schoonmaker, Alfonso Colombatti, Valerie Calvert, Jianghong Deng, Enzo Mammano, Claudio Belluco, Francesco De Marchi, Donato Nitti, Lance Lotta, Emanuel Petricoin, Mariaelena Pierobon, and Alessandra Silvestri. Phosphoproteomic Analysis of Laser Capture Microdissected Primary Colorectal Cancer: Development of Prognostic Fingerprint Based On Functional Signal Transduction Biomarkers.
18. Elizabeth Terrell, Virginia Espina, Lance A. Liotta, and Kimberly A. Reeder. Reducing Non-Specific Binding in Cardiac Tissue in IHC Staining.
19. Quai Travis, Amy VanMeter, Emanuel F. Petricoin III, Lance A. Liotta, and Virginia Espina. Evaluation of the Intracellular and Extracellular Phosphoproteomic Cell Signaling Events Following Treatment of Retinal Pigment Epithelium Cells.
20. Dennis Wang and Daniel N. Cox. Molecular Genetic Mechanisms Regulating Dendrite Morphogenesis.
1. Vineela Ayyagari, Amy VanMeter, Michele Signore, Virginia A. Espina, Emanuel F. Petricoin III, and Lance A. Liotta. Comparing the Effects of Treating Multiple Myeloma Cells with Conjugated Linoleic Acid and IGF1R, EGFR, and Jak2 Protein Inhibitors.
2. Ishan Bardhan and Thomas B. Huff. Developing Methods for Analyzing the Role of Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products as Pollutants in River Water.
3. Meng-Yang Chen, Sarah Kim, and Robin Couch. Cyathin A3, a Fungal Metabolite for the Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease.
4. Kathleen Ferraren, Arvind Thiagarajan, and Daniel N. Cox. Molecular and Expression Analyses of Drosophila pGAL4 insertions.
5. Michael J. Heiby, Mariaelena Pierbon, Barbara Merritt, Joel Sennesh, Lucia Pastore, Kirsten Edmiston, Emanuel F. Petricoin III, Lance A. Liotta, and Virginia A. Espina. Protein Stability in Human Breast Tissue: Activation of Pro-Survival, Pro-Apoptotic, and Stress Proteins in Excised Tissue.
6. Oleg Lazarev, Margaret Emblom-Callahan, Geraldine Grant, Mantej Chhina. Differential Gene Expression in End-Stage Fibrotic Diseases.
7. Yasmin Kamal, Alessandra Tessitore, Weidong Zhou, Mark Ross, Lance A. Liotta, and Emanuel Petricoin, III. Identification of Candidate Biomarkers for Colorectal Cancer by Mass Spectrometry.
8. Claire Osterman and Monique L. van Hoek. Antibacterial Properties of Cinnamon on E. coli Bacteria.
9. Ami Patel, Rosa Isela Gallagher, Barbara Merritt, Lucia Pastore, Joel Sennesh, Kirsten Edmiston, Emanuel F. Petricoin III, Lance A. Liotta, Julia Wulfkuhle. Using Laser Capture Microdissection Techniques to Separate DCIS Cells in Breast Tissue.
11. Nishant Trivedi, Weidong Zhou, Alessandra Tessitore, Mark Ross, Lance A. Liotta, and Emanuel Petricoin, III. Identification of Candidate Biomarkers for Prostate Cancer by Mass Spectrometry.
12. Cassandra Xia, Alessandra Luchini, Rob Doufur, Alessandra Tessitore, Clinton Jones, Alexis Patanarut, Barney Bishop, Emanuel Petricoin, Lance Liotta. Synthetic nanoparticles selectively capture, concentrate, and protect LMW proteins from enzymatic degradation.
13. Sophia Youn and Thomas B. Huff. A Solid Phase Extraction-Immunoassay Technique for Determining Aquatic Concentrations of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals.