Mathematics Colloquium
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Mathematics Colloquium
Unless noted otherwise, talks will be on Fridays from 3:30pm - 4:20pm.
In-person: Exploratory Hall, Room 4106.
Virtual: Zoom
Spring 2025
February 28
Two-Layer Shallow-Water Flows Along Channels: Modelling and Computational Approach
Sarswati Shah, GMU
March 7
Boris Hasselblatt, Tufts University
April 4
Abstract posted soon
Rohit Khandelwal , GMU
April 11
Abstract posted soon
Jonathan Jaquette, New Jersey Institute of Technology
April 17-18
Abstract posted soon
East Coast Optimization meeting
Past colloquia
Due to COVID, there were no colloquia for Fall 2020 and Spring 2021.
Fall 2024
September 13
Many-body physics in superconducting devices
Stephen Sorokanich, NIST
October 4
Andrew Newman, Carnegie Mellon University
October 11
Symplectic geometry of Teichmueller spaces for surfaces with
Eckhard Meinrenken, University of Toronto
October 18
Byungchul Cha, Muhlenberg College
November 1
A joint approach to teaching Quantum Field Theory
David Carchedi (Math) GMU, and Erhai Zhao (Physics and Astronomy) GMU
November 8
Algebraic Representations of Ergodic Actions
Uri Bader, University of Maryland
November 22
An axiomatic framework for the emergence of geometric patterns in spatial coding
Rebecca R.G. and Holger Dannenberg, GMU
Spring 2024
January 26
Equitable Facility Location with Facility Penalties
Daphne Skipper, US Naval Academy
February 16
Recent Progress on Mahler’s Problem in Diophantine Approximation
Osama Khalil, University of Illinois Chicago
March 22
Genetic drift and its mathematical models: computation, analysis and applications
Qi Wang, George Mason University
March 29
Carlos Matheus Silva Santos, CNRS
April 5
Modeling the Evolution of Cooperation via Natural Selection at Multiple Levels of Organization
Daniel Cooney, U of Illinois
April 12
White Male Allies in STEM Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Faculty Service
Joanna Jauchen, GMU
Fall 2023
September 15
Thurston sets: bagels, teapots, and rings of fire
Kathryn Lindsey, Boston College
September 22
Groups of Proper Homotopy Equivalences of Graphs
Hannah Hoganson, University of Maryland
October 13
Untangling ad hoc File Formats using the Dowker complex
Michael Robinson, American University
October 27
Periodic data rigidity of Anosov diffeomorphisms
Jonathan DeWitt, University of Maryland
November 10
Cosmin Pohoata, Emory University
November 17
The repulsion property in nonlinear elasticity and a numerical scheme to circumvent it
Pablo Negron, University of Puerto Rico
December 1
Randomness, geometry and dynamics
Caglar Uyanik, University of Wisconsin
Spring 2023
March 10
Geometries of topological groups
Christian Rosendal, University of Maryland
April 7
Hypergraphs Applied to Commutative Algebra, or, why prove theorems when you can draw pictures?
Courtney Gibbons, Hamilton College
April 13 - 12:30pm-1:20pm (Joint with the East Coast Optimization Meeting)
Hierarchical Games under Uncertainty
Uday V. Shanbhag, Penn State
April 14 - 12:30pm-1:20pm (Joint with the East Coast Optimization Meeting)
Equilibrium, Energy and Environmental Systems
Michael Ferris, University of Wisconsin Madison
April 21
Multilinear and uniform bounds in harmonic analysis
Gennady Uraltsev, University of Virginia
April 28
Variational approaches to statistical learning
Ryan Murray, NC State
Fall 2022
Friday, September 23
Entropy along the Mandelbrot set
Giulio Tiozzo, University of Toronto
Friday, September 30
The Secret Algebraic Lives of Graphs
Keri Sather-Wagstaff, Clemson University and NSF
Friday, October 21
Three Topic Talk: Optimization History, Flat Maps, and Complex Roots
Robert Vanderbei, Princeton University
Friday, November 11
Renormalization and Scaling in dynamical systems and analytic number theory
Giovanni Forni, University of Maryland
Friday, November 18
Rectifiability and density of measures
Jeremy Tyson, University of Illinois and NSF
Spring 2022
February 25
Isoperimetric Inequalities in Group Theory
Mark Pengitore, University of Virginia
March 25
Alternating sign matrix polytopes, theme and variations
Jessica Striker, North Dakota State
March 31, 12:15 - 1:05PM
Michael Ulbrich, Technical University Munich
(Joint with the East Coast Optimization Meeting)
April 1, 12:15 - 1:05PM
Amir Beck, Tel-Aviv University
(Joint with the East Coast Optimization Meeting)
April 8
Adaptive-Robust Stochastic Control with Applications to Financial Markets
Igor Cialenco, Illinois Institute of Technology
April 15
Do we need to adapt to a changing climate, or to the rate at which it is changing?
