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Section Navigation: School of Systems Biology
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- Name
- Ancha Baranova
- Job Title
- Professor
- Phone Number
- Office Location
- Colgan Hall, Room 312G

- Name
- Vikas Chandhoke
- Job Title
- Professor
- Phone Number
- Office Location
- Research Hall

- Name
- Karl Fryxell
- Job Title
- Associate Professor
- Phone Number
- Office Location
- 305 Discovery Hall, SciTech, MSN: 1J1

- Name
- Ramin Hakami
- Job Title
- Associate Professor
- Phone Number
- Office Location
- 1022 Biomedical Research Lab, SciTech, MSN: 1J5

- Name
- M. Saleet Jafri
- Job Title
- ProfessorDirector, Interdiscplinary Program in Neuroscience
- Phone Number
- Office Location
- Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study, Room 234, MS 2A1

- Name
- Nadine Kabbani
- Job Title
- Associate ProfessorAssociate Chair for Research, Interdisciplinary Program in Neuroscience
- Phone Number
- Office Location
- Krasnow Institute, Room 233, MSN 2A1

- Name
- Fatah Kashanchi
- Job Title
- Professor, VirologyDirector of the Laboratory of Molecular Virology
- Phone Number
- Office Location
- Discovery Hall, Room 182, MSN 1H8

- Name
- Dmitri Klimov
- Job Title
- Professor
- Phone Number
- Office Location
- Colgan Hall, Room 328B, MSN 5B3

- Name
- Frank Krueger
- Job Title
- Professor
- Phone Number
- Office Location
- Mail Stop 2A1

- Name
- Lance Liotta
- Job Title
- ProfessorCo-Director, Center for Applied Proteomics and Molecular Medicine
- Phone Number
- Office Location
- 2005 Inst, Adv Biomedical Research, SciTech, MSN: 1A9

- Name
- Christopher Lockhart
- Job Title
- Research Assistant Professor
- Office Location
- Colgan Hall, 328E, MSN 5B3, Science & Tech Campus

- Name
- Alessandra Luchini
- Job Title
- Professor
- Phone Number
- Office Location
- 1013 Inst, Adv Biomedical Research, SciTech, MSN: 1A9

- Name
- Emanuel Petricoin
- Job Title
- ProfessorCo-Director, Center for Applied Proteomics and Molecular Medicine
- Phone Number
- Office Location
- 2006 Inst, Adv Biomedical Research, SciTech, MSN: 1A9

- Name
- Mariaelena Pierobon
- Job Title
- Associate Professor
- Phone Number
- Office Location
- Institute for Advanced Biomedical Research

- Name
- Donald Seto
- Job Title
- Professor
- Phone Number
- Office Location
- Colgan Hall, Room 325, MSN 5B3

- Name
- Jeff Solka
- Job Title
- Adjunct Professor
- Phone Number
- Office Location
- Colgan Hall, Room 308

- Name
- Aman Ullah
- Job Title
- Assistant Professor
- Phone Number
- Office Location
- MSN 5B3

- Name
- Iosif Vaisman
- Job Title
- ProfessorDirector, School of Systems Biology
- Cell Phone
- Office Location
- Colgan Hall, Room 312A, MSN 5B3

- Name
- Monique Van Hoek
- Job Title
- Professor (Microbiology and Infectious Diseases)Associate Director of Research, School of Systems Biology
- Phone Number
- Office Location
- Discovery Hall, Room 156D, MSN 1H8

- Name
- Yuntao Wu
- Job Title
- Professor
- Phone Number
- Office Location
- Discovery Hall, Room 306
Emeritus Faculty

- Name
- Serguei Popov
- Job Title
- Professor Emeritus

- Name
- Valery Soyfer
- Job Title
- Distinguished University Professor Emeritus
- Phone Number
- Office Location
- Colgan Hall, RM 312C

- Name
- James Willett
- Job Title
- Professor Emeritus
- Phone Number
- Office Location
- Colgan Hall, RM 312C
Affiliate Faculty

- Name
- Nasrin Afzal
- Job Title
- Scientist, Genmab US Inc., Princeton, NJ

- Name
- Adriana Alibini

- Name
- Fahad Almsned
- Job Title
- Director, Statistics and Predictive Modelling, Eastern Health Cluster, Saudi Arabia

- Name
- Lamya Alomair

- Name
- Jill Barnholtz-Sloan
- Job Title
- Associate Director for the Informatics and Data Science Program at the NCI Center for Biomedical Informatics and Information Technology (CBIIT)Senior Intramural Investigator, NCI Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics (DCEG)

- Name
- Feras Batarseh
- Job Title
- Associate Professor, Department of Biological Systems Engineering (BSE), College of Engineering, Virginia Tech, Arlington, VA.

