Course Syllabi
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Course Syllabi
Spring 2025
- BINF 401/BINF 630/BINF 630/BIOL 580 Bioinformatics/Computational Biology I
- BINF 402 Bioinformatics/Computational Biology II
- BINF 641 Biomolecular Modeling
- BINF 702 Biological Data Analysis
- BINF 704/BIOL 695/BIOS 704 Applications of Genetics in Health/Society (Seto)
- BINF 704/BIOL 695/BIOS 704 Colloquium Speaker Series (Kashanchi)
- BINF 704 Colloquium in Bioinformatics (Solka)
- BINF 732 Genomics
- BINF 732 Genomics
- BINF 739 Comp. Analysis Viral Genomes
- BINF 739 AI & Deep Learning in Bioinformatics
- BINF 739/BIOL 691 Neurobiology of Decision Making
- BINF 739/BIOL 691 Brain is a Time Machine
- BINF 740 Introduction to Biophysics
- BINF 751 Biochemical/Cellular Sys. Modeling
- BIOL 508 Medical Biochemistry
- BIOL 508 Research & Development in a Biotechnology Company
- BIOL 553 Advanced Immunology
- BIOL 566 Cancer Genomics
- BIOL 579/BIOS 767 Molec Evol/Conserv Genetics
- BIOL 669 Pathogenic Microbiology
- BIOL 685 Emerging Infectious Diseases
- BIOL 690 Introduction to Grad Studies/Biology
- BIOL 690 Introduction to Grad Studies/Biology - Distance Learning
- BIOL 691/BIMR 510 Creativity & Innovation
- BIOL 691 Principles of Biomed Lit. Review & Writing
- BIOL 695/BIOS 704 Precision Oncology Studies
- BIOL 715 Microbial Physiology
- BIOS 743 Genomics/Proteomics/Bioinformatics
- BIOS 744 Molecular Genetics
Fall 2024
- BINF 401-DL2 Bioinformatics/Computational Biology 1
- BINF 531/BINF 631, Molecular Cell Biology
- BINF 634-DL1, Bioinformatics Programming
- BINF 690-DL1, Numerical Methods for Bioinformatics
- BINF 701/BIOS701, Systems Biology
- BINF 704-001/BIOL 695-002, Apps of Genomics in Health
- BINF 704-DL1/ BIOL 695-DL3/BIOS 704-DL3, Colloquium in Bioinformatics
- BINF 704-DL2/BIOL 695-DL2/BIOS 704-DL1, Colloquium Speaker Series
- BINF 705-DL1, Research Ethics
- BINF 730-DL2, Biological Sequence/Genome Analysis
- BINF 731-001/BINF 731-DL1, Protein Structure Analysis
- BINF 735, NGS Data Analysis
- BINF 739-DL1/BIOL 691-DL2, Neuroscience of Consciousness
- BINF 739-DL2, Transform Academia w/AI: Research
- BINF 760-DL1, Machine Learning Bioinformatics
- BIOL 502-DL1/BIOL 502-001, Adaptation in Biosystems
- BIOL 506-DL1/BIOL 506-002, Antimicrobial Peptides
- BIOL 508-DL1, R&D in Biotech Companies
- BIOL 527-DL1, Conservation Medicine
- BIOL 563-DL1, Virology
- BIOL 666-DL1, Human Genetics Concept-Health Care
- BIOL 669-DL1, Pathogenic Microbiology
- BIOL 682-DL1, Advanced Eukaryotic Cell Biology
- BIOL 689-001, Interdisciplinary Tools
- BIOL 691-001, Developmental Neurobiology
- BIOL 691-002/ BIOS 702-001, Grant Writing/Research Methods
- BIOL 691-DL1/NEUR 612-DL1, Bioscience, Neurotech & Society
- BIOL 695-DL2, Seminar in Molecular/Micro/Cell Biology
Spring 2024
- BINF 401/BINF 630/BINF 630-DL3/ BIOL 580-DL1 Bioinformatics/Computational Biology I
- BINF 402 Bioinformatics/Computational Biology II
- BINF 641-DL1 Biomolecular Modeling
- BINF 702 Biological Data Analysis
- BINF 704-001/BIOL 695-001/ BIOS 704-001 Applications of Genetics in Health/Society
- BINF 704-DL2/BIOL 695-DL2/BIOS 704-DL2 Colloquium Speaker Series
- BINF 704-DL3 Colloquium in Bioinformatics
- BINF 732-DL1 Genomics
- BINF 732-DL2 Genomics
- BINF 739-001 Comp. Analysis Viral Genomes
- BINF 739-DL2/BIOL 691-DL1 Computational Social Neuroscience
- BINF 739-DL3/BIOL 691-DL2 Scientific Writing & Presentations