Christopher Jones, UNC Chapel Hill, George Mason University, and the University of Reading
April 29
Snakes on the plane: From Alan Turing to modern theories of localised pattern formation
David Lloyd, University of Surrey
Fall 2021
- November 5 ~ Rigidity of Uniform Roe Algebras
Bruno Braga, University of Virginia - In-person & Zoom - November 19 ~ Topology and Geometry of Random Cubical Complexes
Erika Roldan, TU Munich and EPFL - Virtual talk
Spring 2020
- January 31 ~ Dynamics on character varieties
Sara Maloni, University of Virginia
Meeting at an unusual time: 11:30AM! - February 7 ~ Plasmonics on two-dimensional materials: Dispersion and homogenization
Dionisios Margetis, University of Maryland - February 14 ~No talk today. (Department meeting, 3:30 - 5:00)
- February 21 ~ Hitchin systems in mathematics and beyond
Steven Rayan, University of Saskatchewan - February 28 ~ A D'Ambra Theorem in conformal Lorentzian geometry
Karin Melnick, University of Maryland - March 6 ~ Faces of entropy: Connecting Physics, Biology and Quantum Information Science
Maria Emelianenko, George Mason University - March 20 ~No talk today (Department meeting, 3:30-5:00)
- March 27 ~ Optimal control of sweeping processes with applications
Boris Mordukhovich, Wayne State University
Postponed until Fall 2020 - April 2 ~ A Method for Vertical Federated Learning
Postponed - date to be announced
Wotao Yin, University of California, Los Angeles - April 3 ~ Nonconvex Optimization: Opportunities and Challenges
Frank E. Curtis, Lehigh University
Postponed - date to be announced - April 17 ~ Mahamadi Warma, George Mason University
Postponed until Fall 2020 - April 24 ~No talk today (Department meeting, 3:30-5:00)
Fall 2019
Fall, 2019
- September 6 ~Hearing the shape of a locally symmetric space, and arithmetic groups
Andrei Rapinchuk, University of Virginia - September 13 ~Jensen-Polya Program for the Riemann Hypothesis and Related Problems
Ken Ono, University of Virginia - September 20 ~ PDE Constrained Optimization with Applications
Harbir Antil, George Mason University - October 4 ~ Quasi-variational inequalities in function spaces: Applications, theory and solution algorithms
Carlos Rautenberg, George Mason University - October 25 ~ B-Splines and 3D Web Graphics: Mathematics and Technology Behind the Visualizations of the NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions
Bonita Saunders, National Institute of Standards and Technology - November 1 ~ The Parallel Postulate and Geometries without Rigidity
Edwin O'Shea, James Madison University - November 8 ~ An overview of PDE constrained optimization with applications
Thomas Brown, George Mason University - November 15 ~ Decomposition Theorems for Cayley Graphs of Matrix Groups
Jason Rosenhouse, James Madison University
Spring 2019
Spring, 2019
- January 25 ~ Stanley-Reisner rings of symmetric simplical complexes
Emanuele Delucchi, University of Fribourg - March 1 ~ Finding Ellipses: What the numerical range, Poncelet's
theorem, and Blaschke products have to do with it
Pamela Gorkin, Bucknell University and NSF - April 4 ~ Computational complexity of stochastic programs
Alexander Shapiro, Georgia Institute of Technology
10:50-11:50AM, Room E/F Johnson Center
(Joint with the East Coast Optimization Meeting ) - April 5 ~ On the Rigorous Evaluation of Stochastic Approaches to Power Systems Operations
Jean-Paul Watson, Sandia National Laboratories
10:50-11:50AM, Room E/F Johnson Center
(Joint with the East Coast Optimization Meeting) - April 19 ~ From Grassmannians to Automated Geometric Proofs
