Combinatorics, Algebra and Geometry Seminar (CAGS)
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Combinatorics, Algebra and Geometry Seminar (CAGS)
I am planning to have all our CAGS talks conducted a hybrid fashion; both in person and on Zoom. Some CAGS talks, international talks for example, will only be virtual on Zoom. All talks will be given 12:30 -- 1:30 PM on Fridays in our seminar room Exploratory Hall, room 4106. unless otherwise stated. The room is equipped with white boards, and a projector. -- If you like to participate please send me, your devoted CAGS Chair, an email and I will try my best to schedule your talk. If you prefer to give a Zoom talk then I will send you a Zoom invitation.
CAGS Chair: Geir Agnarsson
The CAGS is intended as an informal venue, where faculty members, graduate students, visitors from near and far can come and give informal talks on their research, interesting new topics, open problems or just share their thoughts/ideas on anything interesting relating to combinatorics, algebra and discrete geometry. Needless to say, all are welcome to attend, and those who want to give a talk, should email me Geir ("gagnarss followed by the at sign gmu dot edu") the title and a short abstract. The talks should be no longer than 50 minutes long; leaving a few minutes for questions, comments and further discussions afterwards.
For other seminars and regular meetings, check our departmental Seminars & Colloquiums
Spring 2025
February 21
Factroids. A new algebraic structure within rings and modules
Neil Epstein, GMU
February 28
Combinatorial rings in mixed characteristic
Olivia Strahan, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
March 7
Some open problems in spectral graph theory
Sebastian Cioaba, University of Delaware
May 2
Ben Blum-Smith, Johns Hopkins University
Past Seminars
Fall 2024
September 20
Minkowski rings of polytopes and power closed ideals
Geir Agnarsson, GMU
September 27
Combinatorics and geometry of the alternating sign matrix polytope
Walter Morris, GMU
November 1
The Howson property for one-sided ideals of semigroups
Scott Carson, GMU
November 8
Degree of h-polynomials of edge ideals
Selvi Kara, Bryn Mawr College
November 15
Postponed until Spring 2025
Cebastian Cioaba,
December 3
Postponed until Spring 2025
Ben Blum-Smith, John Hopkins University
Spring 2024
February 9
Helly-Type Theorems on Support Lines for Families of Congruent Disks in the Plane
Tyler Russ, George Mason University
February 16
Hamiltonicity and related properties in Kr+1-free graphs
Aleyah Dawkins, George Mason University
March 15
Compatible transfer systems for Cprqs
Valentina Zapata Castro, University of Virginia
March 22
On locally finite ordered rooted trees and their rooted subtrees
Aleyah Dawkins, George Mason University
April 5
Research directions on Hopf algebras
Van Nguyen
April 19
Mark Burge
Fall 2023
September 22
Recent Developments s in the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra
Mohsen Aliabadi, University of California San Diego
September 29 (virtual, on Zoom)
On the Partition Regularity of ax + by = cwmzn
Sohail Farhangi, The University of Adam Mickiewicz, Poznan, Poland
October 13
When is the group of units as additively closed as
Neil Epstein, George Mason University
October 20
How to show that a ring has uncountable krull
Jack J Garzella, University of California San Diego
October 27
Combinatorial Aspects of the Alternating Sign Matrix
Elizabeth A. Dinkelman, George Mason University
December 1 at 11:00am (virtual, on zoom)
Real-time Formalization of Mathematics
Kevin Buzzard, Imperial College, London, United Kingdom
Spring 2023
Spring 2023
February 3 - In person and zoom
Neil Epstein, GMU
March 3 - In person and zoom
Helly-type theorems on support lines for convex bodies in the plane
Valeriu Soltan, GMU
March 24 - Zoom
Generalized Turán problems and a new localized approach
Rachel Kirsch, GMU
April 7 - Zoom
Reem Mahmoud, Virginia Commonwealth University,
April 14 - In person and zoom
Scott Carson, GMU
April 28 - In person and zoom
Multiplier ideals and klt singularities via (derived) splittings
Peter Morton McDonald, University of Utah
May 3 - In person and zoom - 11am-12pm - Note! Unusual day and time
Perfectoid signature and an application to étale fundamental groups
Karl Schwede, University of Utah
Fall 2022
October 28 - In-person and Zoom
Global perinormality in a generalization of a D +M construction and graded perinormality
Hannah Klawa, GMU
November 4 - In-person and Zoom
Infinitude Results for Prime Polynomials
Brian L. Johnson, Northern Virginia Community College
November 11 - In-person and Zoom - The talk is postponed until further notice.