- BINF 740 Introduction to Biophysics
- BINF 751 Biochemical/Cellular Sys. Modelling
- BIOL 508-004 Medical Biochemistry
- BIOL 508-DL3 Research & Development in a Biotechnology Company
- BIOL 553 Advanced Immunology
- BIOL 562 Personalized Medicine
- BIOL 566 Cancer Genomics
- BIOL 575 Landscape Genetics
- BIOL 579-001/BIOL579-DL1/BIOS 767/BIOS 767-DL1 Molec Evol/Conserv Genetics
- BIOL 583-001 General Biochemistry
- BIOL 669 Pathogenic Microbiology
- BIOL 685 Emerging Infectious Diseases
- BIOL 690-001 Introduction to Grad Studies/Biology
- BIOL 691/BIOL 691-DL3 Creativity & Innovation
- BIOL 691-DL4 Principles of Biomed Lit. Review & Writing
- BIOL 695-002/BIOS 704-002 Precision Oncology Studies
- BIOL 715-001/BIOL 715-DL1 Microbial Physiology
- BIOS 716 Methods in Evolutionary Biology
- BIOS 740 Lab Methods in Functional Genomics & Biotechnology
- BIOS 742 Biotechnology
- BIOS 744 Molecular Genetics
Fall 2023
- BINF 401 Bioinformatics/Computational Biology
- BINF 531/BINF 631 Molecular Cell Biology
- BINF 634-DL1 Bioinformatics Programming
- BINF 690-DL1 Numerical Methods for Bioinformatics
- BINF 701 Systems Biology
- BINF-704-001/BIOL 695-002/BIOS 704-002 Apps of Genomics in Health
- BINF 704-DL1 Colloquium in Bioinformatics
- BINF 704-DL2/BIOL 695-DL1/BIOS 704-DL1 Colloquium Speaker Series
- BINF 705-DL1 Research Ethics
- BINF 730 Biological Sequence/Genome Analysis
- BINF 731 Protein Structure Analysis
- BINF 739-DL2 Next Generation Sequencing
- BINF 760-DL1 Machine Learning Bioinformatics
- BIOL 502 Adaption in Biosystems
- BIOL 508 R&D in Biotech Companies
- BIOL 527-DL1 Conservation Medicine
- BIOL 532 Animal Behavior
- BIOL 563 Virology
- BIOL 574 Population Genetics
- BIOL 583 General Biochemistry
- BIOL 666-DL1 Human Genetics Concept-Health Care
- BIOL 669-DL1 Pathogenic Microbiology
- BIOL 682-DL1 Advanced Eukaryotic Cell Biology
- BIOL 689-DL1 Interdisciplinary Tools
- BIOL 691-003 Clinical Applications Human Physiology
- BIOL 691-004 Grant Writing/Research Methods
- BIOL 691-DL1 Bioscience, Neurotech & Society
- BIOS-702-001 Grant Writing/Research Methods
- BIOS 715 Molecular Ecology
- BIOS 741-001/BIOS 741-DL1 Genomics
Spring 2023
- BINF 401/ BINF 630/BINF 630-DL3/BIOL 580-002 Bioinformatics/Computational Biology
- BINF 402 Bioinformatics/Computational Biology II
- BINF 641-DL1 Biomolecular Modeling
- BINF 702 Biological Data Analysis
- BINF 704-001/BIOL 695-001/BIOS 704-001 Applications of Genomics in Health/Society
- BINF 704-DL2/BIOL 695-DL2/BIOS 704-DL2 Colloquium Speaker Series
- BINF 704-DL3 Colloquium in Bioinformatics
- BINF 732 Genomics
- BINF 739-001 Comp. Analysis Viral Genomes
- BINF 740 Introduction to Biophysics
- BINF 751/BINF 751-DL1 Biochemical/Cellular Systems Modeling
- BIOL 508-DL3 Research & Development in a Biotechnology Company
- BIOL 508-DL4 Medical Biochemistry
- BIOL 508-DL6 Marine Mammal Biol/Conservation
- BIOL 508-004 Water and Disease
- BIOL 553 Advanced Immunology
- BIOL 568-001 Advanced Topics in Molecular Genomics
- BIOL 583-001 General Biochemistry
- BIOL 669-DL1 Pathogenic Microbiology
- BIOL 685 Emerging Infectious Diseases
- BIOL 690-001 Introduction to Grad Studies/Biology
- BIOL 691-DL1 Principles of Biomed Lit. Review & Writing
- BIOL 691-001 / BIOL 691 DL2 Creativity & Innovation
- BIOL 715-001/BIOL 715-DL1 Microbial Physiology
- BIOS 716-001/BIOS 716-202 Methods / Lab in Evolutionary Biology
- BIOS 740-001, Lab Methods in Functional Gen./Biotech.