- Name
- Todd Bell
- Job Title
- Professor, Department of Veterinary Pathology College of Veterinary Medicine Iowa State University of Science and Technology Ames, IA

- Name
- Elke Bergmann-Leitner
- Job Title
- Chief, Immunology Core/WRAIR and Research Professor Dept. Medicine/USUHS

- Name
- Carsten Bonnemann
- Job Title
- Chief, Neuromuscular and Neurogenetic Disorders of Childhood Section, Senior Investigator and Acting Chief, Neurogenetics Branch, NINDS, NIHAdjunct Investigator, Medical Genetics Branch, NHGRI, NIHAdjunct Professor of Neurology and Attending Physician, Univ of Pennsylvania Perelman School of MedicineCHOP, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke/NIH Porter Neuroscience Research Center, Bethesda, MD

- Name
- Steven Bowers

- Name
- Jacquelyn Brown
- Job Title
- Assistant Research Professor, Drug Discovery Institute, University of Pittsburgh

- Name
- Andrew Campbell
- Job Title
- Director Comprehensive Sickle Cell Disease Program, Children’s National Medical Center

- Name
- Hongbao Cao

- Name
- Massimo Caputo
- Job Title
- Biomedical Science Department, Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL 33431

- Name
- Matthew Carrano
- Job Title
- Curator of Dinosauria (Research Geologist, Department of Paleobiology, National Museum Of Natural History (NMNH), Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC

- Name
- Trevor Charles
- Job Title
- Professor, Department of Biology University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

- Name
- Charles Chen
- Job Title
- Senior Scientist, AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals, Massachusetts

- Name
- Emily Chew
- Job Title
- Director, Division of Epidemiology and Clinical Applications, NEI/NIIH

- Name
- David Cohen
- Job Title
- Research Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Virginia Commonwealth University

- Name
- Thomas Conrads

- Name
- Jonas de Almeida
- Job Title
- Senior Investigator, National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, Chief Data Scientist, Rockville, MD

- Name
- Jacobus de Waard’
- Job Title
- Professor. Faculty of Medicine, Central University of Venezuela, CaracasHead. Department of Tuberculosis, Biomedical Institute, CaracasAssociate Researcher: University of the Americas (UDLA), Quito, Ecuador

- Name
- Ranadhir Dey
- Job Title
- Biologist, Laboratory of Emerging Pathogens (LEP), Division of Transfusion Transmitted Diseases (DETTD), Office of Blood Research and Review (OBRR), Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER), FDA, Silver Spring, MD 20993

- Name
- Tobin Dickerson

- Name
- Shyam Dumre
- Job Title
- Associate Professor, Central Department of Microbiology, Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Kathmandu, NEPAL

- Name
- James Estep
- Job Title
- Director of Laboratory Services and Senior Scientist, Inova Health System; Assistant Professor, Northern Virginia Community College

- Name
- Claudia Fredolini
- Job Title
- Researcher and Head of the Unit of Affinity Proteomics StockholmCo-Director and Platform Coordinator Officer at the platform of Clinical Proteomics and Immunology Science for Life Laboratory, Stockholm, Sweden

- Name
- Claudia Freeborne-Brinton
- Job Title
- Chief Executive Officer, Freeborne Health Advising LLC

- Name
- Patrick Gillevet
- Job Title
- Professor and DirectorAssociate Dean of Research
- Phone Number
- Office Location
- Colgan Hall, Room 426, MSN 4D4

- Name
- Robert Gilman
- Job Title
- Professor, Johns Hopkins University, Department of International Health, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

- Name
- Maureen Goodenow
- Job Title
- Assoc. Director for HIV/AIDS and Director, Office of AIDS Research - Laboratory Chief, Molecular HIV and Host Interaction Section, NIAD National Institutes of Health

- Name
- Geraldine Grant
- Job Title
- Associate ProfessorChair, Department of Biology
- Phone Number
- Office Location
- Exploratory Hall, Room 1200

- Name
- Dale Greenwalt
- Job Title
- Volunteer/Research Associate, Department of Paleobiology NMNH, Washington, D.C.

- Name
- Markus Hafner
- Job Title
- Senior Investigator, NIAMS/NIH, Bethesda, MD

- Name
- Rasha Hammamieh
- Job Title
- Director, Medical Readiness Systems Biology Walter Reed Army Institute of Research Silver Spring, MD

- Name
- Amanda Haymond Still
- Job Title
- Research Assistant Professor
- Phone Number
- Office Location
- Institute for Advance Biomedical Research, Room 1025s

- Name
- Marissa Howard
- Job Title
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow

- Name
- Tania Huedo-Medina
- Job Title
- Distinguished Research Professor Ikerbasque Research Foundation and Department of Clinical, Health Psychology, and Research Methods, School of Psychology, University of the Basque Country, Spain