Perfectoid signature and an application to étale fundamental groups -
Karl Schwede, The University of Utah
November 16 - Zoom (NB! Unusual time: Wednesday 12:30 -- 1:30 PM EST)
Parity property of hexagonal sliding puzzles
Érika Roldán, The Max Planck Institute
November 18 - Zoom
Magnús Már Halldórsson, Reykjavık University, Iceland
December 2 - In-person and Zoom - (NB! Unusual time: 2:30 -- 3:30 PM EST)
Distractions and Generic Initial Ideals
Anna-Rose Wolff, Mary Baldwin University
Spring 2022
February 24 (virtual)
Canonical forms of neural ideals
Rebecca R.G., George Mason University
March 11 (in person)
Boundedly Polyhedral Sets and F-Simplices
Valeriu Soltan, George Mason University
March 25 (in person and virtual)
Promotion, rotation, and a web basis of invariant polynomials from noncrossing partitions
Jessica Striker, North Dakota State University
April 1 (in person and virtual)
Arithmetic Dynamics on Character varieties
Cigole Thomas, George Mason University
April 8 (in person and virtual)
Richard H. Hammack
April 22 (virtual) - Postponed until Fall 2022
Parity Property of Hexagonal Sliding Puzzles
Érika Roldán, Technische Universitat Munchen
Fall 2021
- October 8 (virtual)~ Groups, lattices, and closure operators
Arturo Magidin - October 15 (virtual)~ Permutation statistics and moment sequences
Einar Steingrímsson - October 29 (virtual)~ Higher dimensional origami constructions
Adriana Salerno - November 5 (virtual)~ Universal Partial Cycles
Rachel Kirsch - November 12~ Hurwitz action in complex reflection groups
Jiayuan Wang - December 3 (virtual)~ Deep neural networks and DNA variant effect predictions in humans
Ágúst Egilsson
Spring 2021
- February 26~ Ideals of skew-symmetric matrix Schubert varieties
Brendan Pawlowski - March 12~ Whitney duals and Whitney twins: a plausible approach to questions related to Whitney numbers
Rafael S. González Di León - March 19~ Sum-product and convexity
Brandon Hanson - April 9~ Probabilistic generalizations of the Robinson– Schensted correspondence
Gabriel Frieden - April 16~ Steiner configurations ideals: containment and colorability
Abu Chackalamannil Thomas - April 23~ Data Science – Requirements and Applications
Colton Magnant
Fall 2020
- September 18~ Dedekind, Prüfer, Krull, and factorial rings with or without zerodivisors
Jesse Elliot - September 25~ The Free Cone and its relation to matroid invariants
Kevin Long - October 2~ Independent sets, Lovasz’ theta, and linear programming
Craig E. Larson - October 16~ From Efron's coins to alternation acyclic tournaments
Gabor Hetyei - October 23~ Minimal free resolutions of fiber products
Hugh R. Geller - October 30~ Separating hyperplanes of convex sets
Valeriu Soltan
Spring 2020
- January 31~ ECH capacities, Ehrhart theory, and toric varieties
Ben Wormleighton - February 7~ Connected sums of Gorenstein Artin rings
Ela Celikbas - February 21~ Tiling, Terry Tao, Group Characters, and Fugledes Conjecture
Sam Ferguson - March 20~ TBA Postponed until further notice!
Jack Love - March 27~ TBA Postponed until further notice!
Jesse Elliott - April 24~ Independent sets, Lovasz’ theta, and linear programming Postponed until further notice!