Will Traves, U.S. Naval Academy - April 26 ~ Variations on a theme by George B. Dantzig: Revisiting the principles of the simplex method
Jesús De Loera, University of California, Davis
Fall 2018
Fall, 2018
- October 19 ~ Lower bounds for the covolume of lattices of semi-simple Lie groups
Ilesanmi Adeboye, Wesleyan University - October 26 ~ Grassmannians and Pseudosphere Arrangements
Michael Dobbins, Binghamton University - November 9 ~ Stability for symmetric groups and Hecke algebras
Weiqiang Wang, University of Virginia - November 16 ~ A decomposition of tensor space and Schur-Weyl duality
Matt Douglass, National Science Foundation
Spring 2018
Spring, 2018
- February 9 ~ Introduction to cluster algebras
Kyungyong Lee, University of Nebraska - February 13 ~ Algebraic geometry in characteristic one
Jaiung Jun, Binghamton University - February 14 ~ Test Ideals of Commutative Rings of All Characteristics
Rebecca Rebhuhn-Glanz , Syracuse University - February 15 ~ Noncommutative algebra from a geometric point of view
Xingting Wang, Temple University - February 23 ~ Combinatorics and the Quadratic Formula
Lou Shapiro, Howard University - March 9 ~ Degree Sequences with Forced Edges
Brian Cloteaux, NIST - March 23 ~ Avoiding Patterns and Making the Best Choice
Brant Jones, James Madison University - March 30 ~ Scalable optimization algorithms for large-scale subspace clustering
Daniel Robinson, Johns Hopkiins University - April 6 ~ Combinatorics, computing, and k-Schur functions
Jennifer Morse, University of Virginia - April 13 ~ Generalized Graphic Matroids in Projective Geometry
Thomas Zaslavsky, Binghamton University - April 27 ~ The Yang-Mills Flow and Moduli Spaces
Richard Wentworth, University of Maryland
Fall 2017
Fall, 2017
- October 6 ~A superquadratic variant of Newton's method
Florian Potra, UMBC - October 20 ~ The Bochner--Hartogs dichotomy
Terry Napier, Lehigh - October 27 ~ Product formulas for volumes of flow polytopes
Karola Mészáros, Cornell - November 3 ~ On the concentration of eigenfunctions
Chris Sogge, Johns Hopkins - November 10 ~ Apple vs. Samsung: a Mathematical Battle
Jim Davis, University of Richmond - December 8 ~ Detecting properties from descriptions of groups.
Jennifer Chubb, University of San Francisco
Spring 2017
Spring, 2017
- February 13 ~ The Heisenberg group: geometry, analysis, and number theory
Anton Lukyanenko, University of Michigan - February 14 ~ Rees-like Algebras and the Eisenbud-Goto Conjecture
Jason McCullough, Rider University - February 16 ~ Bayesian Filtering for Time-Varying Parameter Estimation in Biological Models
Andrea Arnold, North Carolina State University - February 17 ~ Multiscale inverse problems for partial differential equations and applications to sonar imaging
Christina Frederick, Georgia Institute of Technology - February 20 ~ Hidden symmetries in geometry, arithmetic, and physics >
Brent Doran, ETH - February 24 ~ Learning manifolds from data
Tyrus Berry, George Mason University - March 24 ~ Kernel methods for Koopman mode analysis and prediction: Ergodic and skew-product systems
Dimitris Giannakis, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences - April 21 ~ Basin entropy: a new tool to explore uncertainty in dynamical systems
Miguel Sanjuan, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Today's colloquium is presented jointly with the Department of Physics and Astronomy - May 5 ~ Inductive tools for graphs (and matroids)
Carolyn Chun, United States Naval Academy
Fall 2016
Fall, 2016
- September 9 ~ Symmetries of Knots
Swatee Naik, University of Nevada, Reno - September 23 ~ Playing with homotopy: does Khovanov homology lead to bouquets of spheres?
