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Accelerator Activities By Season

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  • Learning Assistant (LA) Program and Seminar
  • Noyce Program
  • Gem, Mineral & Fossil Show
  • COS 108: Seminar for Bridge Camp Students
  • Mentoring GTAs (e.g. IUSE)
  • LA Conference
  • STEAM Field and Experiential Learning
  • STEM Education Research 

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Awards and Honors

  • Professor Kelly Knight, Presidential Award for Faculty Excellence in Diversity and Inclusion, 2024, Learn more
  • Dr. Rebecca Jones, University Teaching Excellence Award 2024, Special Recognition in Teaching Mason Core, Learn More
  • Professor Kelly Knight, College of Science Dean's Award for Excellence in AJEDI, December 5, 2022, Learn more
  • Dr. Rebecca Jones, College of Science Dean's Impact Award, December 5, 2022, Learn more
  • Professor Kelly Knight, University Teaching Excellence Award Winner, 2020, Learn more
  • Dr. Ben Dreyfus, University Teaching Excellence Award Winner, 2020 Winner for General Education, Learn more
  • Dr. Julia Nord, University Teaching Excellence Award Winner, 2017 Winner for General Education, Learn more

Learning Assistants

Learning Assistants (LAs) are College of Science undergraduates who participate in undergraduate instruction, course innovation, peer-to-peer tutoring and mentoring. LAs have unique opportunities to work closely with COS faculty and help their peers.  Learn more here

STEM Accelerator

Current Awards

  • Dr. Ben Dreyfus (Co-PI), NSF EAGER #2329874, Quantum Teaching and Learning in Elementary Classrooms, $299,769
  • Dr. Ben Dreyfus (Co-PI), NSF Award #2044232, Cultivating Physics Identity and Belonging for Women in Physics, $299,001
  • Dr. Tina Bell (PI) and Dr. Rebecca Jones (Co-PI), NSF Noyce #2050638, Supporting, Mentoring and Retaining New STEM Secondary Educators Through Major Transitions from Recruitment to Highly Effective Teacher, $1,199,552

Prior Awards

  • Dr. Rebecca Jones (PI), NSF S-STEM #1564989, The RADSS Program (Rural and Diverse Student Scholars), March 28, 2016 - August 31, 2023, $643,925.00
  • Dr. Tina Bell and Dr. Rebecca Jones, Strategic Investment Fund for STEM Bridge Camp, 2022-2023, $179,400
  • Dr. Mary Nelson (PI), NSF Noyce #1240031, Noyce in Northern Virginia, October 1, 2012 - June 30, 2021, $1,449,999

Summer Programs

The STEM Accelerator is committed to sharing the excitement and joy of science, engineering and mathematics with the community.  We regularly coordinate camps, workshops, competitions, and programs designed to increase access and success in STEM.

Learn more about the STEM Bridge Experience for incoming first-year student and FOCUS for middle and high-school girls. 

STEM Accelerator

Recent Scholarly Work


  1. B.W. Dreyfus, J.S. Barnes, T. Bell, M. Crowe, R.M. Jones, K.L. Knight, J.A. Nord, “Interpreting and understanding Learning Assistants’ experiences from personal reflections,” Contributed poster, American Association of Physics Teachers, 2024 Summer Meeting, Boston, MA, July 8, 2024.
  2. B.W. Dreyfus, J.S. Barnes, T. Bell, M. Crowe, R.M. Jones, K.L. Knight, J.A. Nord, “Interpreting and understanding Learning Assistants’ experiences from personal reflections,” Contributed poster, Physics Education Research Conference, Boston, MA, July 10, 2024.
  3. “Snapshots from the last 5 years of the LA program at George Mason University”, Tina Bell, Benjamin W. Dreyfus, Rebecca M. Jones, Kelly L. Knight, Julia A. Nord, James Barnes*, Mary Crowe, Learning Assistant Alliance International Conference, October 28, 2023
  4. “Encouraging creative chemical communication via infographics”, Rebecca M. Jones, Poster Presentation, Gordon Research Conference, Visualization in Science and Education, Bates College, Lewiston, ME, July 17, 2023.


  1. "Exploring the Concept of Valence and the Nature of Science via Generative Artificial Intelligence and General Chemistry Textbooks", Rebecca M. Jones, Eva-Maria Rudler, and Conner Preston, Journal of Chemical Education 2024 101 (8), 3276-3283,
  2. Jones, R. M.; Emenike, M. "Pursuing Retention and Success Of Rural and Diverse Stem Students: A Qualitative Investigation of a Program Ecosystem and Undergraduate Participants." Journal of STEM Education: Innovations and Research 2024, 25 (1).“The unexpected emotional cost of teaching chemistry in a pandemic”,  Rebecca M, Jones, Frontiers in Education, STEM Education Section, Vol. 8, March 16, 2023, doi: 10.3389/feduc.2023.1120385,
  3. “The Rural and Diverse Student Scholars Program: An Ecosystem of and for STEM students
    Rebecca M. Jones and Mary Emenike, Poster Presentation, Anti-Racism and Inclusive Excellence Conference, Arlington, VA, October 24, 2022
  4. Bulancea, G., P. Granfield, J. Jauchen, J. Love, M. Nelson, R. Sachs, and C. Sausville. 2021. A community of grassroots leaders: Leveraging faculty networks to create change. PRIMUS. 31(3–5): 627–642. February 17, 2021, 

Service to the Community

  • Dr. Julia Nord
    • Gem Mineral, and Fossil Show, November 2023
  • Dr. Kelly Knight
    • FOCUS Camp and FOCUS Academy
  • Dr. Tina Bell
  • Dr. Rebecca M. Jones, 

Who is the STEM Accelerator?

Assistant Professor
Exploratory Hall, Room 1405

Associate Professor
Exploratory Hall, Room 1406

Professor, Interim Director (August 2024-May 2025)
Chemistry and Biochemistry
Planetary Hall, Room 319

Associate Professor
Forensic Science
Exploratory Hall, Room 3420

Exploratory Hall, Room 3453


Connect with the STEM Accelerator

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Exploratory Hall 1400