Geometry MMA: Metrics, Measures, and Algorithms
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Geometry MMA: Metrics, Measures, and Algorithms
Unless noted otherwise, talks will be on Mondays at 10:30am. Everyone is encouraged to attend and join the conversations.
In-person talks will be in Exploratory Hall, room 4208.
Spring 2025
January 27
Finite-state machines and intrinsic metrics on horospheres in hyperbolic RACGs
Daniel Levitin, University of Wisconsin at Madison
March 17
Extensions of finitely generated Veech groups
Eliot Bongiovanni, Rice University
March 31
Abstract posted soon
Casandra Monroe, University of Texas at Austin
Past Seminars
Fall 2024
September 9
Bi-complex hyperbolic space and SL(3,C)-quasi-Fuchsian representations
Nicholas Rungi, Institut Fourier (Université Grenoble Alpes)
September 30
Curvature and holonomy on double Lie groupoids
Casey Blacker, GMU
October 7
Rigorous Dimension Estimates for Fractals and How to Find Them
Erik Wendt, University of Connecticut
October 18 (Special time 1:30pm - Joint with TADS)
Combinatorial Diagrams for Lagrangians in CP^2
Sarah Blackwell, University of Virginia
October 18 (Special time 3:30pm - Joint with Math Colloquium)
Byungchul Cha, Muhlenberg College
October 21
The ups and downs of negativo-affirmative arithmetick
Joseph Vandehey, University of Texas at Tyler
November 4
Recurrent Operators on Function Spaces
Gabriela Bulancea, GMU
November 11
Short curves of end-periodic mapping tori
Brandis Whitfield, Temple University
November 25
Self-similar constructions of fractals by substitution
Sylvester Eriksson-Bique, University of Jyväskylä
December 9
Alejandro Bravo-Doddoli, University of Michigan
Spring 2024
February 12
Counting and classifying right-angled links in thickened surfaces
Rose Kaplan-Kelly, George Mason University
February 19
The geometry of random hyperbolic subsurfaces
Francisco Arana Herrera, UMD
February 26
Counting fixed points of pseudo-Anosov maps
David Futer, Temple University
March 18
Harry Bray, George Mason University
March 22
Harry Bray, George Mason University
March 29
Bi-Lipschitz arcs in metric spaces
Scott Zimmerman, Ohio State University
April 1
Harry Bray, George Mason University
April 8
Exploration of Positive Knots and Links
Lizzie Buchanan, University of Iowa
April 29
Primitive-stable and Bowditch actions on hyperbolic spaces
Suzanne Schlich, Université Grenoble Alpes (Grenoble Alpes University)
Fall 2023
August 28
Dynamics of quaternionic continued fractions
Anton Lukyanenko, George Mason University
September 11
Van der Corput's Difference Theorem and the left regular representation
Sohail Farhangi, University of Adam Mickiewicz
September 18
Entropy of polynomial maps on Q_p
Chenxi Wu, University of Wisconsin
September 25
Moduli spaces of piecewise circular polygons and positivity
Jean-Philippe Burelle, University of Sherbrooke
October 10
Geodesic flows and slow downs of continued fraction maps
Claire Merriman, Davidson College
October 16
Normal numbers and the Borel hierarchy
Bill Mance, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
October 23
Embedding snowflakes of the Heisenberg group into Euclidean space
Alan Chang, Washington University in St. Louis
October 30
Right-angled links in thickened surfaces
Rose Kaplan-Kelly, George Mason University
November 6
Rosemberg Toalá-Enríquez, George Mason University
November 13
Combination Theorems for Discrete Convergence Groups
Alec Traaseth, University of Virginia
Spring 2023
February 20
Bi-Lipschitz geometry of quasiconformal trees
Vyron Vellis, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
March 6
Spaces of Pants Decompositions for Surfaces of Infinite Type
Beth Branman, UVA
March 20
Correlation theorem and Hitchin representations
Giuseppe Martone, Yale University
March 27
How to expand a number or a rational function as a sum of rapidly converging reciprocals
Neil Epstein, GMU
April 10
Relation between algebraic and dynamical properties of mapping classes of surfaces
Hyungryul (Harry) Baik, KAIST
April 17
The product structure of the equivariant cohomology rings of Peterson varieties in all Lie types
Brent Gorbutt, GMU
April 24
Isometries of Banach spaces of analytic functions
Flavia Colonna, GMU
May 1
Quantitative rectifiability and singular integrals in Heisenberg groups
Vasileios Chousionis, University of Connecticut
Fall 2022
September 12
On Positivity for the Peterson Variety
Rebecca Goldin, GMU
September 19
Countable Markov shifts for cusped Hitchin representations
Harry Bray, GMU
September 26
Entropy and drift for random walks on cocompact Fuchsian groups
Giulio Tiozzo, University of Toronto
October 3
Moduli spaces of connections on surfaces
Yiannis Loizides, GMU
October 17
Relating the dynamics of normal numbers for varying numeration systems
Joe Vandehey, University of Texas at Tyler
October 24
The Plaquette Random Cluster Model and Potts Lattice Gauge Theory
Ben Schweinhart, GMU
November 14
The Boundary at Infinity and Geodesic Currents
Noelle Sawyer, Southwestern University
Spring 2022
March 7
Convergence of higher-dimensional continued fractions
Anton Lukyanenko, George Mason University
March 28
Birkhoff Averages and the Breakdown of Invariant Sets
Evelyn Sander, George Mason University
April 18
Dynamics, Finite Fields, and Character Varieties: A Geometry Lab Project Working!
Sean Lawton, George Mason University
April 25
Pattern formation on random networks using graphons
Matt Holzer, George Mason University