Craig E. Larson - May 1~ TBA Postponed until further notice!
Kevin Long
Fall 2019
- September 13~ A few problems on matrix rings
Geir Agnarsson - September 20~ Magic type labelings of cycle products
Dalibor Froncek - September 27~ Generalized Rings
Carl Weisman - October 18~ Involutions and pseudo-involutions in the Riordan group
Alexander Burstein - November 1~ The ring of differential operators in a generalized Stanley-Reisner ring
Janet Vassilev - November 15~ M-decomposable convex sets
Valeriu Soltan - November 22~ Trace modules over commutative rings
Haydee Lindo - December 6~ The dynamics of Boolean networks
Reinhard Laubenbacher
Spring 2019
- February 1~ Vertex colorings of acyclic digraphs, efficiencies and discrepancies
Geir Agnarsson - March 1~ Lech’s inequality and the Stuckrad-Vogel conjecture
Patricia Klein - March 29~ Counting factorizations in complex reflection groups
Joel Brewster Lewis - April 5~ On the number of discrete chains
Eyvindur Ari Pállson - April 12~ Minimal generating sets for coordinate rings of representations
Sean Lawton - April 19~ Circular coloring of planar graphs
Dan Cranston - May 3~ No CAGS talk (MEGL poster session, hallway right outside EXPL 4106)
GMU mathematics students.
Fall 2018
- September 7~ A proof of the strict monotone 5-step conjecture
Walter Morris - September 14~ Pseudoalgebras
Carl Weisman - October 5~ Moreau-Type Characterizations of Polar Cones
Valeriu Soltan - October 19~ Positivity in the S1-equivariant cohomology of type A Peterson varieties
Brent Gorbutt - October 23~Tuesday\ 11 am -- 12 noon, ROOM 3301 EXPL. HALL. Polymatroids and excluded minors
Carolyn Chun - November 2~ Nearly Platonic graphs
Dalibor Froncek - November 9~ Helly-type results on support lines for disjoint families of unit disks
Valeriu Soltan - November 30~ The role of big Cohen-Macaulay modules and algebras in commutative algebra
Rebecca R.G.
Spring 2018
- February 2~ Interval posets, parity representations, binary partitions, and antiprisms (Part I: 12:30 -- 1:00 pm)
Jim Lawrence - February 9~ Interval posets, parity representations, binary partitions, and antiprisms (Part II)
Jim Lawrence - February 23~ Colored subgraphs whose forbiddance implies monochromatic connectivity
Colton Magnant - March 2~ When does the content map on polynomials act like a homomorphism, and how broadly does the answer apply? (Postponed until March 9)
Neil Epstein - March 30~ Hamiltonian cycles in critical graphs with large maximum degree
Yue Zhao - April 6~ Routing numbers of some graphs
Gexin Yu - April 13~ The Set-Maxima problem
Indranil Banerjee - April 27~ Diffuse Interfaces and Topology: A Phase-Field Model for Willmore’s Energy (Special Applied Math and CAGS Joint Seminar)
Stephan Wojtowytsch - May 4~ Applications of ordinary voltage graph theory and intersection theory to graph embeddability, (and some notes about topological data analysis) (NB! 11:30 am, due to Math Dept luncheon)
Steven Schluchter
Fall 2017
- September 8~ Sequential Importance Sampling Algorithms for Estimating Tree Size
Alathea Jensen - September 15~ Extremal finite subgraphs of the grid graph
Geir Agnarsson. - October 6~ Permutation Routing Via Matchings
Indranil Banerjee. - October 20~ SIAM Faculty Seminar
- October 27~ Separation and polarity properties of convex cones
Valeriu Soltan. - November 3~ Algebraic and combinatorial interpretations of tight closure theory on Stanley-Reisner rings
Thomas Ales. - November 10~ Unbalanced Wilf-equivalence
Alexander Burstein. - December 1~ TBA postponed!