- BIOS 743 Genomics/Proteomics/Bioinformatics
- BIOS 744-DL1 Molecular Genetics
Fall 2022
- BINF 401 Bioinformatics/Computational Biology
- BINF 531/BINF 631 Molecular Cell Biology
- BINF 634-DL1 Bioinformatics Programming
- BINF 690-DL1 Numerical Methods for Bioinformatics
- BINF 701/BIOL 695-DL1/BIOS 701 Systems Biology
- BINF 704-DL1 Colloquium in Bioinformatics
- BINF 704-DL2/BIOL 695-DL1/BIOS 704-DL1, Colloquium Speaker Series
- BINF 705-DL1 Research Ethics
- BINF 730 Biological Sequence/Genome Analysis
- BINF 731 Protein Structure Analysis
- BINF 739-DL1/BIOL 691-DL3 Neurobiology of Decision-Making
- BINF 739-DL2 Next Generation Sequencing
- BINF 739-DL6/BIOL 691-DL4 Computational Social Neuroscience
- BIOL 502 Adaptation in Biosystems
- BIOL 508 R&D in Biotech Companies
- BIOL 527 Disease Ecology & Conservation
- BIOL 563 Virology
- BIOL 574 Population Genetics
- BIOL 583 General Biochemistry
- BIOL 648 Population Ecology
- BIOL 666-DL1 Human Genetics Concept-Health Care
- BIOL 667-001 Signal Transduction in Cancer
- BIOL 669-DL1 Pathogenic Microbiology
- BIOL 682-DL1 Advanced Eukaryotic Cell Biology
- BIOL 691-001 Cellular Neuroscience
- BIOL 691-002 Developmental Neurobiology
- BIOL 691-003 Fundamental Concepts of Evolution
- BIOL 695-001/BIOS 704-002 Tularemia in Ongoing Biothreats
- BIOL 695-002/BIOS 704-003 Apps of Genomics in Health
- BIOS 702 Research Methods
- BIOS 715-DL1 Molecular Ecology
- BIOS 744 Molecular Genetics
- BIMR 260-DL1 Diversity of Biomedical Scientific Traditions
- BIMR 480 Gateway to Medical Career
Summer 2022
Spring 2022
- BINF 401/BINF 530/BINF 630/BIOL 580-002 Bioinformatics/Computational Biology I
- BINF 402 Bioinformatics/Computational Biology II
- BINF 641-DL1 Biomolecular Modeling
- BINF 702 Biological Data Analysis
- BINF 704-001/BIOL 695-002/BIOS 704-003 Applications of Genetics in Society
- BINF 704-DL1 Colloquium in Bioinformatics
- BINF 704-002/BIOL 695-DL2//BIOS 704-002 Colloquium Speaker Series
- BINF 732 Genomics
- BINF 739-001 Comp. Analysis Viral Genomes
- BINF 739-003/BIOL 575-003 Landscape Genetics
- BINF 739-DL1/ BIOL 691-DL1 Neuroscience of Consciousness
- BINF 740 Introduction to Biophysics
- BINF 751 Biochemical/Cellular Systems Modeling
- BIOL 508-005 Medical Biochemistry
- BIOL 508-DL3 Research & Development in a Biotechnology Company
- BIOL 553 Advanced Immunology
- BIOL 560 Infectious Diseases Wildlife
- BIOL 566-DL1 Cancer Genomics
- BIOL 579/BIOS 767 Molec Evol/Conserv Genetics
- BIOL 583-001 General Biochemistry
- BIOL 685 Emerging Infectious Diseases
- BIOL 689 Interdisciplinary Tools
- BIOL 690-001 Introduction to Grad Studies/Biology
- BIOL 690-DL1 Introduction to Grad Studies/Biology
- BIOL 695-001/BIOS 704-001 Antimicrobial Peptides
- BIOL 715 Microbial Physiology
- BIOS 716-DL1 Methods in Evolutionary Biology
- BIOS 740 Lab Methods in in Functional Genomics & Biotechnology
- BIOS 742 Biotechnology
- BIOS 743 Genomics/Proteomics/Bioinformatics