Jozef Przytycki, George Washington University - September 30 ~ How to make 3-D printed sculptures of 4-D things
Henry Segerman, Oklahoma State University - October 7 ~ To Replace or Not to Replace in Finite Population Sampling
Daniel Q. Naiman, Johns Hopkins University - October 14 ~ Uniform Algebras
Carl Weisman - October 28 ~ The Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomial of a matroid
Max Wakefield, United States Naval Academy - November 11 ~ Heads and Tails in a Klein-Gordon equation
Svetlana Roudenko, George Washington University
Spring 2016
Spring, 2016
- February 12 ~ Lie algebras and the rational homotopy groups of a topological space
Steve Halperin, University of Maryland, College Park - February 26 ~ Erdos-Szekeres type theorems for planar convex sets
T. Bisztriczky, University of Calgary - March 4 ~ Phase Retrieval using Structured Measurements
Yi Kai Liu, National Institute of Standards and Technology - March 25 ~ Phased matroids and matroids over hyperfields
Laura Anderson, Binghamton University - April 8 ~ Weighted composition operators on the space of analytic functions with derivative in the Hardy-Hilbert space
Robert Allen, University of Wisconsin, La Crosse - April 22 ~ Projection: A Unified Approach to Semi-Infinite Linear Optimization and Duality in Convex Programming
Amitabh Basu, Johns Hopkins University - April 29 ~ Mathematical Perseverance, or, Try to Hear What the Mathematics Is Trying to Tell You
George Andrews, Pennsylvania State University
Fall 2015
Fall, 2015
- August 28 ~How to sample a stochastic operator?
Götz Pfander,, Jacobs University Bremen - September 4 ~ Line tension of Lamuir-Blodgett films: theory and experiment
Jay Alexander, University of Maryland, College Park - September 11 ~ A flexible regression model for count data
Kimberly Sellers, Georgetown University - September 25 ~ The Atlas of Lie Groups and Representations
Jeffrey Adams, University of Maryland, College Park - October 2 ~ A survey of alternating permutations
Richard Stanley, Massachusetts Institute of Technology - October 9 ~ Shearer's Method in Ramsey Theory
Jacques Verstraëte , National Science Foundation - October 16 ~ Mean Minkowski Measures for Convex Sets and Grünbaum's Conjecture for Affine Diameters
Gabor Toth, Rutgers University, Camden - October 30 ~ Automated Conjecture-Making
Craig Larson, Virginia Commonwealth University - November 20 ~ Distance functions on computable graphs
Jennifer Chubb, University of San Francisco
Spring 2015
Spring, 2015
- January 23 ~ Probabilistic Analysis of QuickSort: An Overview
Jim Fill, Johns Hopkins University - February 6 ~ Integral point in orbits of morphisms on curves
Vijay Sookdeo, Catholic University of America - February 13 ~ Elliptic sequences and Pfaffian Triples
Michael Somos, Georgetown University - February 20 ~ From Broken Circuits to Monte Carlo: Approximating the Coefficients of the Chromatic Polynomial
Yvonne Kemper, National Institute of Standards and Technology - March 6 ~ A new nonmonotone spectral projected gradient method for semidefinite programming problem with log-determinant and l_1 norm objective function
Mituhiro Fukuda, Tokyo Institute of Technology - March 20 ~ Approximating the permanent
Francis Sullivan, IDA/Center for Computing Sciences - April 3 ~ Planar graphs are 9/2-colorable and have big independent sets
Dan Cranston, Virginia Commonwealth University - April 17 ~ Cellular automorphisms of embedded graphs and two mathematical applications
Lowell Abrams, George Washington University - April 24 ~ Multiple junctions in polycrystals
David Caraballo, Georgetown University
Fall 2014
Fall, 2014
- August 29 ~ Combinatorial Reciprocity Theorems
Matthias Beck, San Francisco State University - September 5 ~ The discrete Morse theory of Cech and Delaunay complexes
Herbert Edelsbrunner, Institute of Science and Technology Austria - September 19 ~ Three-dimensional affine crystals
Bill Goldman, University of Maryland - September 26 ~ Novel Stochastic Methods in Biochemical Electrostatics
Michael Mascagni, Florida State University (currently, NIST) - October 3 ~ Faculty Symposium organized by our SIAM Student Chapter
- October 17 ~ Jack Edmonds, University of Waterloo
- October 24 ~ Enumeration in polytopes and Coxeter groups
Lou Billera, Cornell University - November 7 ~ Patterns in permutations
Alex Burstein, Howard University - December 5 ~ Decision Problems and Representations
Ben McReynolds, Purdue University