Jacob Farinholt - December 8~ Symbolic powers and differential operators
Eloísa Grifo
Spring 2017
- February 10~ Generalized depth in the perfect closure
George E. Whelan - February 24~ Acyclic digraphs giving rise to complete intersections
Walter Morris - March 3~ How well-behaved is your ring map? The Ohm-Rush content function reconsidered
Neil Epstein - March 24~ Distance magic and group distance magic graphs
Dalibor Froncek - April 21~ Edge-coloring of graphs and multigraphs
Dan Cranston - April 28~ Conjugation of Transitive Permutation Pairs and Dessins d'Enfants
Sean J. Rostami - May 5~ Hessenberg varieties and the Shareshian-Wachs conjecture
Patrick Brosnan
Fall 2016
- September 9~ Doubly weighted rooted trees and computer security systems
Geir Agnarsson - October 7~ Self-polar polytopes
Alathea Jensen - October 14~ A great tool from the polynomial method toolkit: the Alon-Füredi Theorem
John R. Schmitt - October 27~ NB! Thursday at 12 noon Decompositions of complete bipartite graphs into generalized prisms
Dalibor Froncek - October 28~ A new perspective on the G-Invariant of a matroid
Joseph E. Bonin - November 4~ Khovanskii bases, Newton-Okounkov polytopes, and tropical geometry of projective varieties
Chris Manon - November 18~ Minimal ring extensions
Jay Shapiro
Spring 2016
- February 12~ Max-weight rooted-subtree problem and computer security
Geir Agnarsson - March 4~ A directed Steinitz theorem for oriented matroid programming
Walter Morris - March 18~ Characteristic properties of ellipses
Valeriu Soltan - March 25~ The Diophantine Frobenius Problem: Past, Present and Future
Elie Alhajjar - April 1~ Even the Patriots can win Atlantic 10!
Dalibor Froncek - April 5~NB! Tuesday at 12:30! On the Maximum Genus of Planar Graphs
Lara Sherif - April 8~ Matrix rings and representations
Sam Mendelson - April 22~ Geometry of Peterson Varieties in Lie Type A
Brent Gorbutt - April 29~NB! At 12 noon! In pursuit of canonical structures on cellularly embedded graphs
Jason Suagee
Fall 2015
- September 18~ Differential graded manifolds as a model for derived manifolds
David Carchedi - October 2~ On a special class of general permutahedra
Geir Agnarsson - October 16~ Negatively Self-Polar Polytopes
Alathea Jensen - October 30~ LP Alchemy for the Stability Number of a Graph
Craig Larson - November 6~ Prime congruences and Krull dimension for additively idempotent semirings
Kalina Mincheva - November 13~ On the Geometry of Quantum Weak Measurements
Jacob Farinholt - December 4~ Self-dual embeddings of K_{4m,4n} in orientable and nonorientable pseudosurfaces with the same Euler characteristic
Steven Schluchter
Spring 2015
- February 13~ Various generating functions, a unifying approach
Geir Agnarsson - February 20~ The Dedekind-Mertens Theorem for power series and more generally arbitrary algebras over R
Jay Shapiro - February 27~ The Zariski topology on sets of semistar operations
Dario Spirito - March 6~ Algebraic measures of singularity
Javid Validashti - March 20~ Graph Theory Tools for Tournament Scheduling
Dalibor Froncek - March 27~ Mihalisin - Klee Theorem for Fans
Rachel Locke - April 3~ Digital Geometry: New Trends and Developments
Li Chen - April 10~ The Complementarity Polytope, Pauli operators, and the Clifford Group
Jacob Farinholt - April 17~ Prime labelings of generalized Petersen graphs
Kathryn Cokus, Ryan Ellingson, and Thomas Wilson (co Justin Z. Schroeder and Steven Schluchter) - April 24~ The Survival Complex
Anna-Rose Wolff - May 1~NB! at 12 noon Homological algebra of graphs
Arindam Banerjee
Fall 2014