- BIOS 744 Molecular Genetics
Fall 2021
- BINF 531/631 Molecular Cell Biology
- BINF 634 Bioinformatics Programming
- BINF 690 Numerical Methods for Bioinformatics
- BINF 701/BIOS 701 Systems Biology
- BINF 704-001/BIOL 695-003/BIOS 704-001 Colloquium Speaker Series
- BINF 704-DL1 Colloquium in Bioinformatics
- BINF 705 Research Ethics
- BINF 730 Biological Sequence/Genome Analysis
- BINF 731 Protein Structure Analysis
- BINF 739-DL1/ BIOL 691-DL1 Neurobiology of Decision Making
- BINF 739-DL2 Next Generation Sequencing
- BINF 760 Machine Learning Bioinformatics
- BIOL 502 Adaptation in Biosystems
- BIOL 508 R&D in Biotech Companies
- BIOL 518-DL2 Conservation Biology
- BIOL 532-DL1 Animal Behavior
- BIOL 563 Virology
- BIOL 574 Population Genetics
- BIOL 583-1 General Biochemistry
- BIOL 583-2 General Biochemistry
- BIOL 648 Population Ecology
- BIOL 666 Human Genetic Concepts in Health Care
- BIOL 667 Signal Transduction in Cancer
- BIOL 669 Pathogenic Microbiology
- BIOL 682 Advanced Eukaryotic Cell Biology
- BIOL 685 Emerging Infectious Diseases
- BIOL 691-001/BIOS 704-002 Antimicrobial Peptides
- BIOL 695-002/BIOS 704-003 Apps in Genomics in Health
- BIOS 702, Research Methods
- BIOS 741-DL1 Genomics
Spring 2021
- BINF 401/BINF 530/BINF 630/BIOL 580 Bioinformatics Methods
- BINF 402 Bioinformatics/Computational Biology II
- BINF 641-DL1 Biomolecular Modeling
- BINF 702 Biological Data Analysis
- BINF 703 Bioinformatics Lab Rotation
- BINF 704-002/BIOL 695-DL2/BIOS 704-002 Colloquium Speaker Series
- BINF 704-DL1 Colloquium in Bioinformatics
- BINF 732 Genomics
- BINF 734 Python for Bioinformatics Applications
- BINF 739-001 Comp. Analysis Viral Genomes
- BINF 739-DL1/BIOL 691-DL1/BIOS 710-DL1 Scientific Writing & Presentations
- BINF 739-DL2/BIOL 691-DL3 Medical Imaging: Physical & Biol. Principles
- BINF 740 Introduction to Biophysics
- BINF 751 Biochemical/Cellular Systems Modeling
- BIOL 426 Mechanisms of Aging
- BIOL 508 DL1 Research & Development in a Biotechnology Company
- BIOL 553 Advanced Topics in Immunology
- BIOL 566 Cancer Genomics
- BIOL 568 Epigenetics
- BIOL 583-001 General Biochemistry
- BIOL 689 Interdisciplinary Tools
- BIOL 690 Introduction to Graduate Studies in Biology
- BIOL 695-002/BIOS 704-003 Applications of Genetics in Society
- BIOL 695-DL1/BIOS 704-DL1 Tularemia an Ongoing Threat
- BIOL 715 Microbial Physiology
- BIOS 716-DL1 Methods in Evolutionary Biology
- BIOS 716-201 Methods in Evolutionary Biology
- BIOS 743-001 Genomics/Proteomics/Bioinformatics
- BIOS 744-DL1 Molecular Genetics
Fall 2020
- BINF 401/BIOL 417-008 Bioinformatics and Computational Biology 1
- BINF 531/631 Molecular Cell Biology
- BINF 634 Bioinformatics Programming
- BINF 690 Numerical Methods for Bioinformatics
- BINF 701/BIOS 701 Systems Biology
- BINF 703 Bioinformatics Lab Rotation
- BINF 704-001/BIOL 695-003/BIOS 704-001 Colloquium Speaker Series
- BINF 704-DL1 Colloquium in Bioinformatics
- BINF 705 Research Ethics
