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Graduate Student Handbooks

George Mason University Policy and Expectations for student/faculty interactions
College of Science (COS) PhD Student Handbook
Student Forms
Forms are necessary to initiate many academic actions or processes. Please fill out the appropriate form, obtain all required signatures, and submit to the SSB Graduate Coordinator.
The department's specific forms are available below. Please visit the Office of the University Registrar to access other graduate and university related academic forms.
Master’s Students
Doctoral Students
Programs of Study
Students must develop an individual program of study, usually completed by the end of the first year of graduate study. The program of study must include the major's core courses and supporting courses to be completed, research skills required, and subject areas to be covered. Progress in an approved program of study is the shared responsibility of the student and the advisor. Students should consult with their advisors or graduate coordinator prior to registering each semester.
MS Programs of Study
- Bioinformatics & Computational Biology
- Bioinformatics Management, Professional Science Masters
- Bioinformatics Management
- Biology (MS-BIOL) - Specific concentrations for MS Biology include:
- Evolutionary Biology
- General Biology
- Microbiology & Infectious Diseases
- Molecular Biology
- Nutrition Genetics and Nutraceuticals
- Neuroscience
- Translational and Clinical Research
PhD Programs of Study
Certificate Programs of Study
Dissertation/Thesis Guidelines
- Guidelines with Dates for Thesis / Dissertation Submission:
- Writing and Formatting Guidelines for MS Biology Papers (PDF)
- PhD Biosciences Advancement to Candidacy Guidelines: Committee Formation, Comp Exam, Proposal Defense (PDF)
Grading Rubrics
Mason Writing Center Support
- For Graduate Students:
- For Multi-lingual Students:
Faculty Advisor
A faculty advisor is appointed during the admissions process. Students are encouraged to connect with individual faculty conducting research in their area of interest. Prospective, and current students, may find a list of the titles of previous Projects, Thesis and Dissertations defended at SSB and the names of respective advisers here.
The faculty advisor is a resource for identifying relevant courses and potential research opportunities.
Graduate Student Services Coordinator
The Graduate Student Services Coordinator facilitates academic processes in accordance to university policy.
For assistance, please contact:
Diane St. Germain
Graduate Student Services Coordinator