- August 29~ Parking functions & friends
Matthias Beck - September 5~ Applications of ordinary voltage graph theory to graph embeddability, part I
Steve Schluchter - September 19~ Base-Orderability in Matroids
Thomas Savitsky - October 17~ The Traveling Salesman Problem and P vs. NP: Some 1960s Theoretical Work at NIST On the Complexity of Mathematical Algorithms
Jack Edmonds - October 24~ Poincare-Bett Series of Monomial Rings
Gwyneth Whieldon - October 31~ Valuations on Convex Sets
Jim Lawrence - November 7~ Puzzles and (many flavors of) Schubert calculus
Allen Knutson - November 14~ Applications of ordinary voltage graph theory to graph embeddability, part II
Steve Schluchter - Decemver 5~ Some special matrix algebra presentations
Samuel Mendelson
Spring 2014
- January 31~ Induced subgraphs of hypercubes
Geir Agnarsson - February 21~ Mutually Unbiased Bases
Jacob Farinholt - February 28~ Ring extensions involving amalgamated duplications
Tim Long - March 28~ Triangle inequalities in representation theory and algebraic geometry
Chris Manon - April 4~ Ring extensions invariant under group action: flat epimorphic extensions
Amy Schmidt - April 11~ Test Ideals of Non-principal Ideals
Karl Schwede - April 18~ Threshold Digraphs
James Shook - May 2~at 12 noon! Strong Krull primes and flat modules
Neil Epstein
Fall 2013
- September 6~ Informal discussion on Gelfand-Tsetlin Polytopes (ongoing)
Rebecca Goldin and Chris Manon - September 13~ Informal discussion on Gelfand-Tsetlin Polytopes (ongoing)
Rebecca Goldin and Chris Manon - September 20~ Some naturally occurring matroids and matroid-like structures in commutative algebra
Neil Epstein - September 27~ A survey on graphs with a distinguishing partition
Justin Z. Schroeder - October 4~ Complete Intersection Affine Semigroup Rings Arising from Posets
Walter Morris - October 11~ Informal discussion on Gelfand-Tsetlin Polytopes (ongoing)
Rebecca Goldin and Chris Manon - October 18~ Informal discussion on Gelfand-Tsetlin Polytopes (ongoing)
Rebecca Goldin and Chris Manon - October 25~ Ordinary voltage graphs, pseudosurfaces, and derived graph embeddings with applications to graph embeddability
Steven Schluchter - November 8~ Hom polytopes between regular polytopes
Jack Love - November 22~at 11:30am The geometry of the quotient stack arising from a stacky fan
David Johannsen
Spring 2013
- February 1~ Schubert Calculus of Weighted Grassmannians
Tomoo Matsumura - February 8~ Zero-divisor graphs of nilpotent-free semigroups
Neil Epstein - February 15~ Coloring claw-free graphs with Δ-1 colors
Dan Cranston - March 1~ Zero-divisor graphs of nilpotent-free semigroups, part II
Neil Epstein - March 22~ "Graph" Saturation
Michael Jacobson - March 29~ Properties of the Copoint Graph of Convex Geometries
Jonathan Beagley - April 12~ Some basic properties of primary decomposition
Yongwei Yao - April 19~ Dimension and Height for Posets with Planar Cover Graphs
Noah Streib - April 26~ Approximating the Partition Function of the Ising Model
Amanda Streib - May 3~ Hyperbolic surfaces, circle maps and geometry of Teichmuller spaces
Dragomir Saric
Fall 2012
- September 7~ Clique Number and Chromatic Number of Graphs defined by Convex Geometries
Walter Morris - September 14~ Algebra and geometry of archimedean integers in general number fields
Carl Weisman - September 28~ Going-down in monoid rings
Jay Shapiro - October 5~ Turning conformal field theory into combinatorics
Chris Manon - October 12~ A Happy Coloring Theorem
Jonathan Beagley - October 19~ Pebbling in Split Graphs