- BINF 730 Biological Sequence/Genome Analysis
- BINF 731 Protein Structure Analysis
- BINF 739 Next Generation Sequencing
- BIOL 426-002 Mechanisms of Aging
- BIOL 502 - Adaptation in Biosystems
- BIOL 506 Selected Topics in Microbiology
- BIOL 508-001/BIOL 417-005 Research & Development in a Biotechnology Company
- BIOL 508-003 Signaling and Precision Oncology
- BIOL 532/BIOL 472-001 Animal Behavior
- BIOL 563 Virology
- BIOL 574 Population Genetics
- BIOL 583-001/CHEM 463-001 General Biochemistry
- BIOL 583-002/CHEM 463-002 General Biochemistry
- BIOL 648/EVPP 648-001 Population Ecology
- BIOL 669-001 Pathogenic Microbiology
- BIOL 682 Advanced Eukaryotic Cell Biology
- BIOL 685-001 Emerging Infectious Diseases
- BIOL 691-002/NEUR 601-001Developmental Neuroscience
- BIOL 691-003/BIOL 432-001 Clinical Applications Human Physiology
- BIOL 691-E01 Creativity and Innovation
- BIOL 695-006 Applications of Genomics in Health
- BIOL 695-007/BIOS 704-004 Antimicrobial Peptides
- BIOS 702 Research Methods
Summer 2020
- BINF 703 - Bioinformatics Lab Rotation
- BIOL 583 - General Biochemistry
- BIOL 423/508 - Biology of Obesity/Weight Loss
- BIOL 690 - Introduction to Graduate Studies in Biology
- BIOL 695 - Coronavirus Research Update
Spring 2020
- BINF 401/BINF 530/BINF 630/BIOL 580 Bioinformatics Methods
- BINF 633 Molecular Biotechnology
- BINF 641-DL1 Biomolecular Modeling
- BINF 702, Biological Data Analysis
- BINF 704-002/BIOL 695-003/BIOS 704-003 Colloquium Speaker Series
- BINF 704-DL1 Colloquium in Bioinformatics
- BINF 732 Genomics
- BINF 739/BIOL 691-001/BIOS 710 Creativity and Innovation
- BINF 739-DL5/BIOL 691-DL2 MATLAB Brn, BIOL, & Cog Scientists
- BINF 740 Introduction to Biophysics
- BINF 751 Biochemical/Cellular Systems Modeling
- BIOL 508 Research & Development in a Biotechnology Company
- BIOL 553 Immunology
- BIOL 575 Interdisciplinary Genetics Seminar
- BIOL 579/BIOS 767 Molecular Evolution
- BIOL 583 General Biochemistry
- BIOL 666 Human Genetic Concepts in Health Care
- BIOL 690 Introduction to Graduate Studies in Biology
- BIOL 690 Introduction to Graduate Studies in Biology - DL Section
- BIOL 695-002/BIOS 704-002 Applications of Genetics in Society
- BIOL 715 Microbial Physiology
- BIOS 716-001 Methods in Evolutionary Biology
- BIOS 716-201 Methods in Evolutionary Biology
- BIOS 743 Genomics/Proteomics/Bioinformatics
Fall 2019
- BINF 401 Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
- BINF 531/631 Molecular Cell Biology
- BINF 634 Bioinformatics Programming
- BINF 690 Numerical Methods for Bioinformatics
- BINF 701/BIOS 701 Systems Biology
- BINF 704-001/BIOL 695-003/BIOS 704-001 Colloquium Speaker Series
- BINF 704-002/BIOL 695-004/BIOS 704-003 Colloquium in Bioinformatics
- BINF 704-DL1 Colloquium in Bioinformatics
- BINF 705 Research Ethics
- BINF 730 Biological Sequence/Genome Analysis
- BINF 731 Protein Structure Analysis
- BINF 739/BIOL 691-DL1 Scientific Writing & Pres.
