Admission CTAs
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Section Navigation: Policies and Procedures
- Academic Advisor Approval Hold/Return From Suspension
- Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
- Appeals Process
- Auditing a Course
- Change of Grade
- Clemency
- Consortium
- Study Elsewhere
- Credit Overload
- Final Exams
- Foriegn Language Exemption
- Graduate Course for Undergraduate Credit
- Grievances
- Incompletes
- Late Add
- Leave of Absence and Re-Enrollment
- Non-Academic Withdrawals
- Reserve Graduate Credit
- Retroactive Add
- Return From Dismissal
- Selective Withdrawal
- Substitutions and Waivers
- Suspension Override
- Taking a Course for Credit Without a Grade
- Waiver of the Non-Western Culture Requirement
- Waiver of the Foreign Language Requirement
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Grades of Incomplete (IN)
Students who have been granted an “incomplete” must submit all outstanding work to the professor no later than the 9th week of the following semester (not including summer sessions). It is strongly recommended that students file an Application for Incomplete (linked below) with the instructor and with the College of Science’s Office of Academic and Student Affairs.
Students who wish to graduate in the same semester in which an IN was posted must complete their outstanding coursework no later than 6 weeks after the conferral date for that semester.
Extension of Incomplete
On rare occasions, students are not able to complete the required work by the given deadline because of extenuating circumstances. In this case, the student can petition for an extension of the Incomplete by submitting a request to the College of Science’s Office of Academic and Student Affairs for review. Please keep in mind that incompletes cannot be extended beyond the last day of classes in the semester which the incomplete grade is due.