Glenn Hurlbert - November 2~ Multi-Sources Simultaneous Communication in the Wireless Mobility Model is NP-complete
Pattama Longani - November 16~ Some problems in ring theory
Geir Agnarsson
Spring 2012
- February 3~ Schröder paths, partial horizontal strips, and symmetric functions
Sangwook Kim - March 2~ Davis matrics of sections and projections of polyhedral cones
Jim Lawrence - March 9~ On a Carathéodory theorem for Minkowski sum of polytopes
Geir Agnarsson - March 23~ Recent advances in biclique decompositions
Walter Morris - April 6~ On edge chromatic critical graphs
Yue Zhao - April 13~ Categorifications of the chromatic polynomial
Radmila Sazdanovic - April 20~ Carathéodory-type results for the sums and unions of convex sets
Valeriu Soltan NB! Postponed until further notice. - May 4~ Patterns in permutations
Alexander Burstein
Fall 2011
- September 9~ Induced subgraphs of Z2 and related extremal graphs
Geir Agnarsson - September 16~ An abstract structure theorem for suborder lower ideals of series-parallel posets
Christian J. Altomare - September 23~ Hamilton Bond, Tutte Bond and Tutte Theorem
Xiaoyun Lu - October 7~ Global Weyl modules for twisted loop algebras
Prasad Senesi - October 21~ Tropical geometry of flag varieties and the space of phylogenetic trees
Chris Manon - October 28~ Art Galleries, Fortresses, and Prison Yards: Illumination and Color
T. S. Michael - November 4~ An Introduction to Simplicial Geometries
Cynthia S Merrick - November 11~ The Order Dimension of Convex Geometries
Jonathan Beagley - November 18~ Applying the stuff we like: blocking semiovals and cryptology
Keith Mellinger
Spring 2011
- February 4~ The incidence algebra of a poset and enumerations
Geir Agnarsson - Febrary 18~ The type A Coxeter complex in algebraic combinatorics
Forest Fisher - Febrary 25~ A Projective approach to quantum error correcting codes
Jacob Farinholt - March 9, 12 noon -- 12:50 pm Unifying Laver's theorem and the Graph Minor Theorem via proof system minors
Christian Altomare Note! This talk is on a WEDNESDAY at noon! - March 11~ Convex quadrics
Valeriu Soltan - April 15~ A Projective approach to quantum error correcting codes, 2nd part
Jacob Farinholt - April 22~ Polytopes from graphs
Jim Lawrence - April 29~ Spies and revolutionaries
Dan Cranston
Fall 2010
- September 10~ Oriented Matroids and N-step Vectors
Walter Morris - September 17~ Combinatorial identities for subspaces and finite sets
Geir Agnarsson - October 8~ Combinatorial Hopf algebras by way of groups
Forest Fisher, GWU - October 22~ Some Interesting Classes of Convex Polytopes
Jim Lawrence - November 12~ An Attempt to Turn Geometry into Decorated Graphs
Rebecca Goldin - November 19~ Homology of distributive systems: a historical perspective
Jozef Przytycki, GWU - December 3~ Points, Copoints, and Colorings
Jonathan Beagley - December 10~ New Results on Graph-Theoretic Independence
Craig Larson, VCU
Spring 2010
- January 29~ The hitting time subgroup, Lukasiewicz paths, and Faber polynomials
Gi-Sang Cheon, SungKyunKwan University S&T I room 242 - February 19~ Some graph labellings, complexities and connections to groups
Geir Agnarsson S&T I room 206 - March 5~ Generalized rings: examples and applications
Carl Weisman S&T I room 206 - March 19~ Workshop on Combinatorics, Enumeration, and Invariant Theory (WCEIT)
S&T I room 242 - March 26~ Holes in a polytope defined by degree sequences
Walter Morris S&T I room 206 - April 2~ On intersections and composites of minimal ring extensions
Jay Shapiro S&T I room 206 - April 9~ Leavitt Path Algebras