- BIOL 507-002 Disease Ecology and Conservation
- BIOL 508 Research & Development in a Biotechnology Company
- BIOL 518 Conservation Biology
- BIOL 532 Animal Behavior
- BIOL 563 Virology
- BIOL 566 Cancer Genomics
- BIOL 575 Next Gen Sequencing Technique
- BIOL 583-001 General Biochemistry
- BIOL 583-002 General Biochemistry
- BIOL 648-001 Population Ecology
- BIOL 669-001 Pathogenic Microbiology
- BIOL 682 Advanced Eukaryotic Cell Biology
- BIOL 685 Emerging Infectious Diseases
- BIOL 695-002/BIOS 704-002 Applications of Genomics in Health
- BIOS 715 – Molecular Ecology
- BIOS 741 Genomics
Spring 2019
- BINF 530/BINF630/BIOL 580 Bioinformatics Methods
- BINF 641-DL1 Biomolecular Modeling
- BINF 704//BIOL 695-003/BIOS 704-003 Colloquium Speaker Series
- BINF 704-DL1 Colloquium in Bioinformatics
- BINF 739 Computational Analysis of Viral Genomes
- BINF 739-DL2/BIOL 691-DL1 Neurobiology of Decision Making
- BINF 739-DL3/BIOL 691-DL2 MATLAB Brn, BIOL, & Cog Scientists
- BINF 740 Introduction to Biophysics
- BIOL 508 Research & Development in a Biotechnology Company
- BIOL 553 Immunology
- BIOL 568 Epigenetics
- BIOL 574 Population Genetics
- BIOL 583 General Biochemistry
- BIOL 585 Eukaryotic Cell Biology Lab
- BIOL 666 Human Genetic Concepts in Health Care
- BIOL 690 Introduction to Graduate Studies in Biology
- BIOL 715 Microbial Physiology
- BIOL 691-002/BIOS 743 Genomics/Proteomics/Bioinformatics
Fall 2018
- BINF 401 Bioinformatics/Computational Biology 1
- BINF 531/631 Molecular Cell Biology
- BINF 634 Bioinformatics Programming
- BINF 690 Numerical Methods for Bioinformatics
- BINF 701/BIOS 701 Systems Biology
- BINF 704-001/BIOL 695-003/BIOS 704-001 Colloquium Speaker Series
- BINF 704-DL1 Colloquium in Bioinformatics
- BINF 705 Research Ethics
- BINF 730 Biological Sequence/Genome Analysis
- BINF 731 Protein Structure Analysis
- BINF 739/BIOL 691-DL1 Scientific Writing & Pres.
- BIOL 482 Introduction to Molecular Genetics
- BIOL 508 Research & Development in a Biotechnology Company
- BIOL 563 Virology
- BIOL 583-001 General Biochemistry
- BIOL 583-002 General Biochemistry
- BIOL 648-001 Population Ecology
- BIOL 669-001 Pathogenic Microbiology
- BIOL 682 Advanced Eukaryotic Cell Biology
- BIOL 691-006 Developmental Neuroscience
- BIOL 691-007/BIOS 702 Research Methods
- BIOL 695-005/BIOS 704-005 Applications of Genomics in Health
- BIOL 695-007/BIOS 710-002 Seminar: Complex Adaptive Systems in Molecular Ecology
- BIOL 695-009/BIOS 704-010 Viruses & the Blood-Brain Barrier
- BIOL 695-010/BIOS 704-011 Microbial Pathogenesis
- BIOS 704-012 Topics in Biosciences
- BIOS 715 – Molecular Ecology
- BIOS 742 Biotechnology
Spring 2018
- BINF 530/BINF630/BIOL 580 Bioinformatics Methods
- BINF 633 Molecular Biotechnology
- BINF 641-DL1 Biomolecular Modeling
- BINF 702 Biological Data Analysis
- BINF 704//BIOL 695-003/BIOS 704-003 Colloquium Speaker Series
- BINF 704-DL1 Colloquium in Bioinformatics
- BINF 740 Introduction to Biophysics
- BIOL 507/BIOS 716/EVPP 615 Molecular Environ. Biology II
- BIOL 508 Research & Development in a Biotechnology Company
- BIOL 553 Immunology
- BIOL 562 Personalized Medicine
- BIOL 579/BIOS 767 Molecular Evolution
- BIOL 690 Introduction to Graduate Studies in Biology
- BIOL 691-003 MATLAB Brn, BIOL, & CogScientists
- BIOL 691-001/BIOS 710-001 Vectors & Vector Born Disease
- BIOL 691-001/BIOS 710-002 Creativity and Innovation
- BIOL 695-002/BIOS 704-002 Apps of Genomics in Health