- Name
- Sergey Iordanskiy
- Job Title
- Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology & Molecular Therapeutics, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda MD

- Name
- John Jessup

- Name
- Donald Johann
- Job Title
- University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS), Little Rock, AR Associate Professor of Medicine and Biomedical Informatics

- Name
- Sinu John
- Job Title
- Staff Scientist, Signaling Systems Section, Laboratory of Immune System Biology National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health Bethesda, MD

- Name
- Kylene Kehn-Hall

- Name
- Amy Klion
- Job Title
- Senior Clinical Investigator, Tenured, Laboratory of Parasitic Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD

- Name
- Urszula Krzych
- Job Title
- Chief, Department of Cellular Immunology, Malaria Vaccine Branch –Biologic Research and Development, U.S. Military Malaria Vaccine Program, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, Silver Spring, MD

- Name
- Bengt Ljungquists
- Job Title
- Senior Data Scientist, Nextonic Solutions

- Name
- Donald Lo
- Job Title
- Director of Medicines Development European Infrastructure for Translational Medicine (EATRIS) and Scientific Lead The European Platform for Medicines Repurposing (REMEDi4ALL)

- Name
- Paolo Lusso
- Job Title
- Chief, Viral Pathogenesis Section, Laboratory of Immunoregulation, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), National Institutes of Health (NIH)

- Name
- Ganiraju Manyam

- Name
- Majid Masso

- Name
- Sabine Matou-Nasri
- Job Title
- Senior research Scientist, Medical Genomics Research Department, KAIMRC

- Name
- Anatoly Mayburd

- Name
- Katrin Mayer-Barber
- Job Title
- Earl Stadtman Tenure Track Investigator Chief, Inflammation & Innate Immunity Unit, NIAD, Laboratory of Clinical Immunology & Microbiology, Bethesda, MD

- Name
- Ilya Mazo

- Name
- Rohini Mehta

- Name
- Robert Molestina

- Name
- Kevin Morris
- Job Title
- Professor and Director, Griffith The Cell and Gene Therapy Group, Menzies Health Institute School of Pharmacology and Medical Sciences, Griffith University, QLD, Australia

- Name
- Myong Ho Nam
- Job Title
- Medical Director, Inova Schar Cancer Center Laboratory and Inova Laboratories, Fairfax, VA

- Name
- Gabriel Parra
- Job Title
- Principal Investigator, Division of Viral Products (DVP), Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER), Food and Drugs Administration (FDA)

- Name
- Victoria Polonis

- Name
- Andrea Quattrini
- Job Title
- Research Zoologist, Smithsonian Institution National Museum of Natural History, DC Curator of Anthozoa, Ecology and Evolution of Corals and Associated Communities

- Name
- Harsha Rajasimha

- Name
- Yvonne Reid
- Job Title
- Manager/Scientist, Cell Biology Program, ATCC

- Name
- Gurdeep Singh
- Job Title
- Assistant Professor, Department of Cell Biology & Physiology, University of New Mexico School of Medicine, USAAssistant Professor, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, University of New Mexico School of Medicine, USA

- Name
- John Sleasman
- Job Title
- Medical Director, Duke University Medical Center, Director, Jeffrey Modell Diagnostic & Research Center for Primary Immune Deficiency Diseases, Durham, NC

- Name
- Maria Stepanova

- Name
- Todd Taylor

- Name
- Dougal Tervo
- Job Title
- Group Leader, Mechanistic Cognitive Neuroscience (MCN), Janelia Research Campus, Ashburn, VA

- Name
- James Vergilio

- Name
- Boris Veytsman

- Name
- Raymond Wadlow
- Job Title
- Co-Director, Gastrointestinal Oncology Research, Inova Schar Cancer Institute, Fairfax VA

- Name
- Meredith Yeager

- Name
- Li Yin
- Job Title
- Staff Scientist, Molecular HIV Host Interaction Section (MHHIS) National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Disease (NIAID), NIH, Bethesda, MD 20814

- Name
- Jung-Ho Youn
- Job Title
- Molecular Biologist, Department of Laboratory Medicine, Microbiology Service, Clinical Center, National Institutes of Health
Administrative Faculty and Staff

- Name
- Christopher Ryan
- Job Title
- Computer Systems Administrator
- Phone Number
- Office Location
- Colgan Hall, Room 310, MSN 5B3

- Name
- Diane St. Germain
- Job Title
- Graduate Student Services Coordinator
- Phone Number
- Office Location
- Colgan Hall, Room 312D, MSN 5B3

- Name
- Monique Sweeney
- Job Title
- Administrative Assistant
- Phone Number
- Office Location
- Colgan Hall, Room 312, MSN 5B3

- Name
- Andrea Nikoi
- Job Title
- Director, SSB Finance and HR
- Phone Number
- Office Location
- Colgan Hall, Room 312E, MSN 5B3