Gene Abrams, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs S&T I room 206 - April 23~ Ordered trees, the uplift principle and the Riordan group
Lou Shapiro, Howard University S&T I room 206
Fall 2009
- September 18~ Survey of recent papers on the Hirsch conjecture
Walter Morris - September 25~ Making K-theory combinatorial
Rebecca Goldin - October 2~ Betti numbers of graphs
David Johannsen - October 16~ f- and h-vectors for complexes, polytopes and beyond
Geir Agnarsson - October 23~ How Five Regular Solids Turned into Seventy-five
Steve Morse - October 30~ Helly-Type Results on Common Supports of Convex Bodies
Valeriu Soltan - December 4~ Topology of real coordinate arrangements
Sangwook Kim
Spring 2009
- January 30~ Mixed dominating matrices
Walter Morris - February 16 (Monday at 2:30 in S&T I, room 220)~ The Graham-Pollak Theorem and Alon-Saks-Seymour Conjecture
Reza Naserasr, Carleton University - February 27~ Embedding Quadratic Number Fields in Cyclotomic Fields
Bill Ellis - March 6~ Bruhat order and hyperplane arrangements
Sangwook Kim - March 20~ Thin Partially Ordered Sets
Mikhail Matveev - April 3~ The Geometry of Kissing: Soddy Circles, Apollonian Gaskets, and a Problem in Geometric Graph Theory
Jill Dunham - April 10~ On the flag polynomial of Minkowski sum of standard simplices
Geir Agnarsson
Fall 2008
- September 12~ Szekeres and Peters' computer proof of the 17-point Erdos-Szekeres problem
Walter Morris - September 19~ On the structure of the Minkowski sum of standard simplices
Geir Agnarsson - September 26~ On the structure of the Minkowski sum of standard simplices, Part II
Geir Agnarsson - October 3~ The lattice of cyclic flats of a matroid
Joseph Bonin - October 17~ On Minkowski rings
Jim Lawrence - October 24~ On the openness of the contraction map to the fixed ring
Jay Shapiro - October 31~ The free splice of matroids
William Schmitt - November 7~ Rational Representations of Flowers
Jill Bigley Dunham - November 14, 1:30 - 2:30 (NB! the time of the Applied and Computational Math Seminar)~ Random Threshold Graphs
Edward Scheinerman - November 21~ An Introduction to Lie Algebras and their Cohomology
Robert F. Allen
Spring 2008
- January 30~ (no talk)
- February 6~ (no talk)
- February 13~ The importance of fixed points in group actions on symplectic manifolds
Rebecca Goldin - February 20~ On rational distances between points on a quadratic curve in the Euclidean plane
Steven D. Lepiere - February 27~ Some Combinatorial Types of Polytopes
Jim Lawrence - March 5~ Universal lying-over rings
Jay Shapiro - March 26~ Graph labeling, complexity and variants
Geir Agnarsson - April 2~ Graph labeling, complexity and variants (2nd part, but self-contained!)
Geir Agnarsson - Friday April 4, 11:30 - 12:30, Room 242 (NB! time and place)~ Horse racing, card games, theorems in matrix theory, and consequences
Chi-Kwong Li - April 9~ Simple vertices in a Minkowski sums of simplices
Walter Morris - April 16~ (no talk)
- April 23~ (no talk)
- April 30~ The Cantor Tree and things that are like it
Ronnie Levy
Fall 2007
- Sept. 14~ Flag enumeration of matroid base poly\topes
Sangwook Kim - Sept. 21~ (no talk)
- Sept. 28~ Shellable complexes and topology of \diagonal arrangements
Sangwook Kim - Oct. 5~ Quadrilateral embedding of $G \times Q_s$\
Paul C. Kainen - Oct. 19~ Shellable complexes and topology of d\iagonal arrangements, part II
Sangwook Kim - Oct. 26~ Intordcutoin to Rnadom Garphs
Nate Shank - Nov. 9~ Graph theoretic proof of the Amitsur-Levits\ki theorem
Geir Agnarsson - Nov. 30~ We recommend the CDS/CCDS/Statistics Colloquium talk:
Social Networks via Random Dot Product Graphs
David Marchette
Spring 2007
- Feb. 23~ Vertex coloring acyclic digraphs
Geir Agnarsson - Mar. 2~ Vertex coloring acyclic digraphs (Second Part)
Geir Agnarsson - Mar. 9~ (no talk)
- Mar. 16~ (Spring Break)
- Mar. 23~ An introduction to PPAD search problems
Walter Morris - Mar. 30~ (no talk, faculty meeting at 3:30)
- Aprli 6~ (no talk)
- April 13~ A quasisymmetric function for matroids
Louis J. Billera
NB! This is the first of two talks by Billera. The second talk will be later the same day at our departmental Colloquium. - April 20~ Simple Arrangements of Pseudolines, and their Other Lives
Jim Lawrence - Aprli 27~ (no talk)
- May 4~ The Euler characteristic and Euler's formula for convex polytopes (with proofs)
Jim Lawrence
Fall 2006
- Sept. 15~ On Coin Graphs and Other Contact Graphs
Geir Agnarsson - Sept. 22~ Collineations and affine transformations in Euclidean space
Valeriu Soltan - Oct. 13~ Minkowski sums of simplices
Walter Morris - Oct. 20~ An algorithmic game related to Schubert calculus
Rebecca Goldin - Oct. 27~ Limits to Parallel Computation: P-Completeness Theory
Ray Greenlaw, Armstrong Atlantic State University and Fulbright Scholar at Chiang Mai University - Tuesday, Oct. 31, 12:15-1:05~ Physical Supersymmetry for Mathematicians
Greg Landweber, University of Oregon - Nov. 17~ Good Hidden P-matrix Sandwiches
Walter Morris
Spring 2006
- Feb. 10~ Sunflowers, Kneser Graphs and Intersecting Families
Geoff McKenna, George Washington University - Feb. 17~ No talk. We recommend the department
colloquium at 3:30. - Feb. 24~ On the empty hexagon theorem
Walter Morris - Mar. 3~ Gale transforms
Jim Lawrence - Mar. 10~ More Gale Transforms: K_5 in R^3 (or S^3)
Jim Lawrence - Mar. 24~ No seminar. The Math Club is arranging a talk at 1:15, on the Mathematics of Juggling, by Allen Knutson, UCSD.
- Mar. 31~ The transfer of Krull dimension in fixed rings
Jay Shapiro - April 7~ Invariants of n-tuples of points on the Riemann sphere under linear fractional transformations
Ben Howard, UMCP - April 14~ On finite groups
Edith Adan-Bante, U. of Southern Mississippi Gulf Coast - May 4~ 3PM The plus, minus game
Klaus Fischer
Fall 2005
- Sept. 8 ~ Graphical condensation and its connection to plane partitions and MacMahon's formula
Eric Kuo - Sept. 15 ~ A classification of the minimal ring extensions of an integral domain
Jay Shapiro - Sept. 22 ~ Combinatorics of Viterbi Sequences
Eric Kuo - Sept. 29 ~ The simple stochastic game
Walter Morris - Oct. 6 ~ Extension of vertex maps to graph homomorphisms
Geir Agnarsson - Oct. 13 ~ Extension of vertex maps to graph homomorphisms, part II
Geir Agnarsson - Oct. 20 ~ No talk
- Oct. 27 ~ Discrete polymatroids
Walter Morris - Nov. 3 ~ No talkNov. 10 ~ No talk
- Nov. 17 ~ Case Studies in Shape and Trajectory Optimization: Catenary Problem
Igor Griva - Dec. 1 ~ TBA
Jim Lawrence
Spring 2005
- Feb. 18 ~ Isothetic Parallelotopes and the Binary Intersection Property
Valeriu Soltan - Mar. 4 ~ Cluttered orderings for the complete bipartite graph and the complete tripartite graph
Tomoko Adachi, Toho University, Japan - Mar. 11 ~ Positive bases in Euclidean space
Valeriu Soltan - Mar. 25 ~ On multipartite posets
Geir Agnarsson On multipartite posets - Apr. 1 ~ Algebra and graph reconstruction
Geoff McKenna, George Washington University Apr. 8 ~ NO TALK - we recommend the Math colloquium - Apr. 22 ~ Good hidden P-matrix sandwiches
Makoto Namiki, Toho University and George Mason University - Apr. 29 ~ Good hidden P-matrix sandwiches, part II
Makoto Namiki, Toho University and George Mason University